India - East Asia
Chronology from Oct 2003 to Dec 2003
: Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf says he is ready to put aside its demand for a referendum in the disputed territory of Kashmir.
: India matches Pakistan’s ceasefire offer and offers to extend it to Siachen Glacier in the north.
: Pakistan offers ceasefire in Kashmir.
: Lt. Gen. Mohinder Singh, commander of 4th Corps of the Eastern Military Region of the Indian Armed Forces, leads delegation to Chinese military facilities in Tibet.
: Indian naval ships make port call in Shanghai prior to a one-day joint exercise “aimed at ensuring the safety of maritime trade and improving coordination in search-and-rescue at sea.”
: Indian VP Bhairon Singh Shekhawat travels to Myanmar to push for closer economic ties.
: Destroyer and missile corvette from the Indian Navy arrive in Malaysia for a three-day goodwill visit.
: Indian and Chinese special representatives hold talks on the resolution of the boundary dispute.
: PM Vajpayee becomes the first Indian PM to visit Thailand in a decade and the first foreign leader to address the Thai Parliament. India and Thailand announce completion of a free trade agreement.
: Following a meeting between PMs Vajpayee and Wen, Indian Foreign Secretary Kanwal Sibal announces that Beijing has removed Sikkim as an “independent country” from the official website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry.
: India and the Philippines agree to exchange information and intelligence to combat terrorism and to sign an extradition treaty on the sidelines of the ASEAN Summit.