
China - Southeast Asia


: 400;">: China’s coast guard expels a Philippine coast guard ship from waters adjacent to the contested Scarborough Shoal, prompting protests from senior officials in Manila.

: 400;">: Chinese Public Security Minister Wang Xiaohong meets Myanmar’s Home Affairs Minister, Lt. Gen. Yar Pyae, in Beijing. They discuss collaboration to crack down transborder crime, online syndicates, and scam centers operating along the two countries’ borders.

: 400;">: In response to China’s announcement of its annual fishing ban in the South China Sea from May to August, Vietnam’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs declares that the fishing ban violates Vietnam’s sovereignty over the Paracel Islands.

: 400;">: New satellite imagery from the Center for Strategic and International Studies shows that China’s naval vessels are operating and deployed permanently at Cambodia’s Ream Naval Base. The vessels are engaged in brief exercises at sea and have exclusive access to Ream.

: 400;">: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi visits Cambodia to meet senior Cambodian officials and discuss bilateral cooperation on security and economic ties. 

: 400;">: Chinese commentary criticizes the large-scale annual US-Philippines Balikatan military exercises from April 22 to May 10 involving over 16,000 participants.

: 400;">: First batch of three batteries of the shore-based, anti-ship variant of the Indian BrahMos missile system arrive in the Philippines against a background of low-level Chinese criticism of the agreement.

: 400;">: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi visits Jakarta to meet with his Indonesian counterpart Retno Marsudi. They call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. 

: 400;">: Chinese diplomats provide more detailed information supporting its claim about a “gentleman’s agreement” over Second Thomas Shoal.

: 400;">: China and Vietnam announce the establishment of a new hotline between the PLA’s Southern Theater Command and the Vietnamese navy to manage the risk of conflict and improve lines of communication between the two sides on maritime issues. 

: 400;">: Negative Chinese reactions to the US-Japan-Philippine summit in Washington on April 11 include formal Chinese demarches to Japanese and Philippine ambassadors in China attacking the “substantial new step in the US-led attempt to contain China.”

: 400;">: Chinese Coast Guard ship blocks a Philippine maritime research vessel and an accompanying escort ship from entering waters claimed by China for eight hours, an incident not discussed by the two governments but reported by foreign media based on tracking data.

: 400;">: China and Laos celebrate the first anniversary of the launch of cross-border passenger railway services linking Kunming in China’s Yunnan province with the Laotian capital of Vientiane. A new railway service line between Xishuangbanna, Yunnan’s southernmost tip, and Luang Prabang in northern Laos, is announced to mark the anniversary. The bilateral railway project, under China’s Belt and Road Initiative, has boosted cross-border trade and tourism.

: 400;">: China’s foreign ministry spokesperson says the Philippines “went back on its words” in refusing to remove the grounded warship on Second Thomas Shoal, in denying the existence of the “gentleman’s agreement” with China reached during the Duterte government by repeatedly infringing on China’s sovereignty, and abandoning the Marcos government’s “understanding” with China by sending construction material to reinforce the outpost on Second Thomas Shoal. Former President Duterte subsequently denies there was a gentleman’s agreement but repeated that at his first meeting with Xi the Chinese leader indicated that “China will go to war” to counter Philippine provocations.

: 400;">: Cambodian Senate President Hun Sen publicly denies reports and suggestions that a new navigation canal project through the country’s south would facilitate the entry of Chinese naval ships up the Mekong River. The 180-km Funan Techo canal will be built and operated by Chinese companies and will be operational by 2028.

: 400;">: Philippines, the United States, Japan, and Australia began their first full-scale military exercise in the South China Sea. The following day Chinese commentary takes aim at the exercises, focusing criticism on Japan, and not on Australia.

: 400;">: China carries out live-fire exercises near its border with Myanmar as it presses the country’s military and armed ethnic groups to implement a January truce brokered by Beijing.

: 400;">: China’s foreign ministry spokesperson claims the Marcos government betrayed trust by not abiding by alleged Sino-Philippines agreements to tow away the ship grounded on Second Thomas Shoal in 1999 and to not build permanent facilities on the reef.

: 400;">: ASEAN and China reaffirm commitment to enhance their Comprehensive Security Partnership at the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China Joint Cooperation Committee Meeting in Jakarta. Both sides agree to enhance cooperation through dialogue on nontraditional security, trade and investment, science and technology, public health, and the environment, among other issue areas.

: 400;">: Xi Jinping meets Indonesia’s President-elect Prabowo Subianto in Beijing. It is Prabowo’s first foreign trip since his election in February. Both leaders agree to deepen bilateral cooperation across all domains.

: 400;">: In the keynote speech at the annual Boao Forum for Asia, Chinese leader Zhao Leji ignores disputes over the South China Sea and stresses the positives in Chinese foreign policy.

: 400;">: China’s defense ministry spokesperson says repeated provocations by the Philippines were the immediate cause of rising tensions in the South China Sea, while US interference was the biggest factor causing turbulence there.

: 400;">: China adds India to the list of countries it criticizes over South China Sea matters following the Indian foreign minister’s visit to Manila resulting in a joint statement critical of China on the South China Sea.

: 400;">: Another major incident takes place involving Chinese Coast Guard ships blocking access to Second Thomas Shoal by a Philippines supply ship with construction materials and two accompanying Coast Guard vessels. Beijing accuses the United States of instigating Manila’s provocations and warns that Manila’s relations with China were “at a cross roads.”

: 400;">: China and Singapore announce that they will restart a high-level bilateral forum, the Social Governance Forum, in June. The forum will cover an in-depth exchange of views on cooperation in such areas as social governance, security and law enforcement, the building of rule of law, and managing interracial and religious diversity.

: 400;">: Chinese media begin criticizing the leaders of the US, Japan, and the Philippines in response to news of a trilateral summit between them in April, accusing the three governments of disrupting peace in the South China Sea.

: 400;">: China and Thailand sign memorandums of understanding to cooperate on the peaceful use of outer space and international lunar research stations. The two countries will form a joint working group on space exploration and applications, enhancing data exchanges and personnel training.

: 400;">: Chinese Coast Guard vessels use water cannons to block and prevent Philippines’ supply ships and coast guard vessels’ access to Second Thomas Shoal, a major incident that prompted swift rebuke from the Philippines. 

: 400;">: China and Thailand implement a bilateral visa waiver agreement, enabling visitors from both countries to travel between China and Thailand without visa requirements. The measure is seen as a way to revive Thailand’s tourism industry as the new Thai government aims to attract more than 8 million Chinese visitors in 2024. 

: 400;">: Official Chinese media reports that a Philippine government vessel with news reporters on board was expelled from waters near Scarborough Shoal by Chinese Coast Guard ships.

: 400;">: A US B-52 bomber flies with three Philippine jet fighters as part of three days of joint air patrols over disputed territory in the South China Sea, prompting Chinese condemnation.

: 400;">: China Daily criticizes Marcos for reneging on the alleged Jan. 17 agreement; it warns that China’s “considerable restraint” in dealing with Philippine “provocations” in waters near Second Thomas Shoal and Scarborough Shoal could end, leading to “conflict.”

: 400;">: CSIS Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative reports that Chinese Coast Guard and Maritime Militia blocking Philippine resupply missions to disputed Second Thomas Shoal had increased in frequency and intensity since 2022.

: 400;">: Chinese Defense Ministry spokesperson says Beijing is hopeful that the Jan. 17 meeting in Shanghai would lead to resolving disputes through dialogue and consultations.

: 400;">: Reacting to sharp Chinese criticism of a message congratulating the newly elected Taiwan president, President Marcos reaffirms his government’s one China policy.

: 400;">: Beijing highlights an alleged agreement at the Shanghai meeting to “efficiently manage maritime emergencies,” especially at Second Thomas Shoal.

: 400;">: China and the Philippines convene the 8th Bilateral Consultation Mechanism on the South China Sea in Shanghai. The two sides agree to manage maritime disputes through diplomacy and to maintain dialogue to avoid escalation.

: 400;">: China brokers a truce and ceasefire agreement in Kunming between Myanmar’s military regime and an alliance of Myanmar’s ethnic minority groups. The agreement also includes the disengagement of military personnel and the settlement of their disputes through negotiations.

: 400;">: Chinese Coast Guard ships are videotaped by the Philippines driving away Philippine fishing boats near the disputed Scarborough Shoal.

: 400;">: Official Chinese media publicizes an intelligence analyst’s claim that the Philippine government’s confrontation with China over the Philippine outpost on a long grounded warship on Second Thomas Shoal is motivated by the possible collapse of the ship, domestic Philippine politics involving a dispute between Marcos and former President Rodrigo Duterte, and intensifying US efforts “to contain” China.

: 400;">: China’s foreign ministry spokesperson condemns second US-Philippines patrol in the disputed South China Sea.

: 400;">Dec. 29, 2023: China opens the door to a conversation among defense chiefs by appointing a non-US sanctioned former Navy commander, Adm. Dong Jun, as its new defense minister, two months after his predecessor Gen. Li Shangfu was officially sacked.

: Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) extends COVID-related exclusions on the Section 301 tariffs on certain Chinese imports through May 31, 2024 to “enable the[ir] orderly review,” and effectively thereby pushing out further the date of conclusion of its ongoing four-year review of the Section 301 tariffs that began in May 2022. 

: 400;">Dec. 26, 2023: China’s foreign ministry spokesperson announces Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law-based countermeasures against a US intelligence data company Kharon and two researchers for providing “so-called evidence for America’s illegal sanctions related to Xinjiang,” during her regular press conference.   

: Department of Commerce’s Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement testifies that China has taken concrete steps to stem the flow of fentanyl precursor chemicals into the US during a House Foreign Affairs Oversight and Accountability Sub-committee hearing to review the Bureau of Industry and Security’s policies and practices.  

: Gen. Charles Q. Brown, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, holds a video meeting with Gen. Liu Zhenli, a member of the China’s Central Military Commission (CMC) and chief of the CMC Joint Staff Department at the invitation, as part of the efforts to maintain open lines of military-to-military communications. 

: Department of Commerce announces the launch of an industrial base survey of the US semiconductor supply chain to “bolster the semiconductor supply chain, promote a level playing field for legacy chip production, and reduce national security risks posed by the People’s Republic of China (PRC).” The announcement follows the release of an initial survey of the capabilities and challenges faced by the US semiconductor industry in which China is readily mentioned. 

: Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) adds 13 PRC companies to the Unverified List “on the basis that BIS was unable to verify their bona fides.”

: Head of US Indo-Pacific Command Adm. John Aquilino tells reporters in Tokyo that, “[s]ince the [Biden-Xi] summit, those [risky and coercive plane maneuvers] seem to have stopped,” also noting that “would be an incredibly positive outcome if that were to continue.”

: US condemns the prosecution of “pro-democracy advocate and media owner Jimmy Lai in Hong Kong under the PRC-imposed National Security Law.”

: President Biden delivers a statement on the 80th Anniversary of the Repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act to remember the harms resulting from the act and honor the people of Chinese heritage and their contributions to the US.

: Department of Commerce’s BIS removes four Chinese companies from the Unverified List “because BIS was able to verify their bona fides.”

: US Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns delivers public remarks on US-China relations at the Brookings Institution in which he mentions, among other topics, a mutual commitment to double scheduled passenger flights between the US and China in early 2024.

: Secretary of the Treasury Yellen delivers remarks on the US-China economic relationship at the US-China Business Council’s 50th Anniversary Dinner, and discusses the plans for the Biden administration’s economic approach to China.

: Financial Times releases an article reporting that Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for China Chase “recently” met Maj. Gen. Liu Zhan, the PRC’s defense attaché in Washington, which took place prior to the Biden-Xi summit. 

: Chinese President Xi Jinping makes a state visit to Vietnam to strengthen bilateral ties. During the meeting with Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Phu Trong and senior Vietnamese officials, the two sides declare that Hanoi would support China’s vision of building a “community with a shared future,” and promote collaboration on joint infrastructure projects and investment in the green economy. 

: Noting that Chinese ships “employed water cannons and reckless maneuvers” near Second Thomas Shoal, the Department of State releases a press statement to show “support for the Philippines in the South China Sea.”

: Department of Homeland Security designates three additional PRC-based companies to the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act Entity List.

: Department of State’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor releases a report to Congress on the Imposition of Sanctions Pursuant to the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act, as is required by Section 6(a) of the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020.

: Two Chinese naval vessels become the first ships to dock at a new pier at Cambodia’s Ream Naval Base. The docking coincides with an official visit to Cambodia by China’s Vice Chair of the Central Military Commission He Weidong.

: US Navy P-8A Poseidon transits the Taiwan Strait in international airspace.

: Leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) meet virtually and release a Leaders’ Statement which says the G7 “stand prepared to build constructive and stable relations with China” but remain committed to “push for a level playing field” for workers and companies and remain “seriously concerned” about the situation in the East and South China Seas.

: US Secretary of State Blinken and China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi have a phone call at the former’s request.

: Senior Chinese and Singapore officials meet in Tianjin for the 19th Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation. The two sides agree to upgrade their bilateral free trade agreement and to initiate a visa-free program. More than 20 memoranda of understanding are signed to deepen two-way trade and people-to-people exchanges.

: China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi goes to the US Embassy in China to mourn the passing of former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

: Department of Commerce releases two proposed guidance on electric vehicle tax credits under the US Inflation Reduction Act to prohibit tax credit recipients from manufacturing battery components or extracting critical minerals in China.

: In a press briefing for the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP28), US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Kerry highlights the importance of the US-China partnership to fight the climate crisis and deliver progress at COP28.

: US Navy destroyer USS Hopper conducts a freedom of navigation operation in the South China Sea near the Paracel Islands.

: Chinese ambassador to Myanmar Chen Hai meets U Than Swe, deputy prime minister and foreign minister of Myanmar, in Naypyitaw. The meeting convenes amid intense fighting between Myanmar’s troops and armed ethnic groups in the areas bordering China.

: Broadcom and VMware announce that they intend to close the former’s acquisition of the latter after receiving all required regulatory approvals, including the final one outstanding from China’s anti-trust regulator, the State Administration for Market Regulation.   

: President Biden states in his remarks at the APEC Leaders Retreat Meeting in San Francisco how he and President Xi had a brief discussion during their in-person meeting a few days before about the “impact of artificial intelligence and how we have to work on it.”

: Department of Commerce’s BIS announces that it has removed the Ministry of Public Security’s Institute of Forensic Science of China from the Entity List.

: ASEAN defense chiefs and counterparts from regional partners like the United States, China, and Russia, meet in Jakarta for the 10th ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting-Plus. The security dialogue provides a forum to exchange views and identify areas of cooperation on such security issues as the South China Sea, Myanmar, and the Korean Peninsula, as well as the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza. 

: President Biden provides remarks and holds a press conference following the conclusion of meetings with President Xi in which he details the main accomplishments and outcomes of the “candid,” “constructive and productive” bilateral meetings.

: President Xi delivers a speech at a welcome dinner by friendly organizations in the US, where he champions people-to-people ties as the foundation of China-US relations.   

: China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi gives a readout on the significance and features of the Xi-Biden meeting to the press, in which he describes the meeting as strategic and historic as well as one that provides stewardship.

: Secretary of Commerce Raimondo and China’s Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao hold first ministerial meeting following the Xi-Biden meeting in California and conduct “pragmatic, constructive and fruitful communication on China-US economic and trade relations and economic and trade issues of common concern.”

: US Vice-President Kamala Harris meets President Marcos of the Philippines during which she “reiterated the United States stands shoulder-to-shoulder in defending the Philippines’ sovereign rights and jurisdiction in the South China Sea” and reaffirmed the United States’ defense commitment under the 1951 US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty.

: President Biden and Chinese President Xi have a “candid,” “in-depth,” and “constructive” conversation on the bilateral relationship and a range of global issues in Woodside, CA. They agree to promote and strengthen bilateral dialogue and cooperation in areas AI and counternarcotics; resume high-level communication between the two militaries; and work toward a significant further increase in scheduled passenger flights, among others.

: US Presidential Climate Envoy Kerry and Chinese counterpart Xie Zhenhua jointly release the “Sunnylands Statement on Enhancing Cooperation to Address the Climate Crisis,” committing both countries to deeper cooperation on methane reductions.

: In a news interview with CBSFace the Nation,” White House National Security Adviser Sullivan says that reestablishing US-China military ties “has been a priority for President Biden” so as to reduce “miscalculations” and secure US national security interests.

: Secretary of the Treasury Yellen and PR China Vice Premier He meet in San Francisco where they hold “candid, direct, and productive discussions on the US-China bilateral economic relationship and a wide range of issues.”

: Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance Mallory Stewart meets PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director-General of Arms Control Sun Xiaobo and holds “a candid and in-depth discussion on issues related to arms control and nonproliferation.”

: It is reported that the office of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin made a formal request to meet with Austin’s Chinese counterpart on the sidelines of the upcoming ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting-Plus (ADMM+) in Jakarta, Indonesia.

: Special Advisor on International Disability Rights Sara Minkara and Department of Labor Assistant Secretary for Disability Employment Policy Taryn Williams meet the China Disabled Persons” Federation (CDPF) to resume the US-China Coordination Meeting on Disability.

: Ambassador to the PRC Nicholas Burns leads the first official US representation at the China International Import Expo in Shanghai.

: US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Kerry and China’s Special Envoy for Climate Change Xie Zhenhua meet at Sunnylands, California, where they sign the Sunnylands Agreement on “Enhancing Cooperation to Address the Climate Crisis.” (The statement was released by the US on Nov. 14, 2023, local time and by China on Nov. 15, 2023, local time.)

: 400;">Nov. 3, 2023: US Department of State China Coordinator and Deputy Assistant Secretary for China and Taiwan Mark Lambert holds “substantive, constructive, and candid discussions on a range of maritime issues” with China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director-General for Boundary and Ocean Affairs Hong Liang. 

: US Navy destroyer USS Dewey conducts a freedom of navigation operation in the South China Sea near the Spratly Islands.

: Speaking at an Asia Society event, Secretary of the Treasury Yellen delivers remarks on the “Biden Administration’s Economic Approach Toward the Indo-Pacific” in which she reiterated how “the United States does not seek to decouple from China.”

: Destroyer from the US Navy 7th Fleet and a frigate from the Royal Canadian Navy jointly conduct a “routine Taiwan Strait transit through waters where high-seas freedoms of navigation and overflight apply in accordance with international law.”

: Government representatives from the US and China attend the AI Safety Summit convened by the UK in Bletchley Park and are listed as participants who adhere to The Bletchley Declaration.

: Department of Defense’s principal director for China, Taiwan, and Mongolia Xanthi Carras attends the 10th Xiangshan Forum in Beijing, with a view to restarting direct military-to-military contact between the US and PRC.

: President Biden meets China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi in the White House, and conveys his condolences on the passing of former Premier Li Keqiang.  

: US Indo-Pacific Command releases a statement saying that “a People’s Republic of China J-11 pilot executed an unsafe intercept of a US Air Force B-52 aircraft” on Oct. 24, 2023 while the latter was “lawfully conducting routine operations over the South China Sea in international airspace.”

: Secretary of State Blinken meets PRC Foreign Minister Wang in Washington “as part of ongoing efforts to maintain open lines of communication on a full range of issues.”

: US and PRC hold first meeting of the Financial Working Group, “which serves as an ongoing channel for both countries to discuss financial policy matters and cooperation on common challenges.”

: California Gov. Gavin Newsom meets Chinese President Xi in Beijing. Newsom, joined by US Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns, also meets China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Vice President Han Zheng and signs a new climate-focused Memorandum of Understanding with National Development and Reform Commission Chairman Zheng Shanjie. 

: US and PRC hold first meeting of the Economic Working Group, “which serves as an ongoing channel to discuss and facilitate progress on bilateral economic policy matters.”

: Department of State releases a statement on “US Support for our Philippine Allies in the Face of Repeated PRC Harassment in the South China Sea.”

: Department of Defense releases its annual report on “Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China.”

: Department of Commerce’s BIS adds 13 Chinese companies to the Entity List for aiding the AI capabilities of China’s military and high-tech surveillance sector and, thus, “acting contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States.”

: Department of Commerce’s BIS tightens export controls on advanced semiconductor and manufacturing equipment as well as supercomputing items to China.

: Department of Defense releases “a collection of declassified images and videos depicting 15 recent cases of coercive and risky operational behavior by the PLA against US aircraft operating lawfully in international airspace in the East and South China Sea regions.”

: US Navy P-8A Poseidon aircraft transits the Taiwan Strait in international airspace to “demonstrate the United States” commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific.” 

: China’s Ministry of Commerce announces restrictions, starting Dec. 1, on the export of several categories of high-purity natural and synthetic graphite materials vital to the clean tech and electric vehicle (EV) industries.

: US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, leading a bipartisan Senate delegation team, meets Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing.

: Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctions 28 individuals and entities involved with the manufacture and distribution of fentanyl, methamphetamine, and MDMA precursors. Alongside, the Department of Justice announces eight indictments charging China-based companies and their employees with “crimes relating to fentanyl and methamphetamine production, distribution of synthetic opioids, and sales resulting from precursor chemicals.”

: Department of State introduces new China Coordinator and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for China and Taiwan, Mark Lambert, who is to “oversee the Office of China Coordination and the Office of Taiwan Coordination in the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs.”

: Department of State’s Global Engagement Center releases a special report on “How the People’s Republic of China Seeks to Reshape the Global Information Environment.”

: US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, National Security Agency, and Federal Bureau of Investigation, joined by Japan National Police Agency and Japan National Center of Incident Readiness and Strategy for Cybersecurity, publish a “Joint Cybersecurity Advisory” about “malicious activity by People’s Republic of China (PRC)-linked cyber actors known as BlackTech.”

: Department of State, together with the departments of the Treasury, Commerce, Homeland Security, and Labor and the Office of the US Trade Representative, issues an Addendum to the 2021 Updated Xinjiang Supply Chain Business Advisory to “call attention to the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) ongoing genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang and the evidence of widespread use of forced labor there.”

: Department of Commerce’s BIS adds 11 entities based in China to the Entity List for national security concerns, including implication in “a conspiracy to violate US export controls.”

: US and China launch an Economic Working Group and a Financial Working Group that will report directly to Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen and Vice Premier He Lifeng.

: Defense officials from the US and the PRC hold a hybrid in-person and virtual meeting to discuss the Department’s recently released 2023 DOD Cyber Strategy Unclassified Summary and to engage in “substantive discussion on a range of cyber-related topics.”

: US Department of Commerce releases the final rule implementing the national security guardrails of the CHIPS and Science Act, including the rules that prohibit recipients of CHIPS funds from materially expanding semiconductor manufacturing capacity in China.

: US Assistant Secretary of Defense Ely Ratner tells the House Armed Services Committee that the Department of Defense is working with other US agencies and US “allies and friends” to “strengthen deterrence across the Taiwan Strait.”

: President Biden delivers remarks to the 78th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA), and reiterates that the US seeks to “responsibly manage the competition between our countries so it does not tip into conflict” and seeks “de-risking, not decoupling with China.”

: US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry meets PRC Vice President Han Zheng on the margins of the 78th UNGA, where the two sides “discussed the critical importance of bilateral and multilateral efforts to address the climate crisis, including to promote a successful COP 28.”

: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets PRC Vice President Han Zheng on the sidelines of the 78th United Nations General Assembly in New York City.

: Chinese Premier Li Qiang meets Malaysian counterpart Anwar Ibrahim in Nanning on the sidelines of the 20th China-ASEAN Expo. They agree to maintain open communication over differences in the South China Sea conflict, and sign three memoranda of understanding on trade, business, and economic initiatives worth over $3 billion.  

: US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan meets Chinese Communist Party Politburo Member, Director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Malta.

: Department of Defense releases its 2023 Cyber Strategy Summary in which the PRC is listed as the first among several state and non-state actors in a “contested cyberspace.”

: US Navy destroyer USS Ralph Johnson (DDG 114) and Royal Canadian Navy frigate HMCS Ottawa (FFH 341) operate in the South China Sea as part of a joint exercise.

: US Navy destroyer USS Ralph Johnson (DDG 114) and Royal Canadian Navy frigate HMCS Ottawa (FFH 341) conduct “a routine Taiwan Strait transit…through waters where high-seas freedoms of navigation and overflight apply in accordance with international law.”

: President Biden attends the 18th G20 Summit and talks to PRC Premier Li Qiang on the margins of the summit.

: US Vice President Kamala Harris attends the East Asia Summit in Jakarta, Indonesia, where she “emphasized that freedom of navigation and overflight must be respected in the East China Sea and South China Sea” and “reaffirmed US support for the 2016 UN arbitral tribunal ruling and noted this ruling is final and legally binding.”

: US Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) adds 42 Chinese companies to its Entity List, effective Oct. 6, for supplying US-origin integrated circuits to Russian intermediaries and end-users.

: Regional leaders convene in Indonesia for a number of high-level meetings, including the 43rd ASEAN Summit and the 18th East Asia Summit. Discussions focus on strengthening regional trade, developments in the Myanmar crisis, as well as on the code of conduct negotiations on the South China Sea. Southeast Asian leaders agree on the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific, an Indonesia-led initiative that outlines the group’s position on regional cooperation and security, and its stance on not taking sides with any major powers competing for influence in the region.

: US Navy destroyer USS Ralph Johnson (DDG 114) conducts a “bilateral sail” with Philippine Navy guided-missile frigate BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150) in the South China Sea “to enhance the interoperability between the two navies.”

: US President Joe Biden says he is “disappointed” that Chinese President Xi Jinping will not attend the 18th G20 Summit, but said that he is “going to get to see” the Chinese president, presumably, later in the year.

: China’s People’s Liberation Army Southern Theater Command and the Singapore Armed Forces announce that they will conduct “Exercise Cooperation,” a two-week joint exercise that will commence in mid-September and focus on tactical training, and small arms live firing, among other activities.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi is on a four-day, three-country visit to Southeast Asia that includes Singapore, Malaysia, and Cambodia. The tour signals China’s intention to shore up diplomatic relations and deepen engagement with Southeast Asia. In Singapore, Wang’s meetings and discussion with Singapore’s leaders conclude with Singapore’s in-principle support for China’s interest in joining the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

: Chinese President Xi Jinping meets Indonesian President Joko Widodo in Chengdu. Both leaders agree to enhance bilateral cooperation in the areas of public health, research and technology, as well as regional security and development.

: Southeast Asian foreign ministers convene in Jakarta for the region’s semi-annual meeting and for their meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. ASEAN and China agree on the “Guidelines for Accelerating the Early Conclusion of an Effective and Substantive Code of Conduct” to expedite the negotiations. In addition, ASEAN and Chinese diplomats engage in discussions to more fully implement the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), a trade deal involving 15 countries in the region.

: Philippine military raises concerns about the increasing presence of Chinese coast guard ships and militia vessels in the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone, specifically near Sabina Shoal, Second Thomas Shoal, and the Reed Bank. The Philippines’ air surveillance missions also report that Chinese coast guard vessels are shadowing and firing water cannons at the Philippine coast guard ships escorting boats on a resupply mission for Philippine naval soldiers stationed in the Second Thomas Shoal.

: Indonesia, host of ASEAN’s first-ever joint military drills in the South China Sea due in late September, announces that it will move the location of the regional exercise to the South Natuna Sea, closer to Indonesian waters.

: Eurasia Group reports on new survey results regarding Asia’s views on US and China’s influence in the region. The survey of 1,500 adults from Singapore, South Korea, and the Philippines finds that Singaporeans are less worried about rising great power tensions and have a more balanced view of US-China competition, compared to others. Most respondents across the three countries have a positive view of US influence, with Singaporeans being more evenly divided: 63% of those surveyed think China’s influence has been positive, while 64% think the same of the United States.

: China and Singapore defense establishments agree to set up a secure, bilateral hotline to strengthen high-level communication between their defense leaders.

: Chinese Premier Li Qiang meets Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong in Beijing. The two sides discuss furthering bilateral cooperation in such areas as energy, digitalization, sustainability, and increasing people-to-people exchanges.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang visits the China-Myanmar border areas in southwestern Yunnan province. Qin calls for local authorities in the border town of Ruili to maintain friendly cooperation with Myanmar.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang meets UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy on Myanmar, Noeleen Heyzer, in Beijing. Qin reiterates China’s position to respect Myanmar’s sovereignty and that China is willing to provide support to ASEAN and UN’s mediation efforts.

: China and Singapore hold a four-day joint naval exercise in regional waters. The exercise comprises both shore and sea phases and involves frigates and mine countermeasure vessels from both navies.

: People’s Liberation Army Navy provides additional assurances to the Royal Thai Navy regarding a submarine deal, with Chinese defense authorities pledging warranty, compensation, and safety if the Royal Thai Navy proceeds with a Chinese-made engine as a substitute for a German-made one for its acquisition of a S26T Yuan-class submarine being assembled in China.

: Officials from China, Myanmar, and Bangladesh hold a tripartite meeting in Kunming to discuss the coordination of the repatriation of 1,000 Rohingyas.

: Chinese and Vietnamese Coast Guard vessels carry out their first joint patrol in 2023 in the Gulf of Tonkin. For the first time, the patrol is jointly commanded by the director-general of the Chinese Coast Guard and the commander of the Vietnamese Coast Guard.

: Chinese officials attend the Mekong River Commission summit in Vientiane, Laos. The meeting convenes amidst increasing concerns about Chinese dam activities that are withholding water upstream and affecting the downstream basin. A joint study is being conducted by MRC members along the Mekong River to examine changing hydrological conditions along the river and propose adaptation measures.

: China and Cambodia conclude “Golden Dragon-2023” joint military exercise. The live drills focus on humanitarian relief operations, hostage rescue, epidemic disinfection, mine clearance, and explosive removal, with more than 3,000 participating troops from the two militaries forming a joint armed force.

: Chinese Premier Li meets Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim in Beijing. They agree to engage in further consultation on the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea and the prospects for bilateral cooperation to help maintain regional security and stability. They also agree to deepen trade relations under the Belt and Road Initiative, including expediting the East Coast Rail Link project.

: Chinese President Xi meets visiting Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in Beijing. They agree to upgrade bilateral ties to a “high-quality, future-oriented partnership” and to extend cooperation to science and technology as well as supply chains. Earlier in Lee’s six-day visit to China, he met Chinese Premier Li Qiang, who reaffirmed in his meeting with Lee that China supports ASEAN centrality in regional affairs and that China’s relations with ASEAN is a priority in its foreign and security policy.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang meets Malaysian Foreign Minister Zambry Abd Kadir in Beijing. Both agree to deepen bilateral economic and security cooperation. Qin also holds a phone conversation with Vietnamese counterpart Bui Thanh Son to mark the 15th anniversary of the two countries’ “comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.” The two ministers agree to strengthen strategic communication, political trust, and intensify bilateral cooperation at all levels and sectors. The phone conversation comes as bilateral tensions spike following a reportedly tense encounter between a Chinese Coast Guard ship and a Vietnamese fisheries patrol boat in the South China Sea.

: China’s Vice Foreign Minister Sun Weidong visits the Philippines to discuss issues related to disputes in the South China Sea with Philippine Foreign Minister Enrique Manalo. The visit and meeting follow announcement of US expansion of its military presence and base agreements in the Philippines. Sun conveys Beijing’s concern and indicates that the region should engage in joint efforts to “exclude external interference and take ownership of our own development and regional affairs firmly into our own hands.”

: ASEAN and Chinese officials meet for a three-day discussion for the “China-ASEAN Joint Working Group on the Implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (JWG-DOC).” ASEAN officials indicate that there is a commitment from all sides to intensify negotiations and that the Code of Conduct will be actionable and binding and consistent with international law.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang visits Indonesia and meets Indonesian counterpart Retno Marsudi. They take part in the 4th meeting of the Joint Commission on Bilateral Cooperation and discuss prospects for strengthening bilateral trust, defense and economic cooperation, and coordination of regional security policies. Qin indicates that China is willing to accelerate negotiations with ASEAN on the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea.

: Philippine Coast Guard accuses a Chinese Coast Guard ship of directing a “military-grade” laser at one of its vessels that was supporting a rotation and resupply mission of the Philippine Navy in the Second Thomas Shoal.

: President Xi meets Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen in Beijing. They announce deepening bilateral cooperation in agriculture, infrastructure, energy, cross-border crime, mine clearance, and cultural exchanges.

: Indonesia deploys a warship to its North Natuna Sea to monitor a Chinese Coast Guard vessel that had been active in the resource-rich area in Indonesia’s exclusive economic zone. Indonesia and Vietnam had entered into a joint agreement for Indonesia to develop the Tuna gas field in the Natuna Sea.

: Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) marks its one-year anniversary. The regional trade deal covers nearly a third of the world’s population and accounts for nearly 30% of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP). RCEP seeks to integrate supply chains and ease trade barriers among the 15 signatory states and aims to cover nearly half of global GDP by 2030.

: Chinese President Xi Jinping meets visiting Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. in Beijing. They sign 14 agreements stepping up bilateral cooperation in areas such as trade and investment, agriculture, renewable energy, infrastructure development, and maritime security cooperation. They also agree to set up direct communication channels to manage maritime disputes in the South China Sea.

: President of the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos Jr. announces that he will visit China in early January 2023 amid tension and disputes in the South China Sea. The Philippines Department of Foreign Affairs announces that during the visit, both sides will sign an agreement to open direct communication lines and avoid tensions and accidents in the South China Sea.

: Philippines lodges formal complaints against and criticisms of China’s latest incursions in the South China Sea, during which Chinese vessels entered disputed waters around the Iroquois Reef and Sabina Shoal in early December, just weeks after an encounter between the Philippine Navy and the Chinese Coast Guard.

: A senior Philippine foreign affairs official shares that ASEAN member states and China are negotiating the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea “very seriously, very delicately,” with the conclusion of the second reading of the document in sight. Noel Novicio, Philippines’ Deputy Assistant Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Executive Director for ASEAN Affairs, cautions that in spite of the progress, the final text and substantive aspects of the Code of Conduct remain far from being finalized.

: Laotian President Thongloun Sisoulith visits Beijing and meets his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping. The two heads of state agree to deepen bilateral ties in the areas of law enforcement, and defence cooperation, as well as economic, trade, and investment exchanges.

: Malaysia’s new prime minister, Anwar Ibrahim, says he will continue to maintain stable ties with China as he seeks to emphasize economic engagement, while avoiding confrontation on contentious issues. When asked to comment on how his government will manage foreign policy issues, Anwar indicates that he would continue to pursue positive and pragmatic ties with the United States and China.

: 9th ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting-Plus (ADMM-Plus) convenes in Siem Reap, Cambodia, where regional defense chiefs adopt a joint declaration to promote peace and security in the region. The declaration reaffirms the ADMM-Plus countries’ commitment to promoting regional stability by reinforcing strategic trust and mutual confidence.

: Philippine Navy rubber boats and Chinese Coast Guard inflatable boats engage in an encounter concerning rocket debris that the Philippine Navy found floating off the coast of Thitu Island in the Spratlys. The Chinese Coast Guard crew members were seen cutting the towing line the Philippine Navy officers had placed to retrieve the rocket debris.

: President Xi arrives in Bali and holds talks with Indonesian counterpart Joko Widodo. They agree to expand infrastructure and maritime cooperation and deepen “strategic coordination” in regional affairs, especially with regard to building synergy between China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Indonesia’s Global Maritime Fulcrum, Jakarta’s vision to turn the country into a global maritime hub. Xi is in Bali to attend the Group of 20 summit, meeting other world leaders, including US President Joe Biden.

: Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs clarifies that China’s aid to expand and upgrade Cambodia’s Ream Naval base reflects a “normal activity of providing assistance,” and refutes media reports that the activities are targeted at any third party.

: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang visits Cambodia for a six-day visit and delivers a development assistance package of nearly $30 million while signing 18 agreements on bilateral aid and cooperation on agriculture trade, infrastructure development, public health, and education projects. Following his state visit to Cambodia, Li will stay on for a series of ASEAN meetings with regional leaders.

: Chinese Vice Premier Han Zheng visits Singapore for the 18th Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation. The two sides sign 19 memorandums of understanding and agreements on issues ranging from public health, tourism exchanges, green financing and development, e-commerce, and innovation cooperation. China and Singapore also agree to speed up negotiations on the China-Singapore free trade agreement and move forward on implementing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, the world’s largest trade agreement that went into effect in 2022.

: Chinese President Xi Jinping hosts Vietnamese leader and General Secretary of the Vietnamese Communist Party Nguyen Phu Trong. During their summit, both leaders pledge to expand security and economic partnership, including focusing on building a “stable industrial chain and supply chain system.” Other highlights of the talks include an agreement to “properly manage” differences and maintain regional stability in the South China Sea.

: The 19th China-ASEAN Expo convenes in Nanning, Guangxi, in China. The four-day trade expo seeks to promote regional business and economic cooperation between China and ASEAN. More than 1,000 companies and enterprises from around the region registered to take part in the annual trade fair.

: China and Thailand conclude “Exercise Falcon Strike,” an 11-day joint air force exercise in northeast Thailand. The drill focuses on deepening practical cooperation and involves deployment of some of China’s latest air force assets, including a JH-7AI fighter-bomber, six J-10 fighter jets, and KJ-500 airborne early warning aircraft. The timing of the exercise coincided with another regional military drill, “Super Garuda Shield,” hosted by the United States and Indonesia and involves a dozen other countries including Japan, Australia, and Singapore.

: Chinese Defense Ministry announces that it is sending fighter jets and bombers to Thailand for a joint exercise with the Royal Thai Armed Forces. The exercise will include training for air support, strikes on ground targets, and troop deployment.

: FM Wang Yi visits Cambodia and meets ASEAN foreign ministers. In a multilateral meeting with regional diplomats, Wang maintains that China will continue to invest in and promote regional development for ASEAN countries.

: ASEAN issues a statement following meeting of the group’s regional foreign ministers in Phnom Penh. It calls for “maximum restraint” in the Taiwan Strait, urging against any “provocative action” following US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan. The statement is released as China announces the start of a four-day, live-fire drill around Taiwan.

: Chinese President Xi Jinping meets visiting Indonesian counterpart Joko Widodo in Beijing. They pledge to deepen bilateral ties through China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Indonesia’s Global Maritime Fulcrum. Widodo personally extends an invitation to Xi to attend November’s G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia.

: China and Vietnam agree to speed up establishment of a hotline to respond to marine fisheries incidents and to cooperate in search and rescue missions at sea.

: FM Wang Yi visits Thailand and meets with Thai counterpart Don Pramwudwinai. They exchange views on regional security and agree to deepen bilateral economic ties. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership between Thailand and China.

: FM Wang Yi continues his Southeast Asia tour and meets senior leaders in the Philippines, including President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. They discuss bilateral political, security, and economic relations.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi arrives in Myanmar and becomes the highest-ranking Chinese official to visit the country since the coup in February 2021. Wang meets with foreign ministers from the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Group in Bagan, Myanmar. In the meeting, Wang pledges that China will share more data on the Mekong River with the group amid growing concerns and criticisms that China’s activities upstream are causing flooding and drought in downstream countries and affecting nearly 70 million people in the lower basin of the Mekong River.

: Pew Research Center releases new global public opinion poll showing that concerns about China’s human rights record has grown, with increasing unfavorable views of China among survey respondents in North America and Europe.

: Chinese embassy in Cambodia confirms that Beijing has provided aid for the renovation project for Cambodia’s Ream Naval Base. China maintains that its military will boost bilateral cooperation as it helps modernize and build the capacity of Cambodia’s navy. The Cambodian government reiterates that it does not allow foreign military bases in the country, countering reports that China is developing the naval base for the People’s Liberation Army Navy’s use.

: Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative reports three separate incidents in the last two months in which Chinese law enforcement vessels challenge Philippine marine research and hydrocarbon exploration ships in the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone.

: US President Joe Biden hosts the leaders of Southeast Asia in Washington, DC. The US-Southeast Asia summit focuses on cooperation, including regional trade, human rights, and climate change. The summit seeks to counter China’s increasing influence in Asia, with the White House announced new investments of about $150 million in its partnership with Southeast Asia, and the deployment of additional maritime assets, led by US Coast Guard, to help enforce maritime laws in the region.

: Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha announces that a submarine deal with China could be annulled if a specific term of agreement in the earlier deal is not implemented. Under the terms of the deal, submarine engines were to be provided by Germany and to be fitted on the Chinese S26T Yuan-class submarine that is being built for the Royal Thai Navy. The German company supplying the engines, however, was barred from making the sale to China due to an embargo as they are designated a military item. China had indicated that it would find a suitable replacement with Chinese-made submarine engines.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi meets with regional counterparts from Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Myanmar. In each of the bilateral meetings, the regional diplomats exchange views on the Russia-Ukraine crisis, as well as on regional security and economic issues, including affirming the significance of ASEAN’s five-point consensus on Myanmar and its implementation, as well enhancing trade and infrastructure development under the Belt and Road Initiative.

: Philippines and the US carry out a 12-day Balikatan military exercise focusing on maritime security, amphibious, urban, and aviation operations, counter-terrorism, and humanitarian assistance. The military drill comes at a time of heightened tensions between the Philippines and China over the South China Sea.

: Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore’s prime minister, visits the United States and meets with President Joseph Biden and other senior US officials. The two leaders discuss the state of bilateral ties and regional security issues, including North Korea and Myanmar. In the midst of growing uncertainty in US-China relations, Singapore emphasizes that it would continue to deepen security ties with the US, while urging the two external powers to provide continued leadership in the form of public goods and concrete trade and economic investments in the region.

: Philippines summons China’s ambassador in Manila to explain the “illegal intrusion and lingering presence” of a Chinese navy reconnaissance ship that had entered Philippine waters without permission the previous month. The Philippine Foreign Ministry statement indicates that the Chinese vessel lingered in its waters from Jan. 29 to Feb. 1 and ignored repeated demands from the Philippine forces to leave the area.

: Vietnam lodges a complaint and urges China to respect its exclusive economic zone and sovereignty after China had earlier announced military drills in the vicinity of China’s Hainan Islands in South China Sea from March 4-15. 

: According the The Irrawaddy, a Thailand-based English news website on Myanmar, the junta convened an emergency meeting to discuss the implications of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine for Myanmar. The report notes that the junta assumes there is a risk that Myanmar would face invasion by neighbors like China, just as Ukraine has been invaded by its larger and more powerful neighbor. While the junta acknowledges that such an invasion would not occur in normal times, it asserts that China may “take matters into its own hand if and when Myanmar’s military is incapable of protecting Chinese interests in the country.” 

: ASEAN foreign ministers meet in Phnom Penh to discuss the latest developments in regional security. They agree to apply continued pressure on the junta in Myanmar, including the decision that Myanmar could only send nonpolitical representatives to ASEAN meetings and to expedite implementation of the five-point consensus adopted in April 2021. Regional foreign ministers also agree to an early conclusion of a robust code of conduct with China over the South China Sea and aim to finalize the agreement by the end of this year.

: Senior Chinese and Laotian officials meet during a videoconference to celebrate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations and agree to deepen bilateral economic and security ties. China also agrees to provide additional medical equipment and COVID-19 vaccinations to support Lao’s efforts to combat the pandemic. 

: Philippines welcomes the US State Department’s latest report on the South China Sea, which affirms the validity of the 2016 Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague’s ruling and the finding that China’s expansive maritime claims are “unlawful.” 

: Vietnam’s foreign ministry officials reject reports from Chinese media that Vietnam has been supporting and arming militia fishing vessels in the maritime dispute.

: Following the opening of the China-Laos high speed railway line in December 2021, China’s plans for extending the pan-Asia railway through Indochina are stalled. Thailand announces that it will review the initial terms of agreement with China on the railway construction, especially the requirement that only Chinese materials and workers be employed for construction and that China be granted rights to develop areas along the railway line. 

: Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) kicks into effect as the world’s largest trade pact. RCEP covers nearly a third of global gross domestic product. In addition to tariff reductions and eliminations, RCEP will enhance regional trade with preferential market access, allowing for greater flexibility to draw on regional supply chains.

: Senior Chinese and Singaporean officials meet virtually for the 17th Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation meeting. The two sides agree on a number of projects, signing 14 pacts that cover such issues as finance and digital trade, conservation, and sustainability.

: Commemorating the 74th anniversary of Myanmar’s Navy, Myanmar officially takes possession of a Chinese diesel electric submarine. Myanmar’s navy plans to expand its fleet of both surface vessels and submarines.

: Indonesia announces that it is planning on sending fishing boats on a regular basis to the Natuna Islands to report irregular activities in the waters north of the islands, near the contested South China Sea, after China’s recent demand that Indonesia stop drilling for oil and gas in the disputed area.

: China-Laos high-speed railway is inaugurated and officially begins operation. Construction for the railway began in December 2016 and cost nearly $6 billion. The railway covers about 1,000 km and connects Vientiane, Lao’s capital, to Kunming in China’s Yunnan province. Due to the pandemic, trains will not carry passengers across the Laos-China border; only freight trains will cross the border for now.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi meets Vietnamese counterpart Bui Thanh Son, and they agree to increase bilateral cooperation. China pledges to provide financial support and 500,000 doses of vaccines to help Vietnam combat COVID-19. They agree to ease border and customs procedures on agricultural goods.

: Chinese and Philippine officials continue to spar over the Second Thomas Shoal in the South China Sea. Chinese officials demand that the Philippines remove the BRP Sierra Madre, a dilapidated tank landing ship grounded in 1999 in the shoal that serves as a garrison for Philippines’ troops. Philippines’ Secretary of Defense Delfin Lorenzana maintains that there is no such commitment to remove the ship and reiterates the Philippines’ sovereignty.

: Chinese President Xi Jinping meets regional counterparts in a virtual summit marking the 30th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations. They agree to upgrade the relationship to one of “comprehensive strategic partnership.” Xi assures Southeast Asian leaders that China stands with them and would not seek hegemony. He also pledges additional COVID-19 vaccines to the region and an additional $5 million to ASEAN’s pandemic response fund.

: Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. issues a diplomatic protest to China’s ambassador to the Philippines over the presence and activities of three Chinese coast guard vessels in the Second Thomas Shoal. The Chinese ships sprayed water cannons and blocked the Philippine forces’ resupply mission to a Marine outpost stationed in the Philippine-claimed and -occupied shoal.

: Regional leaders meet virtually to convene the 24th ASEAN-China Summit. Their joint statement focuses on deepening public health cooperation to help recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, including the training of health professionals for emergency responses, supporting the COVID-19 ASEAN response fund, and vaccine supply. Regional leaders also agree to the early implementation of the RCEP Agreement, set to launch in 2022.

: Malaysia’s Foreign Ministry summons China’s ambassador to lodge a diplomatic protest against the presence and activities of Chinese survey ships in Malaysia’s exclusive economic zone off the coast of Labuan island, near Sabah and Sarawak.

: Myanmar’s military government announces that it will supply 40,000 doses of Chinese-made Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccines to the Arakan Army, an ethnic armed group in the western Myanmar state of Rakhine.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi meets Cambodian counterpart Prak Sokhonn in Phnom Penh to discuss bilateral ties. They agree to step up cooperation on COVID-19, two-way trade, investment, and setting up a free trade agreement. Under the Belt and Road Initiative, they agree to continue with progress and implementation of the Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone and the Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville expressway.

: Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh meets Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Xiong Bo and explains that his country would not enter into a formal alliance with any country. Pham insists that Vietnam would maintain an independent foreign policy that prioritizes self-reliance, multilateralism, and diversification of ties with all countries, including the US and China. Pham’s high-profile meeting with the Chinese envoy is scheduled before he meets Vice President Harris.

: China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Y-20 transport plane arrives in Vietnam to deliver 200,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines. Vietnam had approved China’s Sinopharm vaccine in early June, the last ASEAN country to do so. Senior officials from both sides cite the delivery as a sign of strengthening bilateral cooperation. The delivery arrives on the eve of US Vice President Kamala Harris’ visit to Vietnam.

: Chinese Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao and Singapore’s Minister for Trade and Industry Gan Kim Yong meet virtually to convene the 6th Investment Promotion Committee. The two sides pledge to strengthen bilateral economic relations and agree to cooperate in digital trade and the green economy.

: China and Myanmar announce that they will continue to deepen bilateral economic relations. China announces that it will transfer over $6 million to Myanmar to support nearly two dozen development projects in the country under the Mekong-Lancang Cooperation framework.

: Brunei hosts a number of ASEAN-related meetings. They include the ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, East Asia Summit, and the ASEAN Regional Forum. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi participates in high-level discussions with regional counterparts, focusing on the post-pandemic recovery, regional trade and economic integration, and regional security.

: Philippines President Duterte announces decision to restore the Visiting Forces Agreement with the US. The agreement would continue to allow the rotation of thousands of US troops in and out of the Philippines for military exercises. The decision is announced during US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s visit to Manila.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi attends a virtual symposium marking three decades of ASEAN-China dialogue. In remarks, Wang says that ASEAN remains a priority for China’s diplomacy in the region and that his country would support ASEAN centrality in regional cooperation.

: A report in the South China Morning Post notes that regional concerns over China’s assertiveness mean rival claimants are becoming less willing to negotiate the code of conduct on activities in the South China Sea. Wu Shicun, president of China’s National Institute for South China Sea Studies, observes: “The rise in China’s hard power in the South China Sea has not led to a parallel rise in soft power. Also there is still this unease and hostility from littoral countries towards China’s rise, so they’re still apprehensive about whether China is seeking regional rule-making dominance through the code of conduct negotiations.”

: Chinese President Xi Jinping’s remarks at the APEC Informal Economic Leaders’ Retreat highlightChina’s vaccine diplomacy and contributions to the Global South, as well as China’s commitment to strengthening regional and global trade and economic recovery through such trade initiatives as RCEP.

: Manila accuses Chinese fishing boats and trawlers of dumping raw sewage on coral reefs in the South China Sea. Using satellite data and imagery, there are signs of sewage from the anchored ships in the Spratlys damaging the coral reefs.

: A Financial Times report finds that trade and diplomatic relations between China and Myanmar are resuming since the military coup in Myanmar in February. According to China’s customs data, imports from Myanmar for the first five months in 2021 were $3.38 billion, a 40% increase from 2020.

: China convenes a virtual conference on the Belt and Road Initiative with representatives from more than 30 countries and regional and international organizations in attendance. The focus of the conference is on supporting a sustainable recovery from the global pandemic.

: Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary Locsin announces that Manila will further delay its decision to suspend the Visiting Forces Agreement with the US, citing tension in disputed waters in the South China Sea between the Philippines and China.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi meets with his 10 counterparts from ASEAN in Chongqing for the Special ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers’ Meeting to discuss regional issues, including the situation in Myanmar. Indonesian foreign minister Retno Marsudi says that ASEAN will appreciate China’s support to ASEAN to implement the five-point consensus to resolve the Myanmar crisis.

: Cambodian Defense Minister Tea Banh announces that China will help expand and modernize Ream port, Cambodia’s largest naval base. The minister explains that development of the port facilities will provide a new base for ship repairs and docking; beyond upgrading the port, China will not be given access to the facility.

: Royal Malaysian Air Force confirms reports that 16 Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) aircraft flying in formation are detected by radar near the Malaysian coast of Sarawak, an incursion in its air space.

: China and the Philippines hold talks on the South China Sea under a bilateral consultation mechanism set up in 2016 to address tensions in the maritime dispute. Senior officials from both sides confirm that the talks are “friendly and candid.” The discussion is convened just days after Philippines Foreign Minister Teodoro Locsin shared his frustration and ordered Chinese fishing boats out of the disputed areas in his personal Twitter account that was laced with expletives.

: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Malaysian Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin hold a virtual conference to discuss bilateral cooperation on the pandemic, digital economy, agriculture, and food security, and building a resilient supply chain.

: China and Indonesia conduct a joint naval exercise off the coast of Jakarta. The exercise is aimed to deepen military-to-military cooperation and to repair bilateral ties following a tense standoff between the two countries 16 months ago when Indonesian President Joko Widodo deployed warships to the Natuna Islands in a dispute with China over fishing rights in areas claimed by Indonesia.

: China’s UN Ambassador Zhang Jun urges diplomatic channels to resolve the confrontation in Myanmar, warning that further violence could lead to civil war. Zhang backs ASEAN’s efforts to mediate the crisis but indicates that China would not support sanctions.

: ASEAN leaders meet in Jakarta and issue a five-point consensus with regard to the post-coup situation in Myanmar. The regional consensus calls for an immediate cessation of violence and a visit by an ASEAN envoy, among other priorities. ASEAN begins laying the groundwork for a foreign ministers’ meeting with the United States and China under the ASEAN Regional Forum framework to enforce the consensus plan agreed to earlier.

: China expresses concern with the ongoing unrest in Myanmar but rejects a UN Security Council resolution condemning the military coup. Instead, China supports regional efforts spearheaded by ASEAN to take a central role in working directly with the junta.

: China hosts the annual Boao Forum for Asia. With over 3,000 participants in attendance, the forum marks one of the largest international gatherings in 2021. Chinese President Xi Jinping’s message at this year’s forum focuses on the Belt and Road Initiative, a signature program linking regional economies, and the importance of global economic governance.

: Visiting foreign ministers from Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines meet one-on-one with Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Nanping, a city in the southern province of Fujian. The bilateral meetings focus on the latest situation in Myanmar. China indicates its support for ASEAN to take the lead in managing the post-coup crisis in Myanmar.

: In response to the continuing presence of Chinese vessels in the Whitsun Reef, the Philippines National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea pledges that Manila will continue to monitor the situation and protect the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

: Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi discusses key foreign policy issues at his annual press conference at the National People’s Congress. On China’s relations with Southeast Asia, Wang emphasizes the positive aspects of regional economic and security cooperation.

: Chinese maritime militia vessels are spotted in the Whitsun Reef in the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone, prompting the Philippines to lodge a diplomatic protest against China for the incursion.

: China’s Maritime Safety Administration announces that the country will hold military exercises in the South China Sea throughout March 2021.

: Brunei indicates that the long-awaited Code of Conduct (COC) in the South China Sea may not be concluded in 2021, owing to continued difficulties for convening in-person negotiations and deliberations amidst the pandemic. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang had set initially a three-year timeline to conclude the COC with ASEAN in 2018. 2021 was supposed to the year where regional negotiators begin their final reading of the text.

: China announces the passage of a new law that authorizes its Coast Guard vessels to fire on foreign ships and to destroy other countries’ structures on islands in waters claimed by China, including in the disputed areas of the South China Sea. The new law prompts the Philippine foreign minister to lodge a diplomatic protest against China.

: In the Philippines, Wang announces that his government will donate half a million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to Manila. Among other highlights, the two sides also agree to deepen infrastructure development.

: In Brunei, the third leg of his regional tour, Wang’s visit marks the 30th anniversary of bilateral ties, and the two countries pledge to work together through ASEAN, where Brunei is the rotating chair for 2021.

: Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi visits four Southeast Asian countries to kickstart the new year. In Myanmar, Wang discusses closer economic cooperation, including donations for vaccines and medical supplies, border security, and China’s role in brokering peace with Myanmar’s ethnic armed groups. In Indonesia, Wang and his counterpart discuss bilateral cooperation on trade and investment, as well as closer coordination to stem the global pandemic.

: China’s navy announces that the carrier Shandong and supporting warships passed through the Taiwan Strait to participate in “normal” exercises in the South China Sea.

: Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison denounces a Twitter post by a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman showing the fabricated image of an Australian soldier with a knife to the throat of an Afghan child.

: Xi addresses 17th China-ASEAN Expo and China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit.

: Chinese President Xi Jinping addresses the 27th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders Meeting.

: Li and government leaders from 14 other Asian-Pacific states sign the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP).

: Prime Minister Li Keqiang speaks at annual ASEAN Business and Investment Summit.

: Annual Malabar naval exercises take place in two stages in different parts of the Indian Ocean. They involve forces from India, the United States, Japan, and for the first time Australia.

: Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte lifts a moratorium on oil and gas exploration in waters claimed by China and the Philippines. The step is viewed by some experts as opening the way to joint survey and drilling by a Chinese company working with a Philippines company with both companies sharing the production. Other experts are skeptical.

: Chinese military forces carry out exercises simultaneously in the South China Sea and three other locations along the Chinese coast.

: Secretary of State Pompeo, speaking to an ASEAN-US Ministerial meeting, attacks Chinese “bullying” and pledges US support for regional disputants against China.

: Foreign Minister Wang Yi criticizes the United States when speaking at an East Asia Summit foreign ministers’ meeting.

: Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi cautions the United States and China not to entangle Jakarta in their regional struggle for influence.

: Thailand announces delay of a $724 million submarine deal with China after public outrage over the deal amid the backdrop of a flagging Thai economy due to the global pandemic.

: Regional trade ministers indicate that they are making significant progress to finalize the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), a sprawling trade agreement that spans 15 countries in the Asia-Pacific, including China and all 10-member states in ASEAN. The ministers are hopeful that the deal will be ready for signing at the summit of RCEP leaders in November.

: Philippines’ Foreign Minister Teodoro Locsin indicates in a public interview that Manila will continue to patrol the Spratlys, ignoring warnings from China to stop “illegal provocations” in the disputed island chain.

: The third Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Leaders’ Meeting convenes via videoconference. Chinese Premier Li co-chairs the meeting with Laotian counterpart Thongloun Sisoulith. At the meeting, China pledges to share water management data on the Mekong River, which would enable downstream countries to make plans and adjustments in the river’s flow for fishing and farming practices.

: Yang Jiechi, member of China’s Politburo and director of the Chinese Communist Party’s Foreign Affairs Office, arrives in Singapore for a three-day visit and meets Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. The two leaders discuss bilateral cooperation and the COVID-19 situation, as well as regional security and global developments. The two countries are keen to strengthen supply chain and cross-border connectivity to facilitate economic recovery amidst the global pandemic.

: Myanmar’s government formally approves China’s strategic deep seaport project in the Rakhine State. The project is part of the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor and China’s Belt and Road Initiative and will, when complete, provide China with direct access to the Indian Ocean and allow it to bypass the Malacca Strait for oil and other imports.

: ASEAN foreign ministers reiterate their call on all countries to refrain from the use of force and exercise self-restraint in the South China Sea.

: Vietnam lodges protests against China’s recent military drills near the Parcel and Spratly Islands in the South China Sea.

: Trade and commerce officials from China and Myanmar hold an online planning meeting to discuss cross-border electronic commerce between China’s Yunnan province and Myanmar’s Mandalay region. The two sides emphasize the increasing importance of digital and mobile platforms for payments and retail trade in furthering bilateral business, economic, and trade ties.

: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang exchanges congratulatory messages with Thai counterpart Prayut Chan-o-cha on the 45th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties. The two leaders reaffirm the importance of Sino-Thai strategic partnership and of collaboration in containing COVID-19.

: Vietnam protests the laying of undersea cables at the disputed Paracel Islands by China, citing the activity as a violation of Vietnam’s territorial sovereignty and a potential source of concern for militarizing the disputed islands in the South China Sea.

: Chinese President Xi Jinping exchanges congratulatory messages with Philippine counterpart Rodrigo Duterte to celebrate the 45th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties. Xi says China is ready to promote closer political, economic, diplomatic, and cultural ties to new levels.

: Philippine Defense Minister Delfin Lorenzana arrives on Thitu Island to launch a beaching ramp for construction of infrastructure on the disputed island reef in the SCS.

: Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen publicly denies claims that China has set up a military presence in the Ream Naval Base.

: Indonesia submits a diplomatic note to United Nations Secretary-General reiterating the validity of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and endorsing the 2016 ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration on the South China Sea.

: A Chinese survey ship and two coast guard vessels in the SCS leave the disputed waters after an oil exploration vessel contracted by Malaysian state energy company Petronas left the disputed waters earlier the same day.

: China announces a unilateral fishing ban from May 1 to Aug. 16 in the South China Sea (SCS), drawing criticism from Vietnam.

: In a strategic move to further cement China’s claims in the South China Sea, China’s Natural Resources Ministry and Civil Affairs Ministry release a joint statement with names to 80 geographical features in the Paracel and Spratly islands.

: China’s State Council announces the establishment of two administrative units, one on the Paracel islands and another on the Spratly islands, to manage the day-to-day affairs on the respective islands.

: Malaysian officials report that Haiyang Dizhi 8, a Chinese government survey ship, is in Malaysia’s exclusive economic zone and tagging an exploration vessel operated by Petronas, Malaysia’s state oil company.

: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang participates in a videoconference of ASEAN Plus 3 leaders to discuss China’s medical assistance to its neighbors, closer regional coordination on public health measures, and support for a regional cooperation fund to combat the pandemic.

: A Chinese coast guard ship and a Vietnamese fishing vessel collide near the Paracel Islands, raising tension between the two countries as each side lays blame on the other for the incident. China and Vietnam are building up paramilitary forces and fishing fleets to stake claims in the disputed South China Sea.

: Beijing installs two new facilities in the Fiery Cross and Subi Reef to support the research of oceanographers and marine scientists.

: China and Cambodia carry out the “Dragon Gold 2020” exercise, the fourth joint counterterrorism and humanitarian rescue drill. The exercise began in 2016 as part of an effort to deepen bilateral military and security cooperation.

: Border management authorities from China and Vietnam patrol their joint border in the Lao Cai area to strengthen security at points of entry amid the coronavirus outbreak. The two forces agree to take turns leading joint patrol efforts once a month to prevent illegal border crossings and to increase information campaigns targeting border residents to prevent the spread of community transmission of the coronavirus.

: Chinese Foreign Minister and State Councilor Wang Yi meets Southeast Asian counterparts in Vientiane for the “Special ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on Coronavirus Disease.” The multilateral forum discusses collective measures to help combat the epidemic and closer coordination between regional public health officials.

: Thailand announces it would no longer participate in a Chinese-led development plan that would dredge and open up a key part of the Mekong River as a regional river trade link connecting China’s Yunnan province with parts of Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam. There are increasing concerns over the environmental impact such a large-scale project would have on the ecosystem, especially on decreasing fish stock, sediment flow, and further exacerbation of droughts and floods caused by upstream dams and dredging activities along the Mekong River.

: Chinese President Xi meets visiting Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen in Beijing. The two leaders pledge closer bilateral support to curb the coronavirus outbreak.

: According to a report issued by the South China Sea Strategic Situation Probing Initiative, a research unit at Peking University, at least 34 Vietnamese trawlers, some of which are armed with maritime militia, enter and are active in China’s territorial sea in Hainan island. China maintains a major naval and air force base in Hainan island.

: Foreign ministers from ASEAN meet in Vietnam to discuss the latest developments in the South China Sea. The regional diplomats underscored collective concerns over land reclamations and other activities that are affecting regional stability, but they remain encouraged by the progress of substantive negotiations over the early conclusion of an “effective and substantive Code of Conduct (COC) that is consistent with international law.”

: Chinese President Xi visits Myanmar and meets senior Myanmar leaders, including Aung San Suu Kyi. China signs a total of 33 agreements and memorandums of understanding to enhance bilateral investment cooperation, including development of a deep-sea port in the Kyaukphyu Special Economic Zone in western Myanmar.

: Chinese President Xi Jinping meets visiting Laotian Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith in Beijing. The two sides pledge to deepen bilateral infrastructure and economic cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative.

: China and Indonesia become embroiled in a diplomatic dispute following Chinese coast guard vessels’ activities in the Natuna islands, an area that is part of Indonesia’s exclusive economic zone. Indonesia summoned the Chinese ambassador to lodge a formal protest while the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson asserted China’s longstanding rights and interests in the contested waters.

: The New York Times reports that China is building and developing the longest airstrip at the Dara Sakor International Airport in Cambodia, amid speculation that the airport facilities would turn into a new military base for China. The Cambodian government officially denies the report and insists that there will be no Chinese military presence in Cambodia. Dara Sakor, leased to China for 99 years, is located less than 50 miles from Ream Naval Base, Cambodia’s largest naval base. In July, The Wall Street Journal reported on a secret draft agreement between China and Cambodia that granted China exclusive access to parts of the Ream Naval Base for three decades.

: Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Quoc Dung calls on China to refrain from engaging in provocations that would undermine regional peace and security in the maritime dispute in 2020, when Vietnam takes over the rotating chairmanship of ASEAN.

: Senior Chinese and Indonesian defense chiefs meet in Beijing to discuss the strengthening of bilateral military and security ties. Indonesia is seeking Chinese support to help develop and modernize its defense and weapon systems.

: Wang visits Myanmar and meets Myanmar’s State Counselor and Foreign Minister Aung San Suu Kyi. Both sides pledge to strengthen bilateral cooperation as the two countries celebrate seven decades of diplomatic relations next year. Among other issues, the meeting focuses on the Rakhine issue, with China agreeing to provide repatriation assistance and promote economic development in Rakhine.

: Officials from Cambodia, China, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam agree to increase regional law enforcement cooperation and cross-border investigations to address the transnational criminal narcotics networks operating in the lower Mekong area.

: China and ASEAN mark the 16th anniversary of their strategic partnership in the regional ASEAN-related summit in Bangkok, Thailand, with regional leaders agreeing that ASEAN-China relations are advancing across diplomatic, economic, and security fronts. They finalize negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). Regional leaders appear optimistic that ASEAN and China are on track and working toward a timely completion of the Code of Conduct for the South China Sea, citing the first reading of the single draft negotiating text of the regional accord in mid-2019.

: Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte meets visiting Chinese Vice Premier Hu Chunhua in Manila. Both sides agree to “fast-track” bilateral cooperation through the BRI to develop the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership.

: Senior economic officials and business delegations from China and Vietnam meet in Quang Ninh, Vietnam for the ninth conference on bilateral economic corridor cooperation. Established in 2004, the bilateral discussion focuses on increasing cross-border economic ties, transportation and infrastructure links, and tourism.

: China’s Ministry of National Defense pledges to provide $84 million in aid to Cambodia’s national defense, doubling China’s military aid to Phnom Penh next year.

: Speaking on the sidelines of the Xiangshan Forum, senior Chinese and Vietnamese defense chiefs agree to deepen bilateral military ties and increase communication and cooperation through the ministerial-level defense policy dialogue mechanism.

: China and Singapore agree to upgrade their defense pact to include more frequent high-level dialogues, the establishment of a bilateral hotline, and larger scale joint military exercises.

: Myanmar’s Kachin State government announces that it intends to sign a new deal with China to develop the Namjim Industrial Zone. The project is expected to cost more than $400 million, including around 500 factories and 5,000 buildings, as well as new paved roads and infrastructure projects in and around the development zone.

: A Pew Research Center survey finds that public opinion on China among its neighbors in the Asia-Pacific region is turning negative. The regional survey covers five countries, including two Southeast Asian nations, Indonesia and the Philippines. Favorable views of China in Indonesia fell from 73% in 2002 to 36% in 2019.

: China and Thailand sign a shipbuilding agreement that will see the China State Shipbuilding Corp build and transfer an amphibious transport dock ship for Thailand. The ship is expected to be the Royal Thai Navy’s largest navy ship.

: Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and visiting Malaysian counterpart Saifuddin Abdullah meet in Beijing and announce that China and Malaysia agree to set up a new joint dialogue mechanism for discussing South China Sea issues. China has similar bilateral consultative mechanisms on the maritime dispute with Brunei and the Philippines.

: Vietnam’s Foreign Ministry raises objections regarding Chinese survey ship Haiyang Dizhi 8’s activities in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, citing a violation of its sovereignty and jurisdiction in the territorial waters.

: Chairman Xi and President Duterte meet in Beijing. The visit marks Duterte’s fifth state visit to China since taking office in 2016, and his eighth meeting with Xi.

: Ships from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) are spotted in waters south of the Philippines. Officials in Manila express deep concerns and note that the passage is not “an act of friendship.”

: China and Laos launch a joint humanitarian rescue exercise near Vientiane. The drill includes medical rescue operations in response to natural disasters. More than 500 soldiers are involved.

: Chinese survey ship Haiyang Dizhi 8 returns to the Spratly Islands where it has been engaged in a month-long stand-off with the Vietnamese government.

: China’s Maritime Safety Administration conducts training near the Paracel Islands.

: Philippines Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin files a diplomatic protest against China after over 100 Chinese fishing vessels were recorded around Philippines’ claimed Pag-asa (Thitu) Island.

: Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen commits $40 million to weapons purchases from China “to strengthen the army.”

: Chinese ambassador to Myanmar visits Rakhine state to promote and support establishment of the Kyaukphyu Special Economic Zone, development of a deep sea port in the Bay of Bengal, and an offshore gas terminal.

: China and Malaysia agree to restart the East Coast Rail Link project. The rail project will be managed by a joint venture company of China and Malaysia to operate and maintain the rail line network.

: The Wall Street Journal publishes report indicating that China and Cambodia signed an agreement to establish a Chinese naval base in Cambodia. The two governments publicly deny the report.

: US Department of State calls on China to “cease its bullying behavior” in coercing ASEAN members from pursuing oil and gas activities in the South China Sea.

: Vietnam’s Foreign Ministry accuses Chinese oil survey vessel Haiyang Dizhi 8 of activities that “violated Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf,” in the South China Sea.

: Southeast Asian leaders meet in Bangkok for the 34th ASEAN Summit. They adopt a joint declaration to combat plastic pollution in oceans and release statements regarding regional economic and security collaboration, the de-escalation of tensions in the South China Sea, and investigations into human rights violations in Myanmar.

: President Rodrigo Duterte calls the sinking of a Philippine fishing boat by a Chinese vessel “just a collision,” warning against military action toward China.

: Philippine government calls for an official investigation into the incident involving the Chinese boat sinking a Filipino fishing boat.

: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang sends a congratulatory message to the newly elected prime minister of Thailand, Prayut Chan-ocha. Li expresses interest in deepening comprehensive strategic cooperation in Sino-Thai relations.

: Chinese vessel sinks a Filipino fishing boat near Reed Bank and leaves the 22 Filipino crewmen stranded.

: Chinese Defense Minister Gen. Wei Fenghe and Singaporean counterpart Ng Eng Hen agree to revise a defense pact that would allow for larger bilateral military exercises and an increase in high-level dialogue between defense officials.

: Chinese Chairman Xi Jinping meets Cambodia’s King Norodom Sihamoni in Beijing on the sidelines of the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations (CDAC). They pledge to increase cultural, educational, and people-to-people exchanges.

: Vietnam’s Foreign Ministry rejects China’s annual fishing ban in the South China Sea, citing sovereignty infringement. The annual ban, which runs from May 1 to Aug. 16 this year, affects the Paracel Islands, parts of the Gulf of Tonkin, and Scarborough Shoal.

:  China and Myanmar agree on a $148 million grant to support economic and technical cooperation between the two governments. Under the agreement, China would provide support for socio-economic projects as well as humanitarian assistance in Myanmar. They also agreed on a Memorandum of Understanding on the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor Cooperation Plan (2019-2030) that would establish border economic cooperation zones in Myanmar’s Shan and Kachin states.

: China convenes the second Belt and Road Forum in Beijing with a joint statement signed by China and 37 other countries in attendance. A number of infrastructure projects ranging from sea ports to railways are highlighted for their impact on strengthening land and maritime trade routes that would forge stronger economic ties between Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

: Thai officials announce that Thailand will sign a memorandum of cooperation with Laos and China to increase regional connectivity and infrastructure development.

: Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad announces revival of the $34 billion Bandar Malaysia development project that was suspended in 2017. The Chinese-backed rail and property development project is described by Mahathir’s office as “a significant contribution to the Belt and Road Initiative,” and integral in fostering long-term bilateral relations between Malaysia and China.

: Preliminary results from Indonesia’s general election show incumbent Joko Widodo winning over Prabowo Subianto in the presidential race.

: China and the Philippines convene the Fourth Meeting of the Bilateral Consultation Mechanism in Manila. They agree to engage in dialogue to prevent and manage incidents at sea, to build mutual trust and confidence, and to explore prospects for maritime economic cooperation.

: Philippines presidential spokesperson announces that the Department of Foreign Affairs has filed a diplomatic protest against China regarding “the presence of more than 200 Chinese boats” that have been recorded near Philippines-claimed territory in the South China Sea between January and March.

: Vietnam’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs lodges a protest against China’s Hainan Province’s notice to hold live-fire drills in the Paracel/Hoang Sa islands.

: Chinese Communist Party’s Minister of International Department Song Tao meets Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to discuss bilateral cooperation. They agree to enhance relations through the BRI and through cultural and educational exchanges.

: Communist Party Secretary of Sansha Zhang Jun announces plans to develop Woody Island and two smaller islets in the Paracels into a “national key strategic service and logistics base.”

: Former Philippine Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario, former Ombudsman Conchita Carpacio Morales, and Filipino fishermen file a complaint against Chinese President Xi Jinping before the International Criminal Court for committing “crimes against humanity” in China’s systematic takeover of the South China Sea.

: Vietnamese official reports that a Vietnamese fishing boat was rammed by a Chinese vessel near Discovery Bay in the Paracel Islands on March 6.

: Singaporean Defense Minister Ng Eng Hen announces at the Munich Security Conference that negotiations for a code of conduct between ASEAN and China aimed at easing tensions in the South China Sea will begin later this month.

: China, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand jointly carry out the 78th Mekong River joint patrol. Four vessels from each of the four participant countries are involved in the joint patrol focusing on countering terrorist activities and other cross-border crimes.

: Three PLA Navy escort vessels engage in a five-day visit to the Philippines on their return from an escort mission to the Gulf of Aden.

: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang meets visiting Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen to discuss the state of bilateral relations. They agree to cooperate on Cambodia’s infrastructure development and through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), jointly implement plans for the Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone, and strengthen Lancang-Mekong cooperation.

: China conducts a military exercise that includes nearly 20 drills that draw from its navy, air force, and missile forces in the South China Sea as well as in the Pacific Ocean. The drills simulate combat situations at sea, repel advancing vessels, rescue efforts, and live-fire exercises, and are attempts to better integrate the People’s Liberation Army’s Rocket Force conventional and tactical units in its Southern Theater Command.

: Senior military officials from China and Myanmar hold a bilateral defense meeting in Kunming to exchange views on the border situation in northern Myanmar. Chinese officials express support for Myanmar’s peace process, including the new round of peace talks with minority groups in Myanmar at the Panglong Ethnic conference.

: Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi meets senior officials from Myanmar to discuss border security and the Rakhine issue. Wang pledges that China will play a constructive role in the process and hopes that Myanmar and Bangladesh can finalize the repatriation plans for the Rakhine community at an early date.

: President Xi visits Manila for a state visit and meets Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. They agree to establish the China-Philippines comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.

: Senior Chinese and Vietnamese military officials meet for the fifth bilateral border meeting. They pledge defense cooperation for border stability.

: President Xi visits Brunei and meets Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah. They agree to deepen practical cooperation and to elevate bilateral ties to a strategic cooperative partnership.

: President Xi attends the 26th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ meeting in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.

: Premier Li Keqiang visits Singapore to attend regional meetings, including the China-ASEAN meeting, ASEAN Plus-Three meeting, and the East Asia Summit.

: Under the Belt and Road Initiative, senior officials from China and Myanmar sign an agreement to develop the first phase of a deep sea port in Myanmar’s Kyaukphyu Special Economic Zone.

: President Xi Jinping meets Laotian Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith in Shanghai on the sidelines of the inaugural China International Import Expo. They agree to increase the bilateral partnership along the China-Laos economic corridor and the Lancang-Mekong region.

: Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi meets Philippine counterpart Teodoro Locsin in Davao, the Philippines, and agrees to increase consultation on the final agreement on the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea. Philippines has recently taken over from Singapore as coordinating country for China-ASEAN relations.

: Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe meets Vietnamese Minister of Defense Ngo Xuan Lich in Beijing to discuss ways to improve and expand military and security cooperation between the two armed forces.

: China, Malaysia, and Thailand hold a trilateral military exercise. The exercise focuses on joint planning and coordination for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, maritime security, and counter-terrorism.

: China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group and Myanmar Railways sign agreement for a feasibility study on a proposed cross-border rail line from Muse to Mandalay. The rail line was proposed in 2011, but the project was suspended in 2014 by the military junta regime amidst public objections to the project. The study will assess the environment and social impact of the rail line.

: China and ASEAN hold their first joint naval exercise off the coast of Guangdong Province. ASEAN will hold a similar confidence building drill with the United States in 2019.

: Results of a new Pew research survey indicate that 73 percent of the respondents in Asia – Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Australia – favor the United States over China as the leading global power.

: Chinese Vice Premier Han Zheng meets Singaporean Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean in Singapore for 14th joint meeting for bilateral cooperation. They agree to increase and expand economic ties, as well as to launch negotiations for a treaty to provide clearer legal assurance to economic projects under the Belt and Road initiative.

: Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues a statement of support for the consensus reached between Laos and Cambodia to resolve border tensions, which includes troop withdrawals and joint patrols.

: Chinese Coast Guard and rescue vessels are deployed to provide assistance to a stranded Philippine frigate in the eastern edge of the disputed area of the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea.

: Malaysian PM Mohamad visits Beijing and meets senior leadership, including President Xi and Premier Li. Mahathir reiterates his position that a number of large scale infrastructure projects with China will be canceled or subject to further review as they are not financially sustainable.

: Chinese and ASEAN foreign ministers agree to a draft code of conduct for the disputed South China Sea. Singapore’s Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan chairs the meeting and indicates that the draft is a collective first step in aligning regional priorities and preferences in reducing conflict in the maritime dispute and to ensuring greater stability in the region.

: Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi visits Kuala Lumpur to convey Beijing’s priority for deepening bilateral cooperation.

: Regional leaders and foreign ministers meet in Singapore for the ASEAN Plus One (China), ASEAN Plus Three (China, Japan, and Korea), East Asia Summit, and the ASEAN Regional Forum.

: China Railway No. 8 Engineering Group, a state-owned enterprise responsible for the construction of the China-Laos railway, marks a milestone in completing two cross-Mekong bridges in Laos. The railway is expected to be fully operational in December 2021.

: Chinese Vice Premier Han Zheng meets Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean in Beijing to discuss deepening bilateral business, trade, and economic ties within the regional Belt and Road Initiative framework.

: Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe visits Phnom Penh and meets Prime Minister Hun Sen. The discussion focus on key areas of pragmatic cooperation in the military, defense, and security sectors.

: Yi Xianliang, director general of the Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, leads a delegation to Manila to discuss the South China Sea. Both sides agree to manage maritime disputes through continued and sustained dialogue and diplomatic negotiation.

: China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues a statement congratulating Malaysia’s Prime Minister-elect Mahathir Mohamad, indicating that the Malaysian leader made many “important contributions” in the development of relations and that it hopes to consolidate and further enhance the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership with Malaysia.

: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang meets Indonesian President Joko Widodo in Bogor, Indonesia. They discuss bilateral relations as the two countries mark the fifth anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership. Areas of cooperation include areas of complementarity between China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Indonesia’s Global Maritime Fulcrum concept to strengthen bilateral and regional economic ties.

: Philippine news media report Manila’s concerns over China’s installation of antiship and surface-to-air defense systems in the Spratly Islands. Officials in Manila indicate they are monitoring and verifying the situation and confident the missiles are not directed against the Philippines.

: Song Tao, head of the CCP International Department, visits Nay Pyi Taw and meets Myanmar President U Win Myint and State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi. The two sides agree to increase high-level, party-to-party exchanges and strengthen bilateral diplomatic and political cooperation.

: Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary Cayetano announces that China and the Philippines will conduct joint explorations for oil and gas in the South China Sea.

: Wu Shicun, head of China’s National Institute for South China Sea Studies, observes that the negotiations on the South China Sea between China and ASEAN should conclude with a legally binding Code of Conduct.

: China agrees to work with the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) states and the Mekong River Commission for sustainable management of the Mekong River and to promote sustainable development goals in the region.

: Chinese Foreign Minister and State Counselor Wang Yi visits Hanoi and meets Vietnamese counterpart Pham Binh Minh. They agree to refrain from taking unilateral measures that would complicate the maritime dispute in the South China Sea and pledge to resolve differences through the bilateral steering committee for cooperation and in regional forums.

: China’s State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi meets Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha on the sidelines of the Greater Mekong Sub-region Summit in Hanoi.

: China carries out a naval drill involving the Liaoning aircraft carrier and more than 40 other combat ships in the waters south of Hainan. Officials from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) say the drill is part of a routine exercise, although the scale and location reflect China’s growing capabilities to maneuver military assets in and around the South China Sea.

: The United Wa State Army, one of Myanmar’s main ethnic groups, indicates that it would like the greater involvement from the Chinese government to provide stability at the China-Myanmar border and to help resolve the ongoing conflict between the ethnic groups and the Myanmar government.

: Philippine Foreign Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano visits China and meets Foreign Minister Wan Yi. They agree that China and the Philippines will cautiously proceed with discussions on joint oil and gas exploration in the South China Sea.

: China and Cambodia carry out the second Golden Dragon joint military exercise. The live-fire exercise takes place in a mountainous area in Cambodia, with drills focusing on counter-terrorism, infrastructure repairs, mine clearance, and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.

: Chinese and the ASEAN officials meet in Nha Trang, Vietnam, for the 23rd Joint Working Group meeting on the Implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea.

: Second meeting of China-Philippines Bilateral Consultation Mechanism on the South China Sea (BCM) is held in Manila.

: Singapore’s Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan hosts ASEAN foreign ministers and announces the regional grouping has agreed to work toward the conclusion of an effective code of conduct for the South China Sea.

: Senior officials from China and Vietnam finalize plans for joint border checkpoints. Under the “two countries, one inspection” system, Customs officials will jointly carry out inspection work along two neutral zones and checkpoints. The joint border inspection will become operational in May 2018.

: Environment ministers from the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) states meet in Chiang Mai and agree on a joint five-year action plan on environmental cooperation that focuses on promoting green technology, environmentally friendly logistics, climate change resilience, and disaster risk management in the GMS.

: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang arrives in Phnom Penh to attend the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) Leaders’ Summit. The leaders of the six LMC countries pledge to cooperate on the development and sustainability of the Mekong River.

: Chinese Premier Li meets Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen for an official visit. They celebrate the 60th anniversary of bilateral ties and agree to deepen political, diplomatic, security, economic, and cultural ties in a joint communique.

: Chinese media airs footage of the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) J-11B fighter jets in and around Woody Island in the Paracels.

: Maj. Gen. Zhao Tianxiang, commander of the People’s Liberation Army Air Defense Force, leads a military delegation to Cambodia. The visit aims to increase bilateral security, and defense cooperation, including exchanges and training between military officials.

: Myanmar State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi visits China and meets President Xi. They hail close ties between the two countries and avoid any mention of the Rohingya.

: President Xi meets senior-level military delegation from Myanmar. Xi indicates China’s support for more military, security, and defense exchanges, and reiterates China’s willingness to play a constructive role in Myanmar’s national reconciliation and peace process.

: China’s FM Wang Yi engages in shuttle diplomacy between Myanmar and Bangladesh and offers a three-point plan to help ease the humanitarian crisis for the Rohingya community. It involves a ceasefire, deepening bilateral consultation between Myanmar and Bangladesh, and more international engagement to help alleviate the crisis.

: President Xi visits Laos to discuss strengthening bilateral relations through inter-party exchanges and cooperation in diplomacy, defense, law enforcement, and security.

: ASEAN and China agree to start negotiations on “a substantive and effective Code of Conduct in the South China Sea after concluding the Framework Agreement on Code of Conduct.”

: China’s Premier Li Keqiang visits the Philippines to attend the East Asian Summit and other ASEAN-related meetings. During a separate state visit, he meets Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte.

: President Xi visits Da Nang and attends the 25th APEC Economic Leaders Meeting. Xi also meets Vietnamese leaders to sign 12 agreements to increase bilateral diplomatic and economic relations.

: China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi visits Hanoi and meets senior leaders ahead of the APEC forum and President Xi’s visit to Da Nang in mid-November.

: China and Vietnam carry out a three-day joint coast guard patrol in Gulf of Tonkin. The patrol includes search and rescue exercises, maritime law enforcement, and inspection of fishing boats in the area.

: China and ASEAN hold a joint maritime rescue drill off the coast of Guangdong Province. The drill focuses on joint non-combat maritime cooperation simulating a shipwreck incident and involves around 1,000 rescuers and 20 ships from Brunei, Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, the Philippines, and Thailand.

: China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs says Beijing supports talks between Myanmar and Bangladesh to address the Rohingya refugee issue. It also indicates Beijing’s willingness to play a constructive role in the process and to provide humanitarian relief and assistance.

: China and Vietnam convene the 10th meeting of the Bilateral Economic and Trade Cooperation Committee in Hanoi. The focus is on forging closer connection between China’s “Belt and Road Initiative” and Vietnam’s “Two Corridors and One Economic Circle” economic plan.

: President Xi meets Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in Beijing. They reaffirm longstanding ties and high-level interactions and agree to deepen bilateral relations.

: China’s President Xi Jinping hosts the Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah for a state visit in Beijing. They sign a number of agreements aimed at strengthening bilateral security and economic ties, as well as education and cultural exchanges.

: Malaysian government indicates that it will consider China’s proposal to set up a radar surveillance system and regional counterintelligence center in Johor. The proposal includes Chinese deployment of up to 12 units of the AR3 multiple-launch rocket system (MLRS) in Malaysia, a system that is used to engage remote strategic targets like command centers, and is capable of launching conventional rockets as well as guided missiles with a range of up to 280 km.

: A groundbreaking ceremony takes place to mark the launch of a new high-speed railway project linking Kunming in southern China through Thailand and eventually to the eastern seaboard of Malaysia.

: ASEAN and Chinese officials endorse the framework of a code of conduct (COC) on the South China Sea, with China affirming that it remains committed to finalizing the negotiations for the COC with its Southeast Asian partners.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi arrives in Manila and indicates that China is open to joint oil and gas exploration projects in the South China Sea with the Philippines and with other countries in the region.

: Vietnam orders a Spanish oil exploration firm Repsol to withdraw its oil and gas drilling rig from an area off the coast of Vietnam and in a disputed area near the Spratlys in the South China Sea.

: China announces that it will offer more counterterrorism assistance to the Philippines and help rebuild formerly rebel-held areas in southern Philippines. The announcement follows the arrival of the first Chinese weapons shipment to the Philippines to help fight extremist groups in Mindanao.

: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang accepts an invitation from Singapore’s government to make an official visit to Singapore later this year. Both sides indicate interest in further discussion to upgrade the China-Singapore Free Trade Agreement.

: Recently-appointed Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano visits China. He meets Chinese counterparts Wang Yi and Yang Jiechi in Beijing.

: Gen. Fan Changlong, vice chair of China’s Central Military Commission, shortens his official visit to Vietnam, with the Chinese Ministry of Defense reporting that a previously scheduled meeting with senior Vietnamese defense officials is cancelled.

: China stages military exercises in the Paracel Islands.

: China and Myanmar conduct a joint naval military exercise, the first of its kind between the two countries.

: China and the Philippines hold first bilateral discussion over the South China Sea. The talks follow concerns over Xi’s warning that there would be serious consequences and conflict if Manila attempts to enforce an arbitration ruling and drill for oil in the disputed areas of the South China Sea.

: China and ASEAN member states announce agreement on a draft framework for a code of conduct (COC) for the South China Sea.

: China hosts delegates from 138 countries for the Belt and Road Forum in Beijing, including: Philippines’ President Rodrigo Duterte, Malaysia’s Prime Minister Najib Razak, Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo, Vietnam’s President Tran Dai Quang, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, Laotian President Bounnhang Vorachith, and Myanmar’s State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi.

: President Xi meets Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang in Beijing ahead of the Belt and Road Forum. They agree to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the areas of trade, agriculture, tourism, infrastructure, and cultural exchanges while putting aside differences over the South China Sea.

: Chinese President Xi Jinping discusses China-ASEAN and China-Philippine ties with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte in a phone conversation. Xi expresses his appreciation to Duterte for his role as ASEAN chair in promoting closer cooperation between Southeast Asia and China.

: Chinese government announces its annual ban on fishing activities in Chinese-claimed waters, primarily in and around the Paracel Islands and the Scarborough Shoal area. China has enforced this seasonal fishing ban since 1995.

: The Philippines issues ASEAN chairman’s statement at the conclusion of the regional summit underscoring improving cooperation between ASEAN and China. It drops references to China’s land reclamation activities, but notes concerns about recent developments in the South China Sea.

: Three Chinese Navy ships make a port call visit in Davao, marking the first such visit to the Philippines since 2010.

: Thai government confirms approval of the purchase of its first submarine in more than five decades from China. The $393 million deal consists of a Yuan Class S26T submarine and will be delivered to the Royal Thai Navy in five to six years to help patrol the country’s southwestern coastal waters in the Andaman Sea.

: Report by the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative indicates that China’s Coast Guard has been on near constant patrol by the Luconia Shoals off the coast of Malaysia with up to 11 Coast Guard vessels in regular rotation near the shoals since early 2016.

: Chinese government protests and expresses its displeasure after a visit by Philippine Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana and the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces Gen. Eduardo Ano to Thitu Island in the Spratlys.

: Malaysia’s Defense Minister Hishammuddin Hussein visits Beijing and meets Defense Minister Gen. Chang Wanquan and other senior leaders.

: Liu Jianchao, vice minister of the National Bureau of Corruption Prevention and head of the Department of International Cooperation in the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, visits Singapore to discuss bilateral and China-ASEAN cooperation on countering corruption, drug trafficking, human smuggling, and terrorism.

:   President Xi Jinping meets visiting Myanmar President Htin Kyaw. They agree to strengthen bilateral relations and to a $1.5 billion oil pipeline project that stretches from Myanmar’s western port city of Kyaukpyu to the Chinese border.

: China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announces that it will hold high-level talks on the South China Sea with the Philippines in May and will also invite the Philippine Coast Guard for a visit to discuss maritime cooperation.

: China’s Foreign Ministry denies reports that it is about to start preparatory work this year on an environmental monitoring station on Scarborough Shoal claiming that China “place[s] great importance on China-Philippines relations.”

: Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang visits the Philippines to attend a bilateral trade and economic forum in Manila. Wang calls for deepening two-way trade and investment, citing a 3.4 percent increase in bilateral trade in 2016.

:   Armed clashes between the Myanmar government forces and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army erupt in the Kokang region along the China-Myanmar border area. China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs urges restraint from all sides and states that the Chinese government has settled and offered help to over 20,000 border-area residents fleeing Myanmar for shelter and humanitarian assistance.

: Foreign Minister Wang Yi announces that there is visible progress with ASEAN leaders and that a draft of the framework for a legally binding Code of Conduct in the South China is complete.

: President Xi Jinping meets Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni in Beijing and discusses the state of bilateral ties. The two leaders agree to maintain high-level contacts, deepen economic ties, and strengthen coordination in regional affairs.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi meets Singapore counterpart Vivian Balakrishnan in Beijing. They agree to cooperate on China’s regional “Belt and Road” initiative and facilitate closer regional integration. As representative of the coordinating country for ASEAN-China relations, Balakrishnan indicates Singapore will maintain close communication and coordination to support regional peace and stability.

: Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin and the Deputy Chief of the Joint Staff Department of the Central Military Commission Shao Yuanming meet Myanmar counterparts and other senior officials in Kunming for consultations on the latest security situation along the China-Myanmar border area.

: Hong Kong Customs releases and returns all nine armored Terrex vehicles to Singapore that had been impounded in Hong Kong during transit following their involvement in an annual military exercise between Singapore and Taiwan.

:   Representatives from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) join militaries from 17 other countries in Singapore for a three-day Coordinated Response simulation to plan and coordinate regional humanitarian assistance and disaster relief responses.

: Chinese Commerce Minister Gao Hucheng meets a visiting trade delegation from the Philippines and announces that the two countries have agreed to joint development projects worth $3.7 billion.

: Chinese Embassy in Bangkok and the Red Cross Society of China donate $130,000 in emergency aid to flood-hit southern Thailand.

:  Vice Chairperson of China’s Central Military Commission Fan Changlong meets Vietnamese Defense Minister Ngo Xuan Lich in Beijing. They agree to enhance bilateral cooperation between the two militaries.

: General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong visits Beijing and meets President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang. In a joint communiqué, the two countries agree to “manage well their maritime difference, avoid actions that complicate the situation and escalate tensions, and safeguard the peace and stability of the South China Sea.”

: In the lead-up to the Philippines’ 2017 chairmanship of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Foreign Under Secretary Enrique Manalo announced that Manila will focus on completing a binding code of conduct on the South China Sea for all claimants.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi arrives in Siem Reap, Cambodia to attend the second Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. Established in 2015, the LMC initiative promotes sub-regional economic development along the Mekong River for six countries, including Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.

: Premier Li Keqiang attends fifth China-Thailand Joint Committee on Trade, Investment and Economic Cooperation Meeting in Beijing. Li and Thai Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Prawit Wongsuwan sign a memorandum of understanding pledging to begin construction on the China-Thailand railway.

: China and ASEAN launch a cross-border e-commerce platform. The new initiative provides services in the areas of logistics, financial transactions, and customs permits for small and medium enterprises to deepen business and trade ties.

: Nearly 400 troops from the PLA Southern Theater Command and the Cambodian armed forces carry out a joint exercise focusing on humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.

: Hong Kong officials, citing the lack of “approval notice” for military vehicles, seize nine Singapore Armed Forces armored vehicles in transit and bound for Singapore after a military exercise in Taiwan.

: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang meets visiting Laotian counterpart Thongloun Sisoulith in Beijing. They discuss bilateral trade and economic relations, including infrastructure development and economic zones.

: China and Malaysia conduct joint military drill Aman Yoyi (Peace Friendship 2016) in Malaysia. It involves more than 400 Malaysian military personnel and nearly 200 PLA soldiers focusing on humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.

: People’s Liberation Army (PLA) put its armed forces on high alert following armed attacks on Myanmar’s military and police posts close to the China-Myanmar border towns of Muse and Kutkai.

: China and Vietnam carry out their second joint coast guard exercise in the Gulf of Tonkin, focusing on personnel exchanges, law enforcement cooperation, and search and rescue exercises.

: President Xi Jinping meets Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak in Beijing. They agree that bilateral ties are at their “highest level,” indicating their joint cooperation in infrastructure, agriculture, law enforcement, economics, and defense.

: China and Vietnam hold the fourth meeting of the Cooperation Committee on China-Vietnam Land Border Gate Management in Hanoi. The two sides review border and immigration checkpoint policies and discuss the prospects for furthering bilateral border security, stability, trade and economic development.

: President Xi Jinping and Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte meet in Beijing. The joint statement includes several memoranda of understanding.

: President Xi Jinping embarks on a five-day visit across Southeast and South Asia, with state visits to Cambodia, Bangladesh, and India for a BRICS summit. Chinese commentaries indicate that Xi’s reaching out to small and emerging economies reflects a “new type of international relations” and a “community of common destiny.”

: President Xi Jinping sends a message of condolences to Thailand over the death of King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

: Indonesia conducts its largest-ever military exercise near the Natuna Islands, involving more than 2,000 Air Force personnel and 70 fighter jets and helicopters. President Joko Widodo observes the drill.

: China and Laos hold their first joint police exercise in China’s Yunnan Province. Following the exercise, the two sides sign a memorandum pledging to deepen police cooperation between the two countries to crack down on cross-border crimes.

: Chinese President Xi Jinping meets visiting Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc in Beijing. The two leaders stress the importance of deepening exchanges and ties between party and government officials to strengthen political trust.

: Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli meets Southeast Asian leaders and attends the 13th ASEAN-China Expo and the Business and Investment Summit in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China.

: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang attends the 19th ASEAN-China Leaders Meeting and a commemorative summit marking the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue in Vientiane, Laos. Li puts forward a five-point proposal for deepening economic, security, and cultural ties and exchanges.

: Myanmar State Counsellor and Foreign Minister Aung San Suu Kyi visits China. In a joint statement, the two countries agree to forge closer ties, strengthen bilateral trade, and cooperate on border issues.

: The 13th Senior Officials Meeting on the Implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea takes place in Manzhouli, Inner Mongolia. The two sides reach an agreement to launch an emergency hotline and to adopt a set of guidelines on the Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea (CUES). The two documents will be submitted to leaders at the ASEAN-China Summit in September for final endorsement.

: Senior Chinese authorities meet Philippine Special Envoy and former President Fidel Ramos in Hong Kong to seek the resumption of official dialogue between Beijing and Manila following the South China Sea arbitration ruling in July.

: Officials from China and Laos agree that a high-speed rail project linking Kunming to Vientiane will proceed as planned despite delays. The project is part of China’s “One Belt, One Road” project that would develop regional infrastructure links across Asia.

: The 49th ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting convenes in Vientiane. The ministers issue a joint communiqué that expresses “serious concern about recent and ongoing developments” in the disputed waters, identifying the land reclamations and escalation of activities as developments that “have eroded trust and confidence, increased tensions and may undermine peace, security, and stability in the region.”

: Foreign Secretary Perfecto Yasay states that the Philippines rejected a Chinese offer to hold talks “outside of and in disregard” of an international tribunal’s ruling that rejects Beijing’s claim to ownership of virtually the entire South China Sea.

: Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin announces the issuance of a white paper on the South China Sea and says the decision to establish an Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) in the disputed waters will depend on its threat perception in the region.

: Permanent Court of Arbitration issues the decision of the arbitral tribunal constituted under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) that rules in favor of the Philippines’ case against China’s expansive territorial claims in the South China Sea. Beijing responds that the arbitration ruling is null and void and lacks international legitimacy.

: Chinese commercial jets land for the first time on newly built runways at Subi Reef (China: Zhubi, Philippines: Zamora; Vietnam: Da Xu Bi) and Mischief Reef (China: Meiji, Philippines: Panganiban, Vietnam: Da Vanh Khan).

: China conducts military exercises near the Paracel Islands (China: Xisha) and announces that civilian vessels would be prohibited from entering the area for the duration.

: Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi visits Vietnam and meets General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong and President Tran Dai Quang to discuss development of bilateral ties.

: Indonesian President Joko Widodo holds a Cabinet meeting aboard a warship off the Natuna Islands asserting sovereignty over waters in the southern portion of the South China Sea after Beijing stated its “over-lapping claim” on nearby waters.

: Indonesian Navy arrests and detains a Chinese fishing boat and seven crew members over illegal fishing near the Natuna Islands. Indonesia currently has about 800 military personnel in the Natuna region; the number will rise to 2,000 this year in an effort to stem illegal fishing in its territorial waters.

: Thailand and China conduct joint military exercises including Blue Strike 2016 involving land and sea operations. Other exercises include training in humanitarian relief and maritime transport.

: ASEAN-China Joint Working Group on the Implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea convenes in Vietnam. Co-chaired by China and Singapore, the meeting focuses on drafting guidelines for a regional hotline on urgent contingency events at sea, as well as a joint statement on the implementation of the Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea.

: Senior Chinese officials visit Cambodia and meet with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen to discuss expanding business, trade, and investment ties, as well as tourism and agricultural exchanges.

: China’s Defense Minister Chang Wanquan and Myanmar’s Defense Minister Sein Win meet in Vientiane and agree to enhance military relations and cooperation in areas such as training and the defense industry.

: Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi visits Indonesia and Malaysia. In Indonesia, he attends the second meeting of China-Indonesia High-level Economic Dialogue. In Malaysia Yang meets Foreign Minister Anifah Aman.

: Chinese President Xi Jinping meets Lao President Bounnhang Vorachit in Beijing. They discuss improving bilateral comprehensive strategic cooperation, including expanding people-to-people exchanges and enhancing collaboration on security affairs.

: The 22nd China-ASEAN Senior Officials Consultation is held in Singapore. The meeting focuses on advancing China-ASEAN relations and regional cooperation in East Asia. Chinese Foreign Affairs Vice Minister Liu Zhenmin urges ASEAN states to resolve territorial disputes through dialogue and warns of “negative consequences” if the Philippines wins an arbitration case in The Hague.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi meets counterparts from Brunei, Cambodia, and Laos. They reach a four-point consensus on the South China Sea, emphasizing that the dispute should be resolved through consultations and negotiations of the claimant states.

: China and Vietnam begin their 11th joint fishery patrol in the Gulf of Tonkin. The joint activity includes two marine police vessels from each side observing fishing vessels and making random inspections in the common fishing grounds.

: Foreign Minister Wang Yi arrives in Myanmar to meet counterpart Aung San Suu Kyi. They agree to deepen bilateral communication, mutual trust, and pragmatic cooperation.

:   Chinese military aircraft lands on Fiery Cross Reef for an emergency evacuation of three ill Chinese construction workers stationed there.

: China and ASEAN countries agree to expand cooperation in regional law enforcement. Yunnan Police College in Kunming will establish the China-ASEAN Law Enforcement Academy to help train 2,000 police officers from ASEAN law enforcement agencies over the next four years to address such emerging security threats as cyber- crime, drug smuggling, and human trafficking.

: Malaysia Foreign Ministry summons China’s ambassador for “clarification” and “to register Malaysia’s concern” over the encroachment of some 100 Chinese fishing boats into Malaysia’s territorial waters in the South China Sea which were accompanied by a Chinese Coast Guard vessel.

: Vietnamese Coast Guard announces the seizure of a Chinese resupply vessel that was allegedly disguised as a fishing boat for trespassing into Vietnamese territorial waters.

: Chinese Defense Minister Chang Wanquan meets Vietnamese counterpart Phung Quang Thanh. They pledge to strengthen military ties, minimize tension and conflict, and exercise restraint in areas of difference.

: Senior officials from Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam convene in China for the inaugural Mekong-Lancang Cooperation (MLC) leaders’ meeting to discuss coordination mechanisms within the Greater Mekong Sub-region and drought issues in the impacted Lower Mekong areas.

: Chinese Coast Guard patrol boat enters Indonesian waters near Natuna Islands to prevent local maritime authorities from seizing a Chinese fishing boat for illegal fishing. Indonesian officials clarify the incident is a fishing dispute rather than a border dispute, and add that Beijing and Jakarta are in communication to resolve the incident peacefully.

: Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson congratulates Myanmar’s President Htin Kyaw and offers support to his government’s efforts in political and ethnic reconciliation.

: China’s chief justice, Zhou Qiang, says China will launch an “international maritime judicial center” to safeguard its territorial claims and protect its maritime rights.

: China stations several ships near Jackson Atoll in the disputed Spratly Islands, preventing local Filipino fishermen from accessing the surrounding fishing grounds. Manila lodges formal protests with Beijing.

: Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Singaporean counterpart Vivian Balakrishnan exchange exploratory ideas on ways to minimize risks of unplanned encounters at sea. Both sides reaffirm the importance of respecting freedom of navigation and over-flights in international waters for regional peace and stability.

: President Xi Jinping meets Hoang Binh Quan, special envoy of Vietnam’s Community Party chief Nguyen Phu Trong, in Beijing. Xi calls for the “proper handling of differences” and deepening the comprehensive and strategic bilateral partnership.

: Gen. Wang Jiaocheng of the People’s Liberation Army’s newly established Southern Theater Command announces it will be “highly vigilant” and “capable of dealing with any security threat” in the command’s jurisdiction, including the South China Sea.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi states that the Philippines violated Article 4 of the 2002 Declaration on Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea by resorting to arbitration instead of dialogue and bilateral negotiations.

: China confirms deployment of fighter jets to Woody Island.

: China announces that it will carry out its first bilateral naval exercise with Cambodia. The drills will focus on humanitarian operations and search and rescue exercises.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi says that the deployment of surface-to-air missiles on Woody Island is intended to build “limited and necessary self-defense facilities.”

: State Councilor Yang Jiechi meets Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Nor Namhong in Beijing for the China-Cambodia Intergovernmental Coordination Committee meeting. They agree to deepen high-level bilateral engagements, strengthen their strategic communication and coordination on international and regional affairs, and support each other on issues concerning their respective “core and major interests.”

: Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou visits Taiping Island (Itu Aba). United States and Vietnam criticize the visit for adding tension to the disputed waters.

: China’s Haiyang Shiyou-981 deep-water rig begins drilling activities 90 miles west of the disputed Parcel Islands. The oil rig deployment comes at a sensitive time amidst Vietnam’s Communist Party Congress.

: Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs lodges a formal protest with Myanmar following a land mine explosion along the two countries’ border. It urges Myanmar security forces to contain the civil conflict between the Kachin rebel groups and the Myanmar military.

: China lands two commercial jets on the Fiery Cross Reef, prompting formal protests from Vietnam and the Philippines.

: China lands a small civilian aircraft on a recently completed runway on Fiery Cross Reef. Vietnam, Philippines, and Japan protest the action, accusing China of destabilizing the region.

: Chinese Navy announces the second of two large military exercises in the South China Sea over the past month involving operations of advanced ships, submarines, and combat aircraft from China’s three naval fleets.

: BBC reports that the Chinese Navy repeatedly warned away a civilian aircraft flying over the South China Sea near Chinese occupied islands and reefs in November.

: Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs raises concerns about the US deployment of surveillance planes in Singapore to monitor developments in the South China Sea.

: Premier Li Keqiang visits Malaysia to take part in the 18th Leaders’ Meeting between China and ASEAN and the 10th East Asia Summit. Li pledges to provide $10 billion to Southeast Asia for infrastructure development.

: President Xi visits Manila for the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting. A key issue on Xi’s agenda is to push the Free Trade Agreement of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP).

: Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand launch the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation framework to promote regional cooperation on political and security issues, economic affairs and sustainable development, and people-to-people exchanges.

: Chinese and Thai air forces hold their first joint exercise, Falcon Strike 2015, at the Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base.

: Foreign Minister Wang Yi meets Philippine Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario in Manila ahead of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting.

: President Xi visits Singapore and meets Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to sign agreements deepening bilateral cooperation, including one that will upgrade the China-Singapore Free Trade Agreement.

: President Xi Jinping makes a state visit to Hanoi and raises a seven-point proposal for strengthening ties. The proposal focuses on maintaining high-level party-to-party and government-to-government exchanges and on deepening bilateral economic relations.

: UN Permanent Court of Arbitration awards its first decision in The Republic of Philippines v. The People’s Republic of China case, ruling that it was “properly constituted” under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, that China’s “non-appearance” (i.e., refusal to participate) did not preclude the Court’s jurisdiction, and that the Philippines was within its rights in filing the case.

: Law enforcement and security officials from Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand meet their counterparts in Beijing for a Ministerial Meeting on Law Enforcement and Security Cooperation along the Mekong River.

: Fan Changlong, vice-chair of China’s Central Military Commission, meets Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu and pledges to strengthen bilateral military cooperation in the areas of personnel training, joint exercises, and maritime security.

: The 12th meeting of the China-Singapore Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation convenes in Singapore. Officials agree to upgrade the bilateral free trade agreement, financial cooperation, and expand cultural and people-to-people exchanges.

: Defense Minister Chang Wanquan meets Soe Win, deputy commander in chief of Myanmar’s Army, in Beijing. Chang says Beijing hopes for a smooth general election in Myanmar in early November and calls on both sides to ensure peace and stability on the two countries’ borders and to work toward advancing their comprehensive strategic partnership.

: China receives regional business leaders and government officials as it hosts the 12th China-ASEAN Expo and the China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit in Nanning. Chinese officials promote its “Belt and Road” initiative to enhance regional investment, infrastructure, trade, and economic cooperation.

: China and Malaysia carry out their first joint military exercise, Peace and Friendship 2015. The drills focus on joint escort, search and rescue, simulation of hijacked vessel rescue, and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. It is the largest bilateral military exercise between China and an ASEAN member state.

: Chinese and Vietnamese security officials announce they will cooperate on a new, joint campaign to investigate drug-related cases and establish an intelligence sharing mechanism to tackle the drug trade along the two countries’ borders.

: President Xi Jinping meets Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang in Beijing on the sidelines of the celebrations marking the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. They agree to strengthen bilateral ties and to manage their territorial disputes through dialogue.

: China’s National Narcotics Control Commission and the Indonesian Narcotics Agency announce plans to increase bilateral cooperation to combat drug trafficking, including sharing of information to detect and prevent illicit drug production and distribution in the region.

: A bomb explodes in central Bangkok, claiming 20 victims (including 2 Chinese), and injuring 123 bystanders. More than two-dozen countries, including China, issue travel advisories warning citizens against visiting Thailand as a result of the bombing incident.

: Chinese and Vietnamese military officials meet in Hanoi for the eighth round of Defense and Security Consultations. They agree to strengthen border exchanges, deepen multilateral security cooperation, and manage differences through consultation.

: Regional leaders convene in Kuala Lumpur to take part in a series of ASEAN-related foreign ministers meetings and the ASEAN Regional Forum. Malaysia Prime Minister Najib Razak, as host of the meetings, underscores ASEAN’s importance in playing a more central and active role in managing the South China Sea disputes.

: China and Southeast Asian nations agree to set up a foreign ministers’ hotline to address emergencies, avoid accidents and miscalculations in the South China Sea. The regional hotline will be the first involving China. Manila and Hanoi established a naval hotline in 2014 to monitor ongoing events in the South China Sea.

: Ninth China-ASEAN senior officials meeting on the implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) is held in Tianjin to discuss a code of conduct (COC) in the South China Sea.

: Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli visits Hanoi and meets senior officials. The two sides discuss the prospects of carrying out a joint survey of the Beibu/Tonkin Gulf to develop economic cooperation in the region.

: Senior Chinese and Cambodian defense officials meet in Beijing and agree to improve high-level military contacts and to deepen bilateral and multilateral security cooperation in tackling regional non-traditional security issues.

: Thai officials agree to repatriate 109 illegal Uighur immigrants to China. Chinese Ministry of Public Security had earlier identified and implicated the illegal immigrants’ alleged involvement in terrorist and other illegal activities such as human trafficking.

: The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague holds its hearings on the South China Sea. Representatives from Manila put forward the case against Beijing’s claims. Beijing reiterates it will not participate in the case nor send representatives to the tribunal.

: The Philippines, Malaysia, and Thailand express their interest in the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) but decide against signing the bank’s founding articles of agreement at the launch ceremony of the new bank in Beijing. Singapore pledges to contribute $250 million to the bank and is committed to being a founding member of AIIB.

: China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) places Haiyang Shiyou 981 oil rig platform off the coast of Hainan but within the Chinese side of the median line between China and Vietnam.

: Third round of the China-Southeast Asia Expo convenes in Kunming with regional leaders agreeing to strengthen regional cooperation in agriculture, energy, infrastructure linkages, and people-to-people exchanges.

: Chinese President Xi Jinping meets Myanmar’s National League for Democracy chairperson Aung San Suu Kyi in Beijing. They agree to forge stronger party-to-party ties.

: Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong visits Indonesia and meets President Joko Widodo and attends the second China-Southeast Asia High-Level People-to-People Dialogue.

: ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Disaster Relief Exercises (DiREx) 2015 convenes in Malaysia and is co-chaired by Beijing and Kuala Lumpur. The discussion focuses on regional coordination and cooperation on disaster relief mechanisms.

: Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs raises concerns with Indonesia over reports of Jakarta’s blowing up and sinking Chinese fishing boats suspected of illegal fishing.

: Xu Qiliang, vice chairman of China’s Central Military Commission (CMC), meets Malaysian Defense Ministry Secretary General Abdul Rahim in Beijing for the second round of the China-Malaysia Defense and Security Consultation.

: Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs lodges formal protests to the Myanmar government as two new incidents of shelling attacks injure Chinese civilians residing in the border city of Lincang, Yunnan Province.  The Myanmar government puts the blame on the Kokang ethnic army for this latest round of border shelling attacks.

: China and Thailand pledge to increase cooperation in railway construction, law enforcement, and tourism as the two sides celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of official ties.

: The 26th ASEAN Summit is held in Malaysia. The group discusses regional economic integration, the progress made toward achieving the ASEAN Economic Community, and the post-2015 vision for the regional bloc. The joint statement criticizes land reclamation and urges self-restraint among the claimant states in the South China Sea.

: President Xi Jinping visits Jakarta and delivers a speech at the African-Asian Bandung Conference Meeting. Xi’s speech emphasizes the prospects for infrastructure connectivity and deepening economic ties between Asia and Africa.

: Senior Chinese and Cambodian officials meet in Phnom Penh to discuss law enforcement and security issues.

: Defense Minister Chang meets visiting Singaporean Defense Minister Ng Chee Meng to discuss military cooperation, including personnel training and closer communication.

: 16th China-ASEAN Joint Cooperation Committee meeting is held in Jakarta.

: Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli meets Singaporean counterpart Teo Chee Hean in Beijing. They agree to strengthen business, trade, and economic relations, as well as deepening bilateral discussions on environmental protection.

: Defense Minister Chang Wanquan meets senior Thai military officials and pledges to forge closer bilateral defense and security ties.

: President and Communist Party leader Xi Jinping meets Vietnamese Communist Party counterpart Nguyen Phu Trong in Beijing. They sign the Cooperation Plan 2016-2020 that will deepen bilateral cooperation, establish three bilateral working groups on maritime cooperation, and agree to better manage differences over the South China Sea and to work toward adopting a Code of Conduct.

:   China hosts the first senior officials meeting of the Lancang-Mekong River Dialogue and Cooperation forum with representatives from Cambodia, China, Laos, and Myanmar participating.

: President Xi Jinping attends the 2015 Boao Forum and discusses major trade and economic initiatives such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Silk Road Fund to help boost regional ties.

: Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) visits Japan and China.

: The People’s Liberation Army Air Force dispatches fighter jets to Yunnan to protect and patrol the border area with Myanmar.

: A bomb released by a Myanmar jet kills four Chinese people near the border city of Lincang. Nine others are injured.” China’s Foreign Ministry calls on Myanmar to “thoroughly investigate the case and inform the Chinese side of the result.”

: Senior Chinese officials reject recent comments speculating that Beijing is involved in the internal conflict in the Kokang region in northern Myanmar.

: China calls on officials in Myanmar to restore stability and strengthen border management amidst continued unrest and instability along the China-Myanmar border.

: Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson reiterates China’s position that it respects Myanmar’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and will continue to play a constructive role in Myanmar’s ongoing peace process in the Kokang region that borders China.

: Chinese President Xi Jinping and Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Phu Trong hold a phone conversation to mark the 65th anniversary of bilateral relations and agree to maintain high-level exchanges on diplomatic, economic, and security issues.

:  China responds to Philippine protests over activities near Scarborough Shoal, saying Philippine fishermen ignored instructions from Chinese patrols to leave the area.

: Chinese Minister of Defense Chang Wanquan visits Bangkok and meets Thai counterpart to discuss joint training, technology sharing, and arms procurement. Chang also proposes to expand Blue Strike, the joint air force exercise that began in 2010.

: Philippines accuses China of ramming Filipino fishing boats off Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea and demands China respect its sovereignty over the territory. It also protests Beijing’s land reclamation at Mischief Reef.

: Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi meets senior Indonesian officials in Beijing to convene the first China-Indonesia High-Level Economic Dialogue. The meeting provides a platform to promote bilateral business, trade, and economic activities.

: Indonesian officials announce that Jakarta is revoking an agreement with China on fishery cooperation, citing Chinese fishermen’s continued illegal poaching activities around Indonesia’s coastal waters.

: Philippine officials criticize China’s increasing reclamation activities in the disputed reefs in the South China Sea.

: China’s Foreign Ministry confirms that 155 Chinese citizens are being detained in Myanmar for illegal logging, denying reports that they were trapped by an armed conflict in northern Myanmar.

: Meeting in Beijing, senior officials of China and Indonesia pledge to deepen communication and bilateral cooperation on counter-terrorism activities.

: Provincial and border security officers from China, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand attend a regional meeting in Laos to discuss nontraditional security issues, increasing border patrol, and economic development along the Mekong River.

: Chinese Communist Party Politburo Standing Committee Member Yu Zhengsheng visits Hanoi for talks with Vietnam’s top party and government leaders.

: China and Malaysia hold a military exercise, Peace and Friendship 2014, which includes a joint table-top exercise, combined joint search and rescue, and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief activities.

: The fifth Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Economic Cooperation Summit is held in Bangkok. Premier Li Keqiang announces that China will offer $1 billion to support greater infrastructure development and linkages in the region, a $500 million grant program to address poverty alleviation, and $10 billion in special loans to improve regional business, trade, and economic growth.

: Vietnam submits an official statement to the UN Permanent Court of Arbitration as part of its dispute with China in the South China Sea. The statement asks the international court to give “due regard” to Hanoi’s legal rights as the court reviews a separate, impending case filed by the Philippines and rejects China’s “nine-dash line” demarcation of the South China Sea.

: Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs releases a position paper in response to the Philippine’s decision in January to file a case with the UN Permanent Court of Arbitration disputing Chinese claims in the South China Sea. The Chinese government maintains its objection to the ongoing arbitral proceedings.

: Chinese and Indonesian law enforcement agencies announce the joint arrest of a major transnational criminal ring responsible for the illicit smuggling of drugs and narcotics across Indonesia, Hong Kong, and several Chinese cities.

: China, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand carry out the 28th round of joint patrols on the Mekong River. The four-day patrol seeks to improve coordination among law enforcement agencies to combat human smuggling, hijacking, and illicit drugs and narcotics in the Golden Triangle region.

: President Xi attends the G-20 Summit in Brisbane and discusses energy security, strengthening the international financial system, and combating such nontraditional, transnational threats as the Ebola epidemic, among other global security and economic issues.

: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang arrives in Nay Pyi Taw to attend the annual Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Leaders Meeting and the East Asia Summit. Li supports a proposed new treaty of “friendship and cooperation” with ASEAN and offers to host an informal regional meeting of defense ministers in 2015.

: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders Meeting is held in Beijing. The key highlight of the meeting is a proposal broached by President Xi Jinping to create a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP).

: China and Singapore hold a joint military training exercise. The eight-day exercise, Cooperation 2014, includes an infantry live-fire combat operation.

: Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi arrives in Hanoi and meets President Truong Tan Sang to discuss ways to manage differences in the maritime disputes and to increase and strengthen overall bilateral exchanges.

: China announces the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) with an initial fund of $50 billion. A total of 21 countries sign a memorandum of understanding endorsing the launch of AIIB, including India and nine ASEAN countries.  Indonesia subsequently became a member on Nov. 27.

: Fan Changlong, vice chair of China’s CMC, meets visiting Defense Minister Phung Quang Thanh. They agree to better manage and “properly address” the ongoing maritime disputes in order to help advance bilateral military-to-military ties.

: Vietnam’s Defense Minister Gen. Phung Quang Thanh leads a delegation of 12 senior military officers to Beijing at the invitation of Chinese Defense Minister Gen. Chang Wanquan “to strengthen friendly relations and comprehensive cooperation between the two armed forces and discuss measures to promote bilateral defense relations….”

: Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi arrives in Kuala Lumpur and meets Prime Minister Najib Razak.  They agree to deepen cooperation in law enforcement, regional security and counterterrorism, and to continue consultation on the South China Sea.

: Fan Changlong, vice chair of China’s Central Military Commission (CMC), meets visiting Indonesian Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro to discuss bilateral military ties. They agree to increase the number of senior-level exchanges and to closer coordination on multilateral security issues in the region.

: The 11th Annual China-ASEAN Expo convenes in Nanning with Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli meeting regional leaders in attendance at the annual trade, business, and investment forum.

: Vietnam accuses Chinese sailors of attacking a group of Vietnamese fishermen near the Paracel Islands.

: Sino-Vietnamese talks in Beijing reach an agreement to avoid acts that would worsen maritime disputes and to support overall peace and stability in the South China Sea.

: Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson accepts Vietnam’s apology and compensation for the deaths, injuries, and damage caused by anti-China riots in May.

: Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman rejects a US protest of the previous day accusing China of dangerous harassment of US surveillance flights over the South China Sea.

: Senior security officials from China and Indonesia meet in Beijing and pledge closer bilateral cooperation on combating terrorism and extremist activities.

: Philippine officials publicly warn against Chinese ships doing oil exploration in the energy-rich Reed Bank.

:   President Xi Jinping meets Singaporean counterpart Tony Tan Keng Yam in Nanjing at the opening of the Youth Olympic Games. They pledge to deepen cooperation in the Suzhou Industrial Park Zone, the Tianjin Ecological City, and other joint flagship investment and development projects in China and Singapore.

:   Following the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), Southeast Asian foreign ministers issue a joint statement expressing serious concerns over rising tensions in the South China Sea and call for ASEAN to intensify consultations with China and have substantive discussions for the conclusion of a legally binding code of conduct in the South China Sea.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi meets President Thein Sein in Nay Pyi Taw as part of his official visit to Myanmar to attend the 21st ARF. They discuss deepening business, trade, and economic activities, including building and expanding new economic corridors in South and Southeast Asia.

: Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson defends China’s right and intention to build lighthouses throughout disputed South China Sea islands.

: The 47th ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting/Post Ministerial Conference, the 21st ASEAN Regional Forum, the 15th ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers Meeting, and the fourth East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers’ Meeting are held in Nay Pyi Taw.

: President Xi Jinping meets Laotian counterpart Choummaly Sayasone in Beijing. They discuss development of a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, including closer cooperation in agriculture, energy, and infrastructure development, as well as law enforcement activities along the border areas and the Mekong River Basin.

:   Fan Changlong, vice chairperson of the CMC, visits Jakarta and meets Indonesian Defense Minister Purnomo Yugisantoro to discuss prospects for deepening bilateral military and security relations, including more frequent high-level visits, defense consultations, navy dialogues, personnel training, and joint military drills.

: China removes its offshore oil rig from contested waters near the Paracel Islands, a month before schedule.

: Chinese Coast Guard detains six Vietnamese fishermen for “illegally operating in Chinese territory.”

: Myanmar President Thein Sein visits China and meets President Xi to celebrate the 60th anniversary of an agreement on the five principles of peaceful coexistence between China, India, and Myanmar.

: Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi visits Vietnam and meets Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh in Hanoi to exchange views on bilateral relations and ongoing maritime tensions.

:  Philippine Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario calls for a moratorium on actions that can provoke tensions in the South China Sea.

: Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi meets Singaporean Minister for Foreign Affairs K. Shanmugam in Beijing.  They pledge to further strengthen economic, cultural, and security as they prepare to celebrate 25 years of formal bilateral relations next year.

: Vietnam’s mission to the UN submits a position paper for circulation to the General Assembly demanding that China withdraw its oil rig from the area in the Paracel Islands, its escort vessels from Vietnam’s maritime zones, and to stop “all activities that are interfering with maritime safety and security, and affecting regional peace and security.”

: Wang Min, China’s deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, submits a position paper to UN General Secretary Ban Ki-moon alleging that Vietnam “illegally and forcefully disrupted the Chinese operation” of its oil rig in the South China Sea.

: Minister of Public Safety Guo Shengkun meets Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister/Interior Minister Sar Kheng in Beijing to discuss bilateral law enforcement cooperation, particularly on combating telecom fraud and tracking fugitives who have fled abroad. They sign a five-year action plan to increase joint coordination on cross-border crime.

: Vietnam releases video footage showing a large Chinese ship chasing and ramming one of its fishing boats, which subsequently sank.

: Permanent Court of Arbitration announces that China will have until Dec. 15 to file a memorial countering Philippine evidence in its case against Chinese claims in the South China Sea. China’s Foreign Ministry restates its refusal to participate in the case.

: China’s Ministry of Public Security hosts a meeting with counterparts from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, and the UN Office on Drugs and Crime to address the growing threat of illicit drugs and narcotics in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region. They agree to increase cross-border cooperation.

: Prime Minister Najib Razak makes a state visit to China and meets Premier Li Keqiang. They agree to accelerate the use of local currency settlements for two-way trade and investment. On the South China Sea, they reaffirm the need to uphold freedom and safety of navigation in the high seas, and to exercise self-restraint and resolve their differences through continued dialogue in accordance with the UN Conventional on the Law of the Sea.

: China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson expresses hope for continuity of normal ties with Thailand, following the Thai military’s announcement of a coup. He urges all parties to exercise restraint and to resolve their differences through dialogue and consultation.

: Philippines and Indonesia reach a settlement of maritime boundaries.

: Myanmar hosts the 24th ASEAN Summit in Nay Pyi Taw.

: Xu Qiliang leads a military delegation to Phnom Penh and meets Deputy Prime Minister/Defense Minister Tea Banh to sign a military cooperation agreement. China agrees to provide grants and scholarships for Cambodian military personnel and officers to study in China.

: Vietnam releases video showing Chinese ships repeatedly ramming and using water cannons against Hanoi’s patrol vessels in the area where Beijing has placed an oil rig.

: Xu Qiliang, vice chairperson of China’s Central Military Commission (CMC), meets Myanmar’s Air Force Commander-in-Chief Khin Aung. They agree to increase bilateral military ties, including personnel training, high-level exchanges and visits, and joint collaboration to contribute to stability in the border areas.

: Philippine National Police maritime patrol arrests 11 Chinese fishermen whose vessel is intercepted 60 nm off the coast of Palawan with 500 endangered species of turtles on board. China demands the release of the fishermen, saying they were in an area where China has “undisputable” sovereign rights.

: China’s Maritime Safety Administration announces that all ships are prohibited from entering a 1.6 km radius (subsequently expanded to 5 km) surrounding an oil drilling area near the Paracel Islands until operations end.

: China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) deploys a deep water drilling rig, the HD-981, in disputed waters near the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea.

: In a commentary in the Wall Street Journal, Indonesia’s defense minister says that Indonesia is “dismayed” that China has included Indonesian territory within its nine-dash-line claim to the South China Sea and is strengthening military forces to protect its territory.

: Senior Chinese and ASEAN officials meet in Thailand to discuss disaster relief, search and rescue, and humanitarian assistance as part of the China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation Partnership. Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin agrees to enhance maritime and security cooperation in the South China Sea and to implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea. Liu also proposes institutionalizing the China-ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting and suggests that an informal gathering of regional defense chiefs to take place later this year to discuss maritime cooperation.

: People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) hosts the 14th annual meeting of the Western Pacific Naval Symposium in Qingdao, China. Member states endorse the Code for Unalerted Encounters at Sea (CUES), a navy-to-navy system communication system to reduce misunderstandings and avoid maritime accidents.

: The second meeting of the China-ASEAN ministers responsible for culture and arts and the sixth meeting of ASEAN cultural ministers are held in Hue, Vietnam. The ministers discuss an action plan to deepen cultural exchanges in the region.

: Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirms media reports of violence on the China-Vietnam border. According to the New York Times, the incident involves several casualties, including five Chinese civilians and two Vietnamese border guards, during a clash between Vietnamese border guards and Chinese nationals attempting to illegally enter Vietnam.

: Chinese President Xi Jinping meets Speaker of the Myanmar Parliament Thura U Shwe in Beijing. Xi expresses support for Myanmar’s rotating chairmanship in ASEAN and pledges to work with Myanmar to strengthen regional cooperation.

: Ships from 17 nations including all 10 ASEAN members, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, South Korea, and the US participate in the biannual humanitarian assistance and disaster relief Exercise Komodo in Indonesian waters around the Natuna Islands.

: ASEAN and Chinese officials meet in Singapore for the 10th meeting of the Joint Working Group on the South China Sea. The talks seek to establish a code of conduct aimed at managing and reducing tensions in the South China Sea.

: Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the People’s Liberation Army Sun Jianguo visits Phnom Penh and meets Gen. Pol Saroeun, commander in chief of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. They agree to deepen cooperation between the two armed forces and enhance the bilateral partnership with more frequent exchanges by senior military officials.

: A senior Indonesian military official publicly states that China’s claim to the Natuna waters as part of Beijing’s “nine-dash line” is arbitrary and insists that the Natuna Islands and the surrounding waters are part of Indonesia’s sovereign territory.

: Philippines summons Charge d’affairs from Chinese Embassy in Manila to protest blockade of its ships attempting to deliver supplies to soldiers on Second Thomas Shoal, saying that it had “no plans to expand or build permanent structures on the shoal.”

: Philippines airdrop supplies to soldiers stationed on Second Thomas Shoal.

: Chinese Coast Guard vessels prevent two ships contracted by the Philippine Navy to deliver supplies and replacement troops to a Philippine outpost on the Second Thomas Shoal (Philippines: Ayungin Shoal, China: Ren’ai Reef), claiming the ships were carrying construction materials in violation of the 2002 Declaration on Conduct in the South China Sea.

: Malaysian Airlines flight 370 en route to Beijing goes missing shortly after its departure from Kuala Lumpur. A majority of the passengers on board are Chinese nationals.

: China agrees to offer a $2 billion loan to Myanmar to help build the “Myanmar-China Corridor,” a new transportation route that would facilitate bilateral trade.

: China and Vietnam agree to set up a direct phone line between their defense ministries to help build communication and trust between the two militaries. They announce that the phone line will be operational within the year.

: Philippines summons China’s ambassador to Manila over allegations that a Chinese surveillance ship fired water cannons at Philippine fishing vessels near Scarborough Shoal. China dismisses the protest, saying its sovereignty in the area is “indisputable.”

: Officials from the Philippines, Malaysia, and Vietnam meet in Manila to coordinate policy regarding Chinese activities in the South China Sea. Fellow claimant Brunei fails to send representatives to the meeting, despite originally agreeing to attend.

: Philippines announces it will pursue the arbitration case with the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea to help settle its South China Sea territorial and maritime disputes with China.

: Seventeen Chinese soldiers take part in the Cobra Gold exercise in northern Thailand, joining soldiers from six other countries in humanitarian exercises led by the US.

: China and the Philippines trade remarks over the territorial disputes in the South China Sea after President Benigno Aquino III compares the Philippines to Czechoslovakia facing territorial expansion by Nazi Germany in an interview with the New York Times. Chinese officials express dissatisfaction and respond that the comparison is unreasonable.

: Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi and Vietnamese Vice Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh exchange ideas over the phone on improving bilateral ties as part of the preparatory work for forthcoming seventh meeting of the Guiding Committee for China-Vietnam Bilateral Cooperation.

:   Malaysian officials dismiss media reports of Chinese ships patrolling in the James Shoal, which lies in Malaysia’s exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea.

: Chinese Coast Guard ships fire water cannons at Filipino fishermen near the disputed Scarborough Shoal, prompting official protests from Manila.

: Chinese media reports that Hainan province and the city of Sansha will set up new civilian patrols in the South China Sea. The intent is to “safeguard national sovereign rights and benefits, develop at-sea assistance, [and] ensure navigational safety.”

: First meeting of China-Cambodia Intergovernmental Coordination Committee is held in Beijing with Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi and Cambodia Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Hor Namhong as co-chairs. They agree to deepen cooperation in economics and trade, agriculture, defense, law enforcement and cultural exchanges.

:   Senior officials from China, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam attend the 19th Greater Mekong Subregion Ministerial Conference and agree on the Regional Investment Framework to help spur business, trade, and economic ties, increase infrastructural development, and greater regional connectivity via transportation linkages.

:   Chinese and Thai Special Forces carry out a joint counterterrorism training exercise. The exercise, code named Strike 2013, is the fourth time the two armed forces have carried out such joint training aimed to increase bilateral defense and security ties.

: Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Ma Keqing comments that Beijing has the right to decide “when and where to set up the new air identification zone,” sparking regional concerns that China may set up a similar zone over the South China Sea, as it had done in the East China Sea.

: Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning accompanied by several escort ships conducts sea trials in the South China Sea.

: China’s naval hospital ship, Peace Ark, arrives in the Philippines to provide medical aid and relief to victims affected by the typhoon in the country.

: China and Myanmar’s opposition party, the National League for Democracy (NLD), expand ties with the visit of a senior NLD delegation to Beijing, Shanghai, and Yunnan. The visit is the fourth official NLD visit to China to deepen party-to-party relations.

: Chinese and Indonesian airborne troops carry out a joint counterterrorism exercise, Sharp Knife Airborne 2013, in Bandung, Indonesia. The exercise involves around 200 paratroopers and includes live-fire exercises, air landing, hand-to-hand combat, shooting, obstacle-crossing, and search and rescue operations.

: Malaysian Defense Minister Hishammuddin Hussein visits China and meets Defense Minister Chang Wanquan. They vow to increase military ties.

: Tenth China-Singapore Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation convenes in Singapore and agrees to increase cooperation in the financial sector, promote cultural and people-to-people exchanges, and expand bilateral trade and investment. The two sides also agree to launch direct foreign exchange trade between their currencies in the interbank market and to expand the channel for the flow of Renminbi capital between China and Singapore.

: President Xi Jinping visits Indonesia and Malaysia and takes part in the 21st APEC Economic Leaders Meeting in Bali. With his Indonesian and Malaysian counterparts, Xi agrees to advance the status of both sets of bilateral relations to a “comprehensive strategic partnership,” with emphasis on advancing trade, business, and economic relations.

: China National Petroleum Company announces the China-Myanmar gas pipeline is complete and in full operation. The pipeline will carry nearly 12 billion cubic meters of natural gas to southwest China.

: Fan Changlong, vice chair of China’s Central Military Commission, meets senior military officials from Myanmar. They agree to ensure security and stability along the Sino-Myanmar border.

: ASEAN Secretary General Le Luong Minh visits China and meets Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang visits Brunei to attend the 16th China-ASEAN Summit, the ASEAN Plus Three Summit, and the 8th East Asia Summit. He also visits to Thailand and Vietnam.

:   Lao President Choummaly Sayasone visits China and meets President Xi Jinping. They agree to expand bilateral trade, infrastructure development, educational and cultural exchanges, and defense cooperation.

: China and Vietnam agree to conduct joint research on marine life near the Gulf of Tonkin. The agreement is part of the outcome of the fourth round of bilateral negotiations on maritime cooperation in the South China Sea.

: China and ASEAN hold Sixth Senior Officials Meeting on Implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea and discuss establishment of a formal code of conduct.

: Philippines accuses China of constructing concrete structures within its territory in the Scarborough Shoal (Philippines: Panatag Shoal; Chinese: Huangyan Island).

:   Tenth China-ASEAN Expo convenes in Nanning, China. The annual event features exhibitions from companies in the region to promote business, trade, and economic activities between China and ASEAN member states.

:   China and ASEAN foreign ministers meet in Beijing and agree to strengthen their economic relations and upgrade their trade area.  The ministers agree to facilitate economic integration through more efficient interconnection of sea, land, and air networks in the region.

: China requests Philippine President Aquino cancel his visit to the Sept. 3 Nanning Trade Expo and reschedule it for a “more conducive time.”

: Myanmar’s Parliament approves $100 million of the $600 million China has offered in loans.

: First China-Thailand Strategic Dialogue is held in Bangkok.

:   Southeast Asian foreign ministers meet in Hua Hin, Thailand and agree in an informal session on a common position regarding a Code of Conduct for the South China Sea.

: Philippine Justice Department announces that they recommended homicide charges against eight Filipino coastguards for the fatal shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman in disputed waters on May 9. Taiwan welcomes the move as a “constructive response.”

:   In a meeting in Hanoi, Foreign Minister Wang announces that the envisaged Code of Conduct in the South China Sea is an important development in ASEAN-China relations but cautions that such an agreement should not be rushed and should be implemented gradually on a consensus basis.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi attends China-ASEAN forum and visits Malaysia, Laos, and Vietnam.

: The natural gas portion of the Myanmar-China Oil and Gas Pipeline begins transporting gas to China.

: Philippine Foreign Ministry spokesperson denounces China’s reported decision to arm coast guard vessels to patrol the South China Sea.

:   Senior officials of the Communist Party of China and the Communist Party of Vietnam meet in Beijing and pledge to enhance communication and high-level exchanges.

:   Fan Changlong, vice chair of the Central Military Commission, arrives in Nay Pyi Daw for an official visit and meets Myanmar President Thein Sein and other senior military officials to discuss the continued cooperation and exchanges between the two armed forces.

: Chinese spokesperson responds to Philippine charges of July 15.

: Philippine Foreign Ministry spokesperson issues a detailed response to the Chinese spokesperson’s charges of July 12.

: Planned demonstration in Manila causes Chinese Embassy to close its visa office.

: China’s largest search and rescue vessel Haixun 01 arrives in Jakarta for a port visit and Chinese and Indonesian officials exchange views on future collaboration on joint search and rescue exercises on the high seas.

: Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson rebuffs Philippine foreign minister’s charges.

: UN tribunal hearing the Philippines’ case against Chinese claims in the South China Sea is convened in The Hague, Netherlands.

: Philippine foreign minister attacks China in a speech in Belgium.

: Sharply worded Xinhua commentary criticizes Philippine foreign minister’s remarks to the media and challenge to Chinese Foreign Minister Wang during China-ASEAN and ASEAN Regional Forum meetings in Brunei and accuses the US and Japan of establishing closer ties with the Philippines military in this period of tension in Sino-Philippines relations.

:   Chinese and ASEAN foreign ministers announce that they will hold a detailed discussion during the Sixth Senior Officials Meeting in September on the implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea and work toward establishing a formal Code of Conduct.

: Overseas edition of People’s Daily warns Manila of a Chinese “counterstrike” if it continues to provoke Beijing in the South China Sea.

:   China and Indonesia sign an anti-graft cooperation memo at conclusion of the fifth seminar of the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities. Both sides agree to exchange information, share best practices on handling corruption and money-laundering cases, and carry out capacity-building programs for investigation and prosecutorial skills.

:   Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi visits Nay Pyi Daw and meets Vice President Nyan Tun. They reaffirm ties and agree to expand trade, economic, and business activities and cooperation on poverty alleviation programs and agricultural development.

: Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson condemns the Philippines continued “illegal occupation” of the disputed Ren’ai reef.

: Philippine defense minister says the Philippines deployed a new contingent of marines and new supplies to Second Thomas Shoal – an operation that was not obstructed by Chinese Navy and civilian surveillance ships in the area.

:   Representatives from ASEAN and China meet in Vietnam for a workshop to strengthen search and rescue coordination in the South China Sea.

: Vietnam’s President Truong Tan Sang visits China and meets President Xi Jinping. They agree to establish a maritime hotline to handle fishing disputes in the South China Sea, to implement the DoC, and to hold two joint patrols of the Beibu Gulf later this year.

: Philippines National Bureau of Investigation announces it will pursue criminal charges against Philippine Coast Guard members for the May 9 death of a Taiwanese fisherman.

: Philippine government protests to the Chinese Embassy about publication of a Chinese map in January with claims to the South China Sea that are strongly opposed by Manila.

: China and Laos agree to deepen bilateral cooperation and expand their comprehensive strategic partnership during a meeting in Beijing between Liu Yunshan, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party (CPC), and Pany Yathotou, president of the Laotian National Assembly.

: Chinese Foreign Ministry and Defense Ministry spokespersons join the Chinese ambassador in Manila in condemning the Philippines for grounding an old warship on Second Thomas Shoal in 1999 and continuing to deploy a small contingent of marines there.

: ASEAN and China hold eighth joint meeting on the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DoC). They agree to implement the declaration and develop maritime emergency measures.

:   PLAN carries out a joint naval exercise in the South China Sea that includes warships, submarines, and the naval air force from North Sea, East Sea, and South Sea fleets.

: Taipei announces that the Taiwan Coast Guard will protect Taiwanese fishing boats them from “harassment by the Philippines.”

:   Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime sign a memorandum to deepen regional and international cooperation on illicit drug trafficking in the Golden Triangle and the greater Mekong region.

: Local Philippine official tells the media that a civilian boat was chased by a Chinese warship as the boat passed near Second Thomas Shoal.

:   Senior commander of the PLA Navy (PLAN) South China Sea Fleet attends the International Maritime Defense Exhibition and Conference in Singapore and calls for increased exchange of information and cooperation on maritime security, including joint patrol operations to counter piracy activities and drug trafficking on the high seas.

: Philippines issues an apology to Taiwan regarding the May 9 fishing boat incident. Taiwan rejects the apology as insincere and implements new sanctions against the Philippines, including a tourist “red alert” and suspension of all Philippine laborer applications.

:   China and Vietnam convene the sixth meeting of the bilateral Cooperation Steering Committee.  Topics include expanding trade and economic cooperation, people-to-people exchanges, and increasing coordination and communication on the South China Sea.

: Philippines files a protest with the Chinese Embassy in Manila against China’s “provocative and illegal” deployment of a Chinese Navy ship and Maritime Surveillance ships near Second Thomas Shoal.

:   Cambodia’s National Assembly ratifies a maritime transportation agreement between ASEAN and China that will expand cooperation on passenger and cargo transport. All ASEAN member states except for Indonesia have ratified the agreement.

: Philippine Coast Guard fires on one of four Taiwanese fishing vessels that it claims entered its territorial waters, killing a fisherman. Taiwan demands a formal investigation, apology, compensation, and punishment for those responsible within 72 hours.

: ASEAN-China Consultative Meeting takes place in Brunei on the sidelines of the Seventh ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting.  Chinese Defense Minister Chang Wanquan attends the meetings and discusses expanding ASEAN-China cooperation in the areas of military exchanges, personnel training, and joint exercises.

:   Foreign Minister Wang Yi arrives in Jakarta and meets Indonesian counterpart Marty Natalagewa. They agree to maintain high-level exchanges, expand bilateral trade and investment, and strengthen maritime cooperation.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi meets Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on the first leg of his six-day Southeast Asian trip, which will also take him to Indonesia, Singapore, and Brunei. They agree to deepen cooperation in the areas of infrastructure development, education, tourism, and defense.

: Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs releases a statement that China will adhere to bilateral negotiations to resolve the current disputes with the Philippines and other claimant states in the South China Sea China. China reiterates its objection to the Philippines’ request and proposal to establish the Arbitral Tribunal on the South China Sea.

:   Representatives from China and Vietnam meet in Beijing for the third round of bilateral consultations on maritime cooperation programs.  The two sides identify several areas of cooperation in low-sensitivity areas, including environmental protection, search and rescue operations, and disaster prevention programs.

:   The 2013 ASEAN Summit convenes in Brunei. ASEAN leaders agree to work toward a binding code of conduct in the South China Sea and to resolve differences over the South China Sea through peaceful and diplomatic means.

: President Xi Jinping meets Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen in Beijing.  Xi indicates that China will continue to strengthen bilateral ties and will increase support for infrastructure and economic development in Cambodia.

: The Boao Forum is held in Hainan Province.

:    Lt. Gen. Qi Jianguo, deputy chief of the General Staff of the PLA, visits Kuala Lumpur and meets his Malaysian counterpart.  They agree to strengthen high-level exchange, strategic consultations, and joint training.

: Hassanal Bolkiah, the sultan of Brunei, visits China to meet President Xi Jinping and attend the Boao Forum, where he gives a keynote address.

:   The 19th ASEAN-China Senior Officials’ Consultation concludes with an agreement by the participants to work toward a code of conduct in the South China Sea.

:   Newly appointed Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar Yang Houlan arrives in Nay Pyi Taw and meets Myanmar President Thein Sein to present his credentials.  They agree to strengthen bilateral political, economic, and security ties.

:   PLA Navy acknowledges that one of its ships fired at a Vietnamese fishing boat near the disputed Paracel Islands on March 20.  Beijing initially denied such reports, but subsequently admits that the incident did occur, insisting that only flares were shot.

: Four Chinese ships begin military drills at James Shoal, located near the coast of Malaysia in the southernmost part of the South China Sea.

:   Adm. Marsetio, Indonesia’s navy chief, proposes at the third Jakarta International Defense Dialogue that ASEAN and China should carry out joint naval exercises.  Participation in the two-day dialogue includes senior-level military delegations from the region.

:   Wang Yingfan, a former vice foreign minister, is appointed China’s first special representative for Asian affairs.  The Ministry of Foreign Affairs indicates that Wang’s primary task will be handling and managing China-Myanmar relations.

:   Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi meets Brunei’s Foreign and Trade Minister Prince Mohamed Bolkiah in Beijing. They agree to deepen bilateral ties, as well as the ASEAN-China partnership.

:   Reports in the International Herald Tribune and the South China Morning Post note that China considered the use of unmanned aircraft – drones – in the month-long manhunt for Naw Kham, the ringleader responsible for drug trafficking in the Golden Triangle area.

: China formally rejects a Philippine proposal to take their dispute regarding sovereignty issues in the South China Sea to the UN for arbitration.

:   Le Luong Minh, secretary-general of ASEAN, says progress is needed on the code of conduct to prevent clashes and accidents in the South China Sea.

: Negotiators from the government of Myanmar and the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) meet in Ruili, China to discuss reducing military tensions.

: Jia Qinglin, chairperson of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, arrives in Phnom Penh to attend the royal cremation ceremony of the late Cambodian King Norodom Sihanouk.

: Chinese and Cambodian militaries sign a Memorandum of Understanding to coordinate in military human resources development.

: Philippines announces that it submitted its dispute with China over claims in the South China to a UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) arbitration tribunal.

:   Lt. Gen. Qi Jianguo, deputy chief of the General Staff of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), arrives in Nay Pyi Taw for the first Strategic Security Consultation between the armed forces of China and Myanmar.

: Fan Changlong, vice-chair of the Central Military Commission (CMC), meets Indonesian Deputy Defense Minister Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin in Beijing.  They agree to strengthen security cooperation, expand military-to-military exchanges, and jointly promote the development of their strategic partnership.

: Philippine Foreign Secretary del Rosario warns that the Chinese nine-dash line claim in the South China Sea poses a threat to the Asian region’s security.

:   Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs raises concerns over the spillover effect of the armed conflict between the Myanmar government and the Kachin Independence Army.  China confirms that three bombs were dropped inside China’s borders in December 2012.

:   China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) announces that it has completed the oil and natural gas pipelines linking China with Myanmar. The 1,100-km pipelines will transport crude oil and natural gas from the Middle East and Africa to China via Myanmar.

:   Zhang Guoqing, head of China North Industries Group Corporation (NORINCO), visits Naypyitaw and meets President Thein Sein.  They agree to continue implementing bilateral agreements and deals, indicating that joint cooperation will not weaken in spite of mass protests in Myanmar on the projects.

:  Chinese Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu meets Cambodian National Police Commissioner Neth Savoeun in Beijing.  They agree to enhance law enforcement exchanges, promote cooperation in combating telecommunications fraud, narcotics, and carry out joint police investigations.

: Philippine Energy Secretary Carlos Petilla announces Manila will suspend the process for awarding contracts for three oil and gas blocks in the South China Sea.

: Vietnamese police disperse anti-China protests in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City that stemmed from tensions over territorial claims in the South China Sea.

:   China and Indonesia hold the first bilateral meeting of the Maritime Cooperation Committee in Beijing.  They launch the China-Indonesia Maritime Cooperation Fund to promote closer maritime cooperation projects.

:   Li Jianguo, vice chairperson of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee, arrives in Vientiane and meets Laotian leaders.  They agree on a four-point proposal to help boost bilateral ties, including deepening cooperation in agriculture, trade, infrastructure, and high-level party-to-party exchanges.

: Premier Wen Jiabao visits Phnom Penh to take part in a series of meetings, including the China-ASEAN Summit, the ASEAN Plus3 Summit, and the East Asian Summit.  Wen’s message throughout emphasizes the positive effects of cooperation and development to enhance trust and stability in the region.

:   Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao attends the ninth Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) in Vientiane.  In meeting his ASEAN and European counterparts, Wen calls for closer multilateral cooperation on business and trade, financial markets, and energy security issues.

:   China and Vietnam hold third bilateral Public Security Ministerial Meeting in Hanoi.  Since its inception in 2008, the forum has provided a channel for bilateral cooperation in controlling cross-border crimes including illegal immigration, human and drug trafficking, and money laundering.

:   Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Fu Ying arrives in Manila and meets Philippine Foreign Secretary Albert Del Rosario. They agree to continue the dialogue and consultations for cooperation in the South China Sea.

: ASEAN Maritime Forum (AMF) is held in Manila. This year’s AMF is the first to include the eight non-ASEAN members of the East Asia Summit.

:  China, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand carry out the sixth round of joint patrols on the Mekong River to help secure transportation routes and tackle cross-border crime.

:  Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping attends the China-ASEAN Exposition and trade fair in Nanning and meets several ASEAN leaders and senior officials.

:   Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie visits Vientiane and meets his Laotian counterpart.  They agree to continue bilateral visits, personnel training, and border patrols to strengthen strategic coordination and cooperation between the two militaries.

: Vietnam and China hold their third Strategic Defense Dialogue in Hanoi. Vietnamese Deputy Defense Minister Nguyen Chi Vinh and Chinese counterpart Ma Xiaotian co-chair the dialogue.

:   Ma Xiaotian, deputy chief of the General Staff of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), leads a military delegation visit to Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, and Vietnam.

: Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen visits Beijing and meets Prime Minister Wen Jiabao who pledges to give Cambodia $500 million in loans for infrastructure projects. According to Cambodian officials, Chinese investment in the country was nearly $2 billion in 2011, more than double the combined investment by ASEAN and 10 times more than the US.

:   Gu Xuilian, president of the China-ASEAN Association, visits Hanoi to take part in the Seventh Conference on China-ASEAN People-to-People Friendship Organization.  The meeting promotes exchanges on the arts, culture, and people-to-people diplomacy that would complement and deepen ASEAN-China strategic partnership.

:   Foreign Minister Yang visits Brunei and meets Crown Prince Al-Muhtadee to discuss the current state of bilateral relations.  They reinforce their commitment to expand political, economic, as well as people-to-people exchanges and ties.

:   Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi visits Jakarta and meets Indonesian counterpart Marty Natalegawa to re-establish the China-Indonesia Joint Commission, which was initiated in 2004, but has been inactive.  It will strengthen bilateral relations with a focus on investment, trade, defense, energy security, and tourism.

:   Police forces from China, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand conclude a joint law enforcement patrol on the Mekong River to help maintain shipping security.  Joint enforcement includes intelligence sharing and exchanges and an emergency response mechanism.

: Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu meets Malaysian counterpart Hishamudin Tun Hussein in Beijing for talks on combating transnational crime, including human trafficking and money laundering.

:  According to The Jakarta Post, China and Indonesia are holding talks on joint production of C-705 anti-ship missiles. Missile production site will be in Indonesia, with technical assistance by China, and is part of a joint effort to increase collaboration between Chinese and Indonesian defense industries. China and Indonesia also agree to establish a naval dialogue mechanism later this year.

:   Philippine Navy announces it will deploy ships to Thitu Island as a warning to Chinese fishing boats operating near the island and within the Philippines’ 12 nautical-mile territorial waters.

:   Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense states it is ready to deploy mortars and anti-aircraft guns on Itu Aba (Taiping Island), the largest of the Spratly Islands.

:   China’s Defense Ministry announces it will establish a military garrison in the Parcel Islands.

:   China’s Central Military Commission (CMC) approves the creation of a military garrison command at Woody Island in the South China Sea’s disputed Paracel Islands.

:   The PLA and the Indonesian Army conclude a counterterrorism drill in Jinan.  The 15-day drill includes live-fire exercises, air landing, and search and rescue operations.

: Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu visits Myanmar and meets President Thein Sein.  They discuss strengthening border security and law enforcement cooperation.

:  Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi visits Phnom Penh to attend a series of ASEAN-related meetings including the ASEAN Plus 3 Foreign Ministers Meeting, East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers Meeting, and the ASEAN Regional Forum.

:   Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan and Singaporean Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean co-chair the 9th Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation meeting.  The meeting focuses on developing a bilateral strategic partnership through increasing cooperation in the financial sector as well as research and development in science and technology.

:  Vice President Xi Jinping meets Thai Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul in Beijing and agrees to deepen bilateral ties through closer coordination on international and regional security issues and on expanding humanitarian exchanges.  Thailand assumes the three-year role of ASEAN-China coordinator on regional security issues.

:  Jing Zhiyuan, member of China’s Central Military Commission and commander of the PLA’s Second Artillery Force, meets Thai Defense Minister Sukumpol Suwanatat in Bangkok. They pledge closer military and security ties through increasing security consultations, joint training, and closer cooperation on humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.

:   In response to China’s announcement of the administrative upgrade for Chinese presence in the South China Sea, Vietnam’s legislature passes the “Vietnamese Law of the Sea,” which claims sovereignty over the disputed islands in the South China Sea. Chinese Foreign Ministry issues a protest and summons the Vietnamese ambassador to China.

:  Xu Caihou, vice chair of China’s Central Military Commission, meets Singaporean Defense Minister Ng Eng Hen in Beijing.  They exchange views on the current state of bilateral military and defense ties and the South China Sea territorial disputes and agree to increase senior-level exchanges and joint training in the military sector.

:  Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang and Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi meet visiting Myanmar Foreign Minister Wunna Maung Lwin in Beijing.  The two sides agree to strengthen the bilateral strategic partnership, including business, trade, and economic ties.

:  He Guoqiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, embarks on a regional visit that includes Laos, Cambodia, and Malaysia.  His regional tour focuses on exchanging views on tackling corruption and disciplinary inspection and punishment for corruption crimes.

:   Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Fu Ying meets experts from China and Vietnam in Beijing on the sidelines of the first round of bilateral negotiations on maritime cooperation.  The negotiations include identifying future prospects for the two sides to work together in such areas as environmental protection, joint scientific research, search and rescue operations, and disaster relief, and assistance on the high seas.

: Defense Minister Liang Guanglie meets ASEAN counterparts during the sixth ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting in Phnom Penh.  The ministers agree that defense and military cooperation between ASEAN and China remain unaffected by the South China Sea dispute and that they remain committed to resolving the dispute through peaceful means.

: Philippine Defense Minister Voltaire Gazmin and Chinese counterpart Liang Guanglie meet separately in Phnom Penh and agree to exercise restraint in order to prevent escalation of tensions in the South China Sea.

:   Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie visits Cambodia and signs a military cooperation agreement with counterpart Tea Banh. The agreement calls for continued joint training of military personnel and for China to maintain its support for Cambodia’s military capacity by building more military hospitals and training schools.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi visits Singapore and meets counterpart K. Shanmugam. They agree to increase senior-level exchanges, contacts, and cooperation.

:   Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping meets Secretary General of Myanmar’s Union Solidarity and Development Party Htay Oo in Beijing. They agree to work toward implementing the China-Myanmar comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, an agreement struck during Myanmar President Thein Sein’s state visit to China in May 2011.

:   Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu and Malaysian Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Lee Chee Leong agree to deepen cooperation on combating transnational crimes, including telecommunications fraud, exit and entry administration, and counter-terrorism.

: The first deep-water drilling rig developed in China is put into service in the South China Sea 320 km southeast of Hong Kong at a water depth of 1,500 meters.

:   Chinese Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu meets Singaporean counterpart Teo Chee Hean in Beijing to increase joint law enforcement cooperation under the Interpol and ASEAN frameworks and to tackle cross-border organized crimes in the region.

:   Jia Qinglin, chairperson of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), visits Brunei and meets Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah.  Jia proposes that the two countries maintain high-level exchanges and expand economic and trade cooperation.

:   Jia Qinglin, chairperson of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), visits Brunei and meets Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah.  Jia proposes that the two countries maintain high-level exchanges and expand economic and trade cooperation.

:   Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao meets visiting Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.  They sign a joint action plan for strategic cooperation as well as a five-year plan for economic and trade development. They also agree to maintain closer coordination on regional and international issues and to upgrade bilateral ties to a “comprehensive strategic partnership.”

:   Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao meets visiting Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.  They sign a joint action plan for strategic cooperation as well as a five-year plan for economic and trade development. They also agree to maintain closer coordination on regional and international issues and to upgrade bilateral ties to a “comprehensive strategic partnership.”

:  Chen Bingde, chief of the General Staff of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), meets visiting Vietnamese counterpart Do Ba Ty.  They agree to deepen cooperation in personnel training, increase exchanges between military academies, and improve contact across land and maritime borders.

:  Chen Bingde, chief of the General Staff of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), meets visiting Vietnamese counterpart Do Ba Ty.  They agree to deepen cooperation in personnel training, increase exchanges between military academies, and improve contact across land and maritime borders.

:  China and the Philippines agree to “set aside” their differences and diplomatic protests over the Scarborough Shoal/Huangyan Island where ships from both sides have been in a standoff since April 10.

:  China and the Philippines agree to “set aside” their differences and diplomatic protests over the Scarborough Shoal/Huangyan Island where ships from both sides have been in a standoff since April 10.

: Chinese Vice Premier Hui Liangyu visits Jakarta and meets Vice President Boediono.  They agree to implement recent cooperation agreements on trade, maritime research, drug control, and tourism.

: Chinese Vice Premier Hui Liangyu visits Jakarta and meets Vice President Boediono.  They agree to implement recent cooperation agreements on trade, maritime research, drug control, and tourism.

:  China and Malaysia announce the launch of the Qinzhou Industrial Park, their first joint industrial park in China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

:  China and Malaysia announce the launch of the Qinzhou Industrial Park, their first joint industrial park in China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

:  Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang meets Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai at the Boao Forum for Asia.  Li emphasizes that both sides should handle the South China Sea issue “appropriately,” and work toward closer cooperation in trade and the deepening of mutual trust.

:  Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang meets Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai at the Boao Forum for Asia.  Li emphasizes that both sides should handle the South China Sea issue “appropriately,” and work toward closer cooperation in trade and the deepening of mutual trust.

:   President Hu visits Cambodia and meets Prime Minister Hun Sen and other senior officials. They agree to double the value of two-way trade to $5 billion in five years. They also sign a set of agreements that will deepen bilateral relations in the areas of regional security, diplomacy, and people-to-people exchanges.

:   President Hu visits Cambodia and meets Prime Minister Hun Sen and other senior officials. They agree to double the value of two-way trade to $5 billion in five years. They also sign a set of agreements that will deepen bilateral relations in the areas of regional security, diplomacy, and people-to-people exchanges.

:   Chinese President Hu Jintao meets Indonesian counterpart Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in Beijing.

:   Chinese President Hu Jintao meets Indonesian counterpart Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in Beijing.

:   Wang Gang, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party Central Committee, meets Laotian counterpart Khampheuy Panemalaythong.  They agree to strengthen the bilateral strategic partnership, cooperation, and coordination on regional security and economic affairs.

:   Wang Gang, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party Central Committee, meets Laotian counterpart Khampheuy Panemalaythong.  They agree to strengthen the bilateral strategic partnership, cooperation, and coordination on regional security and economic affairs.

:   Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Ma Keqing announces China’s strong opposition to and warning against any country taking unilateral actions in the Spratly Islands.  Ma also reiterates Beijing’s position urging all parties to consider joint development of the natural resources in the South China Sea to help resolve differences on the territorial disputes.

:   Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Ma Keqing announces China’s strong opposition to and warning against any country taking unilateral actions in the Spratly Islands.  Ma also reiterates Beijing’s position urging all parties to consider joint development of the natural resources in the South China Sea to help resolve differences on the territorial disputes.

:   Indonesian Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro announces that Indonesia will build a plant to manufacture and produce C-705 missiles that have a range of up to 140 km with Chinese technological expertise and assistance.

:   Indonesian Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro announces that Indonesia will build a plant to manufacture and produce C-705 missiles that have a range of up to 140 km with Chinese technological expertise and assistance.

:  Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu meets Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Political, Law, and Security Affairs Djoko Suyanto in Beijing to discuss bilateral law enforcement cooperation and joint efforts to combat transnational crime.

:  Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu meets Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Political, Law, and Security Affairs Djoko Suyanto in Beijing to discuss bilateral law enforcement cooperation and joint efforts to combat transnational crime.

: Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie meets visiting Thai Army Commander-in-Chief Gen. Prayut Chan-O-Cha to exchange views on bilateral security ties and relations between the two militaries.

: Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie meets visiting Thai Army Commander-in-Chief Gen. Prayut Chan-O-Cha to exchange views on bilateral security ties and relations between the two militaries.

:   Jia Qinglin, chairperson of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), meets visiting Thura U Shwe Mann, Myanmar’s speaker of the House of Representatives.

:   Jia Qinglin, chairperson of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), meets visiting Thura U Shwe Mann, Myanmar’s speaker of the House of Representatives.

:   Secretary General of the ASEAN-China Center Ma Mingqiang visits Phnom Penh and meets Cambodia’s Minister of Tourism Thong Khon to discuss bilateral cooperation in the areas of trade, investment, agriculture, tourism, education, and culture.

:   Secretary General of the ASEAN-China Center Ma Mingqiang visits Phnom Penh and meets Cambodia’s Minister of Tourism Thong Khon to discuss bilateral cooperation in the areas of trade, investment, agriculture, tourism, education, and culture.

:   Zhou Yongkang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party Central Committee, meets Vietnamese Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh in Beijing.  They agree to advance cooperation in culture, people-to-people exchanges, and law enforcement, and emphasize the need to continue dialogue and cooperation in handling sensitive territorial issues.

:   Zhou Yongkang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party Central Committee, meets Vietnamese Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh in Beijing.  They agree to advance cooperation in culture, people-to-people exchanges, and law enforcement, and emphasize the need to continue dialogue and cooperation in handling sensitive territorial issues.

: China and Malaysia sign a currency swap agreement that will allow central banks to swap nearly $30 billion over three years with an option to continue the agreement.  Officials from both central banks announce that the new arrangement, which doubles the previously arranged currency swap quota, will help maintain regional financial stability and help facilitate bilateral trade and investment.

: China and Malaysia sign a currency swap agreement that will allow central banks to swap nearly $30 billion over three years with an option to continue the agreement.  Officials from both central banks announce that the new arrangement, which doubles the previously arranged currency swap quota, will help maintain regional financial stability and help facilitate bilateral trade and investment.

: Communist Party Secretary of Shanxi Provincial Committee Yuan Chunqing visits Vientiane and meets Vice President Bounnhang Vorachit. They discuss strengthening economic and political ties between China’s Shanxi province and Laos’ Luang Prabang province.

: Communist Party Secretary of Shanxi Provincial Committee Yuan Chunqing visits Vientiane and meets Vice President Bounnhang Vorachit. They discuss strengthening economic and political ties between China’s Shanxi province and Laos’ Luang Prabang province.

:   Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia Pan Guangxue joins Prime Minister Hun Sen in the opening of a 127-kilometer road funded by China. The new road connects existing highways to Cambodia’s northeastern province to help spur tourism and economic development.

:   Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia Pan Guangxue joins Prime Minister Hun Sen in the opening of a 127-kilometer road funded by China. The new road connects existing highways to Cambodia’s northeastern province to help spur tourism and economic development.

:   Marking the 62nd anniversary of China-Vietnam diplomatic ties, Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun announces that China seeks to deepen bilateral trust and cooperation to further promote the strategic and cooperative partnership between the two sides.

:   Marking the 62nd anniversary of China-Vietnam diplomatic ties, Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun announces that China seeks to deepen bilateral trust and cooperation to further promote the strategic and cooperative partnership between the two sides.

:  Chinese police forces conclude the second joint security patrol along the Mekong River with counterparts from Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand.

:  Chinese police forces conclude the second joint security patrol along the Mekong River with counterparts from Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand.

:   Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie meets Indonesian Ambassador to China Imron Cotan in Beijing.  The meeting focuses on improving and expanding the level of bilateral defense consultation, joint training exercises, and cooperation on maritime security.

:   Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie meets Indonesian Ambassador to China Imron Cotan in Beijing.  The meeting focuses on improving and expanding the level of bilateral defense consultation, joint training exercises, and cooperation on maritime security.

:  Chinese Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu meets Vietnamese counterpart Tran Dai Quang to discuss bilateral law enforcement cooperation to prevent human trafficking, smuggling of illicit drugs, and other trans-border crimes.

:  Chinese Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu meets Vietnamese counterpart Tran Dai Quang to discuss bilateral law enforcement cooperation to prevent human trafficking, smuggling of illicit drugs, and other trans-border crimes.

:  Vice President Xi Jinping visits Vietnam and Thailand.  In Vietnam, he meets officials and reaffirms the importance of bilateral political, economic, and security relations.  In Thailand, he signs a series of economic agreements, including a three-year bilateral currency swap arrangement and a joint high-speed train project.

:   Malaysian Defense Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi visits Beijing and meets Minister of Defense Liang Guanglie and Guo Boxiong, vice chairman of China’s Central Military Commission. They agree to advance bilateral military cooperation.

:  Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo attends the Fourth Summit of the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation (GMS) and calls for closer regional transportation and infrastructure cooperation to help foster regional business, trade, agricultural, and economic relations.

:   China hosts the second round of the China-ASEAN Defense and Security Dialogue. Discussions focus on building and strengthening mutual trust and cooperation between security officials.

: China joins Mekong River security patrols with forces from Myanmar, Laos and Thailand for the first time.

:   Wu Bangguo, chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, meets Cambodian counterpart Heng Samrin in Beijing. They agree to consolidate further bilateral cooperation, including security exchanges and parliamentary visits.  China also pledges to share its experiences on economic development and poverty alleviation measures.

:   Cai Yingting, deputy chief of general staff of the PLA, visits Laos to discuss expanding bilateral military exchanges to promote regional peace and stability.

:   Chinese and Laotian officials pledge closer cooperation on poverty alleviation and economic development, increasing trade ties, and agricultural training.

: Commander-in-Chief of Myanmar Defense Services Min Aung Hlaing visits China and meets Vice President Xi Jinping and Xu Caihou, vice chair of the Central Military Commission to promote and deepen military cooperation.

: Premier Wen Jiabao visits Brunei and meets state officials.

: Premier Wen Jiabao attends ASEAN-related meetings in Bali and reassures regional leaders that China will not seek hegemony in the region but will maintain its firm stance on the South China Sea issue.

:   President Hu Jintao attends the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders Meeting in Honolulu. On the sidelines, he meets Vietnamese counterpart Truong Tan Sang to discuss a comprehensive bilateral strategic partnership.

: Gen. Ma Xiaotian, deputy chief of the general staff of the PLA, attends the first ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting Plus (ADMM+) Experts Working Group Meeting on Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief and calls for strengthening military-to-military cooperation in these areas.  The meeting draws more than 50 officials from ASEAN member countries, Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, South Korea, and the US.

: China announces it will provide nearly $9.5 million to Cambodia for flood relief.

:   Officials from China, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand formally establish the “Law Enforcement Cooperation along the Mekong River Mechanism” to jointly tackle cross-border crime and ensure the safety of passenger and cargo ships along the Mekong River.

:   Premier Wen Jiabao attends the opening ceremony of the eighth China-ASEAN Expo in Nanning in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

:  China and Vietnam agree to hold regularized bilateral discussions twice a year to help reduce tensions in the South China Sea.  Officials also announce that they would set up a hot line to address any disagreements.

: Vice President Xi Jinping and Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi meet Myanmar’s Minister of Foreign Affairs U Wunna Maung Lwin in Beijing to discuss the settlement of the suspended Myitsone hydropower dam project.  They reaffirm the commitment to maintain their strategic and comprehensive partnership.

:   Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirms that at least 12 Chinese nationals were killed on Oct. 5 on the Mekong River after two Chinese cargo ships were attacked and hijacked. Officials from China, Thailand, Myanmar, and Laos agree to maintain close communication and cooperation to handle the investigation and ensure the safety of cargo ships.

:  He Guoqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau, meets a Laotian delegation led by Bounthong Chitmany, president of the Central Control Committee of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party, in Beijing to discuss bilateral cooperation in the areas of anti-corruption, future prospects for furthering exchanges, and sharing governance experiences in tackling corruption issues.

:  Senior Chinese and Vietnamese military leaders conclude a dialogue, agreeing to broaden bilateral defense and security cooperation and to build mutual trust and confidence by engaging in continued senior-level consultation to help resolve regional territorial disputes.

:  Wang Jiarui, director of the International Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee meets visiting Laotian President Choummaly Saynasone.  They agree to strengthen the strategic partnership between China and Laos.

:   Li Jinhua, vice-chair of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, visits Indonesia and meets counterpart Taufik Kiemas.  They agree to foster deeper bilateral political ties and exchanges.

:  Officials and experts meet in Jakarta for the annual China-ASEAN Forum on Social Development and Poverty Reduction. Discussions focus on ensuring that economic growth is both sustainable and inclusive.

: The fifth China-Vietnam Steering Committee on Cooperation meeting convenes in Hanoi to focus on bilateral management of the South China Sea. They agree to resolve differences in accordance to the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea.

:   President Hu Jintao meets Philippine President Benigno Aquino III in Beijing. Aquino is accompanied by over 250 business leaders from the Philippines and talks focus on boosting bilateral economic and trade cooperation.

:   PLA Deputy Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Ma Xiaotian and Defense Minister Liang Guanglie meet Vietnamese Vice Defense Minister Nguyen Chi Vinh in Beijing.  They agree to resolve the South China Sea disputes through continued consultation and dialogue.

: Police in Hanoi arrest dozens of people at an anti-China rally as they gathered for the 11th week of protests.

:  The Sixth Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Cooperation Forum convenes in Nanning, China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.  According to Chinese trade statistics, China-ASEAN trade jumped by almost 36 percent last year compared to 2009 and will soon exceed $290 billion. China’s direct investment in ASEAN has also exceeded $10 billion.  Chinese officials note that closer regional economic integration will help weather the global financial crisis and economic downturn.

:  Zhou Yongkang, ranking member of the Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee, visits Laos and Cambodia.  In Laos, Zhou meets Laotian senior party leadership and signs 11 cooperation agreements, including the Economic and Technological Cooperation Agreement.  In Cambodia, Zhou meets Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni, and the two sides discuss prospects for consolidating the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Cambodia.

: Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and ASEAN Secretary General Surin Pitsuwan exchange congratulatory messages recognizing the 20th anniversary of China-ASEAN dialogue.

:   Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao sends a congratulatory message to Yingluck Shinawatra, the newly elected prime minister of Thailand.

:  China and Singapore hold the Eighth Joint Council Meeting for Bilateral Cooperation in Singapore.  The meeting is chaired by Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan and Singaporean Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean. They acknowledge that two-way trade volume has grown to nearly $60 billion in 2010.

:   Chinese President Hu Jintao sends a congratulatory message to Truong Tan Sang, the new Vietnamese president elected by the Vietnamese National Assembly.

:   Chief of the General Staff of the PLA Chen Bingde, meets Songkitti Jaggabatara, Thailand’s chief of defense forces, in Beijing.  They review military ties, noting that joint military exercises and drills, personnel training, and technology transfers have helped to deepen bilateral relations.

:   Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi attends the ASEAN-China Foreign Ministerial meeting as well as the ARF in Indonesia.  Yang expresses confidence that the interested parties in the South China Sea dispute will promote pragmatic maritime cooperation while resolving differences through continued dialogue and consultation.

: China and ASEAN agree to a set of guidelines that would be part of a revised Code of Conduct on the South China Sea disputes. Secretary of State Clinton praises the new guidelines as “an important first step.”

: The 44th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting (AMM) and Post-Ministerial Conferences (PMC) with ASEAN dialogue partners are held in Bali.

:   Bu Jianguo, Chinese ambassador to Laos, delivers a public lecture at the Lao National Institute for Politics and Administration in Vientiane.  Bu announces that bilateral relations will further expand as the two sides continue to maintain high-level exchange visits, coordinate and communicate on issues of regional and international importance, and further party cadre training between the two sides.

:   State Councilor Dai Bingguo meets Ho Xuan Son, special envoy and vice foreign minister of Vietnam, in Beijing. They agree to hold talks to manage and resolve the disputes over the South China Sea and to implement effective measures to help carry out the 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea.

:  Vice President Xi Jinping meets Tea Banh, Cambodia’s deputy prime minister and minister of national defense, in Beijing.  They agree to deepen mutual trust and expand cooperation in the economic, cultural, educational, and security sectors.

: Chinese patrol ship Haixun 31 arrives in Singapore for a port call.  Authorities from both sides explain that the visit is part of a range of existing bilateral exchanges on technical cooperation on maritime safety and marine environmental protection.

:   China and Vietnam conduct joint naval patrols in the Gulf of Tonkin, which is part of the bilateral annual exchange agreement.  According to the Chinese Defense Ministry website, they have conducted 10 similar joint naval patrols since 2005.

: China stages military exercises in the South China Sea described as being aimed at “defending atolls and protecting sea lanes.”

: Vietnam conducts live-fire naval drills in the South China Sea about 40 km off Quang Nam province in central Vietnam.

:   Special forces from China’s People’s Liberation Army and Indonesia’s National Armed Forces launch their first joint training, Sharp Knife 2011, in Bandung, Indonesia.

: The ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) and the Defense Officials Dialogue/8th ARF Security Policy Conference are held in Surabaya, Indonesia.

:   Defense Minister Liang Guanglie arrives in Singapore to attend and speak at the Shangri-La Dialogue, becoming the first Chinese defense minister to take part in the dialogue.

:   Jiang Shusheng, vice chair of China’s National People’s Congress, visits Manila and meets Vice President Jejomar Binay.  Jiang assures that bilateral relations will not be adversely affected by the ongoing dispute over the Spratly Islands.

: China’s Foreign Ministry states that Vietnam’s oil and gas operations in China’s territorial waters “harms China’s rights, interests, and jurisdiction in the South China Sea and violates the consensus reached by the two countries on the South China Sea issue.”

:   President Hu Jintao meets Myanmar’s newly-elected President Thein Sein in Beijing.  They issue a joint declaration, agreeing to maintain high-level exchanges and visits, increase mutual trust, maintain regular dialogue on regional security issues, including border security, and elevate the overall bilateral business, trade, and economic activities.

: Vietnam accuses Beijing of “violating” its marine sovereignty in disputed areas of the South China Sea after Chinese ships damaged a PetroVietnam exploration boat. Vietnam’s Foreign Ministry calls on China to prevent any further incidents and provide compensation.

:   Wan Jifei, president of the China Chamber of International Commerce, and Cambodian Minister of Commerce Cham Prasidh sign a memorandum of understanding that would strengthen and expand bilateral trade cooperation, with the aim of reaching $2.5 billion in two-way trade in 2012.

: China’s Defense Minister Liang Guanglie visits the Philippines. He and Philippine counterpart Voltaire Gazmin agree to avoid “unilateral actions” that could further increase tensions and acknowledge the need to ensure that the South China Sea remains stable.

:   Defense Minister Liang arrives in Manila and meets Philippine counterpart Voltaire Gazmin to discuss bilateral military exchanges.

: The Jakarta Post reports that the Chinese delegation participating in the ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting said that China would offer to hold joint patrols with Southeast Asian countries and to escort vessels from the region crossing the Gulf of Aden.  Also on the sidelines of the meeting, Chinese and Indonesian defense officials announce plans to establish a joint committee to serve as a legal basis to conduct coordinated patrols and direct channels of communication between the two navies in the South China Sea.

:   Defense Minister Liang visits Indonesia and meets counterpart Purnomo Yusgiantoro to discuss bilateral cooperation to help promote regional peace and stability.

: Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie, visits Singapore, meeting Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Defense Minister Ng Eng Hen.  They agree to increase exchanges between the military and defense establishments to include military training, and cooperate more closely on nontraditional security issues within regional and multilateral frameworks.

:   Xu Caihou, vice chair of China’s Central Military Commission, visits Myanmar and meets counterpart Min Aung Hlaing.  They hold talks to strengthen ties between the armed forces and exchange views on regional and international peace and security.

:   According to China’s State Oceanic Administration, Beijing and Jakarta jointly establish an oceanic observation station off the coast of West Sumatra, Indonesia.  Scientists will monitor and manage the station to help protect the oceanic environment and fishery resources and address natural disaster challenges.

: Vice Chairperson of the CMC Guo Boxiong, meets Thai Defense Minister Prawit Wongsuwan in Beijing to advance bilateral cooperation between the two armed forces.

:   Premier Wen Jiabao visits Jakarta and meets Indonesian officials to discuss ways to strengthen coordination and cooperation on regional and international security issues.

:   Premier Wen Jiabao visits Malaysia. Wen and Prime Minister Najib Razak agree to expand bilateral trade and strengthen cooperation in infrastructure, finance, scientific research and development, as well as in cultural and educational areas.

:   China and Laos celebrate 50 years of the establishment of diplomatic ties.

: Chinese Foreign Ministry issues a formal statement calling upon counterparts in Thailand and Cambodia to continue to stay calm and to resolve their differences on the border dispute through dialogue and consultation.

:   Guo Boxiong, vice chairperson of the Central Military Commission (CMC), meets Vietnamese Defense Minister Phung Quang Thanh, in Beijing.  They agree to strengthen the strategic partnership and enhance military-to-military cooperation.

:   Jia Qinglin, chairperson of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, arrives in Myanmar for a four-day visit and meets senior members of the new government in Naypyidaw.  The two sides sign a number of cooperation pacts, particularly on the economic front.

:   The 17th annual ASEAN-China Senior Officials’ Consultative Meeting is held in Hangzhou, China.

:   Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Ma Xiaotian visits Jakarta for the fourth round of the China-Indonesia Defense and Security Consultation. The Jakarta Post reports that China and Indonesia agree to begin joint arms production, beginning with C-907 missiles that are part of the weaponry for Sukhoi jet fighters.

: Deputy Director of the Department of International Trade and Economic Affairs at the Ministry of Commerce Sun Yuanjiang attends a seminar on East Asia Free Trade Area in Hefei and announces that China work toward simplifying application procedures for preferential certificates of origin and customs clearance for both Chinese and ASEAN-based companies.

:   Chinese Vice Minister of Commerce Fu Ziying arrives in Phnom Penh and meets Prime Minister Hun Sen for the second round of the China-Cambodia Strategic Economic Dialogue.  Fu announces that China will continue to encourage more Chinese entrepreneurs to invest in Cambodia, especially in the agricultural, mining, and manufacturing sectors.

:   Senior Chinese and Malaysian officials meet in Kuala Lumpur to discuss the challenges of cross-border crimes.  They agree to address problems such as telecommunication fraud, economic crimes on the high seas, human and drug trafficking, and money laundering.

: Defense Minister Liang Guanglie meets Indonesian Vice Minister of Defense Sjafrie Sjamsoedin in Beijing to discuss bilateral defense and security cooperation.  They agree to step up military-to-military relations and to work to provide regional stability and security.

:   Chinese Minister of Public Safety Meng Jianzhu visits Vientiane and meets President Choummaly Saysasone, They pledge to improve bilateral cooperation, especially in the areas of border security, drug and human trafficking, and other cross-border crime.

:   China and Myanmar sign a new deal that paves the way for the development of the Kyaukphyu economic zone in Myanmar and other related port and railroad infrastructure projects. According to Chinese statistics, bilateral trade reached nearly $4.5 billion in 2010.

:   Beijing issues a statement calling for calm and restraint from Thailand and Cambodia to prevent an escalation of border tensions as it continues to maintain contact with officials in Bangkok and Phnom Penh to help resolve the conflict through consultation.

:   Wu Bangguo, vice chair of the National People’s Congress, visits Jakarta and meets President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.  They agree to deepen bilateral relations, particularly in such areas as energy security, technology, agriculture, fishing, and tourism.

:   Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi meets ASEAN Secretary General Surin Pitsuwan and other ASEAN foreign ministers in Mohan Port along the border between China and Laos to mark the opening of the newly completed highway that links Kunming to Bangkok.

:   Liu Jianchao, Chinese ambassador to the Philippines, says resolving territorial claims in the South China Sea will take time, patience, and that negotiations should be conducted with greater accommodation and understanding of all parties involved.  He reiterates Beijing’s opposition to any external intervention from such parties as the US in the South China Sea.

:   Alongkorn Ponlaboot, deputy commerce minister of Thailand, presides over the opening ceremony of the inaugural meeting of the ASEAN-China Business Forum convened in Bangkok.  Senior Chinese and ASEAN member states officials attend the launch of the new forum that will help expand regional business, trade, and economic dialogue.

:   Chen Zhili, vice chair of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC), visits Bangkok and meets Chai Chidchob, speaker of the House of Representatives, and other senior parliamentary members of Thailand. The two sides agree to increase parliamentary exchanges and visits to help strengthen bilateral relations, especially in such areas as investment, culture, tourism, and education.

: The newly appointed Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar Li Junhua meets Chairperson of Myanmar’s State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) Gen. Than Shwe.  Li remarks that China will uphold its longstanding policy of promoting friendly and cooperative ties and deepening economic ties with Myanmar.

: Xinhua reports the fifth meeting of a China-ASEAN joint working group on the implementation of the Declaration of the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea was held on Dec. 21-23 in Kunming, China.

: Philippine press reports that Chinese Ambassador Liu Jianchao expressed strong dissatisfaction at a forum held at the Chinese Embassy in Manila regarding the US role in the South China Sea dispute, emphasizing that involvement should only be limited to claimant countries in the region.

: Defense Minister and State Councilor Liang Guanglie meets Singaporean Chief of Navy Chew Men Leong in Beijing.  They agree to continue deepening bilateral cooperation between the two navies, including more frequent port visits, officer exchanges, and escort operation in the Gulf of Aden.

: South China Morning Post reports that Chinese and Vietnamese officials have been holding negotiations to help resolve the South China Sea disputes, but Chinese officials reportedly refuse to yield on discussions related to the Paracel Islands.  So far, there have been four rounds of bilateral dialogue, all of which focus on the Spratly Island disputes.

: Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen visits China and meets President Hu Jintao and other senior Chinese officials.  The two sides agree to establish a comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation and sign a number of deals to strengthen bilateral cooperation in energy security, infrastructure development, finance, and consular affairs.

: Chief of the General Staff of the PLA Chen Bide meets Chief of Staff of the Philippine Armed Forces Ricardo David in Beijing.  They agree to contribute to regional stability through further exchanges and cooperation between the two militaries. David also meets Defense Minister Liang.

: The Chinese frigate Xiangfan arrives in Danang, Vietnam following a joint naval patrol in the Beibu Gulf.  The five-day port visit is intended to help enhance mutual trust between the two navies.

: Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the PLA Ma visits Bangkok and meets Thai Defense Minister Prawit Wongsuwan for the 9th Defense and Security Consultation.  They review bilateral military affairs and agree to increase exchanges and joint training.

:   Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the PLA Ma Xiaotian meets Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Tri Vinh in Hanoi for the fourth round of bilateral defense and security consultation.  They agree to strengthen exchanges and coordination in regional security affairs.

: Chinese Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu and his Laotian counterpart Thongbanh Seng Aphone sign a security cooperation agreement to tackle cross-border crimes and increase patrol in the border areas between the two countries.

: Deputy Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party Central Commission for Discipline Inspection He Yong meets his Vietnamese counterpart in Beijing to discuss strengthening bilateral exchanges and cooperation to tackle corruption.

: The Chinese PLA and the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) hold a joint exercise in Singapore. It is the first time a PLA chemical defense regiment participates in a training exercise with the SAF and involves around 150 personnel from both sides participating in a series of seminars, planning exercises, and response drills.

: Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping visits Singapore and holds talks with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.  They agree to strengthen bilateral ties through further cooperation in counterterrorism activities, transnational crimes, maritime security, and other nontraditional security issues. They also sign a Memorandum of Understanding to further boost educational and cultural exchanges between China and Singapore.

: Wu Bangguo, chairperson of China’s NPC Standing Committee, visits Jakarta and meets Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.  They agree to deepen and expand bilateral business, trade, and economic ties, and to increase agricultural cooperation.

: China’s Marine Corps holds a major naval exercise in the South China Sea. The live-fire exercises, codenamed Jiaolong 2010, include more than 1,800 troops and over 100 ships, submarines, and aircraft.

: Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao visits Hanoi for the 13th annual summit between China and ASEAN; the 13th summit among ASEAN, China, Japan and South Korea (ASEAN Plus 3); and the fifth East Asia Summit.

: China and Thailand conduct a joint military exercise at Sattahip Naval Base in the Gulf of Thailand. The Washington Times reports the Blue Assault 2010 exercise is the first time Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) marines are training with foreign troops.  The drill focuses on counterterrorism, involving more than 100 marines from each side.

: The China-ASEAN Expo opens in Nanning, with an emphasis on expanding regional cooperation in agriculture, trade, and investment.

: China’s Defense Minister Liang Guanglie announces that China and Vietnam will co-chair an expert working group to strengthen regional capacity to respond to non-traditional security challenges such as humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, maritime security, counterterrorism, and peacekeeping operations.  The working group is part of the ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting Plus 8.

: Chinese and Vietnamese defense ministries issue a joint communiqué announcing agreement to strengthen bilateral defense cooperation, continue the exchange of visits between the two armed forces and navies, and to resolve all territorial disputes in a peaceful manner.

: Wu Bangguo, chairperson of China’s National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, meets Thongsing Thammavong, president of the Laotian National Assembly, in Shanghai.  They agree to increase high-level contacts, expand trade and economic cooperation, and strengthen exchanges between the ruling parties.

:   Chinese and Thai Special Forces announce that they will hold the Strike 2010 joint counterterrorism training in Guilin, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in October.  This will be their third joint counterterrorism activity and each country will send 60 members for the two-week-long training.

:   Defense Minister Liang Guanglie meets Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Tea Banh in Beijing.  They agree to increase high-level contacts between the two armed forces and expand areas of security cooperation.

:   Chen Bingde, chief of the General Staff of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), meets Songkitti Jaggabatara, head of the Royal Thai Armed Forces.  They agree to increase bilateral military personnel training and further exchanges between their military academies.

:   China and Vietnam agree to further enhance law enforcement cooperation to curb illegal border crossing, terrorism, counterfeiting, telecommunications fraud, gambling, human and drug-trafficking, and other cross-border crimes.

:   Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Liu Jianchao acknowledges the determination of President Benigno Aquino III to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the Aug. 23 hostage crisis in Manila.

:   Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao meets Myanmar’s top leader Gen. Than Shwe in Beijing. They agree to deepen bilateral relations particularly in such large scale projects as oil and gas exploration and development, hydroelectric power, and infrastructure development.

:  The maritime police units of Hainan, Guangdong, and Guangxi conduct a joint maritime patrol and control operation and a coordinated emergency response exercise in the Beibu Bay. The purpose is to examine the emergency response capabilities of China’s maritime police forces, safeguard its maritime rights and interests, and combat illicit activities.

: Defense Minister Liang Guanglie meets his Thai counterpart Prawit Wongsuwan in Beijing to discuss expanding military-to-military cooperation.

:   Chinese Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu and Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Sar Kheng agree to increase bilateral cooperation in law enforcement, counterterrorism activities, drug control, and other transnational crimes.

: Defense Minister Liang Guanglie says that China will remain engaged and supportive of the upcoming ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting in Hanoi, Vietnam in October, particularly as it seeks to work with regional partners to manage nontraditional security challenges and build mutual trust and cooperation.

:   Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia Zhang Qiyue congratulates the 43rd anniversary of ASEAN and remarks that Beijing will continue to support ASEAN’s efforts for regional integration into a single community by 2015.

:   The first China-ASEAN Education Minister Roundtable Conference takes place in Guiyang, Guizhou Province of China.  Chinese State Councilor Liu Yandong proposes that China and ASEAN conduct a feasibility study of educational integration within the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area.   Liu also announces that China will offer 10,000 government scholarships in the next 10 years for students from ASEAN countries.

:   Singapore hosts the Fifth Conference of the ASEAN-China People-to-People Friendship Organizations. Future prospects for strengthening China-ASEAN relations in five key sectors, including the economy, culture, education, public health, and sports are discussed.

:  Defense Minister Liang Guanglie meets Laotian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Douangchay Phichit in Beijing.  They discuss the current state of bilateral military-to-military relations and agree to expand cooperation on the security front.

:   Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu meets Singaporean Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng to discuss increasing cooperation between the Chinese public security officials with the Singapore police forces.

:   China and Indonesia celebrate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties.  Bilateral relations reached a new level in 2005 when both leaders agreed to forge a strategic partnership.  They agree to continue to deepen and broaden bilateral political, economic, and security ties.

:   China and Malaysia agree to establish an infectious diseases laboratory to conduct joint research to help prevent future pandemic outbreaks.

:   China and Vietnam enforce the Protocol on Border Demarcation and Marker Planting, an agreement that was signed in November 2009 after 36 years of bilateral negotiations on land boundary issues.  The new agreement provides a more precise boundary division, as well as regulations on the management, protection, exploitation, and use of water from border rivers and streams, and the cross-border travel of people, vehicles, and commodities.

:   Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie meets with Permanent Secretary of the Singaporean Defense Ministry Chiang Chie Foo.  They agree to strengthen and advance military-to-military relations.  Since 2008, China and Singapore have been holding an annual defense policy dialogue to discuss issues of common concern in the region.

:   According to official Chinese media, the Ministry of Land Resources issues a study putting Myanmar on a special “watch list” for potential acquisition of natural resources such as coal, copper, oil and gas.  Other resource-rich neighboring states listed in the study include Mongolia, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Russia’s far eastern region of Siberia.

:   Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo and Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Gia Khiem meet in Beijing to co-chair the fourth round of the China-Vietnam Steering Committee on Cooperation.  They agree in principle to maintain regional stability and to “properly deal with the maritime territorial issues in the South China Sea.”

:   China and Thailand mark the 35th anniversary of diplomatic ties.  Senior diplomatic representatives reflect on the expanding ties between the two countries, including more frequent high-level exchanges, increased trade cooperation, and enhanced political trust.

:  Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo co-chairs the fourth meeting of the Steering Committee for China-Vietnam Bilateral Cooperation in Beijing with Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Pham Gia Khiem.

:   Hu Jintao meets his Indonesian counterpart Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Toronto, Canada.  They agree to pursue development of the strategic partnership between China and Indonesia and reaffirm their commitment to enhance coordination and cooperation in regional and international political, economic, and security-related issues of mutual concern.

:   Chinese Vice Transport Minister Gao Hongfeng visits Phnom Penh to sign a memorandum of understanding with the Cambodian government to further deepen cooperation on infrastructure development.  Tram Iv Tek, minister for Public Works and Transport of Cambodia, says that China has built more than 1,500 km of roads and bridges in Cambodia, totaling $1 billion in recent years.

:   Zhou Yongkang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee, meets Troung Hoa Binh, Chief Justice of the Vietnamese People’s Supreme Court, in Beijing.  They agree to facilitate judicial exchanges and cooperation.

:   Xi Jinping visits Laos and meets Laotian President Choummaly Saygnasone.  Xi notes that China will continue to maintain close contacts, strengthen mutual trust, and expand business, trade, and economic activities with Laos.

:   Hu Jintao sends a congratulatory message to President-elect Benigno Aquino III as the Philippines’ incoming president.

:   Gen. Fan Changlong, commander of the PLA’s Jinan Military Region, visits Myanmar and meets Thura Shwe Mann, chief of General Staff of Myanmar’s Army, Navy, and Air Force.  They review the state of bilateral military relations and pledge to increase military-to-military exchanges.

:   Ma Xiaotian, deputy chief of the General Staff of the PLA, visits Singapore and attends the Shangri-La Dialogue Asia Security Summit.  Ma’s speech highlights growing tensions between Beijing and Washington.

:   The Chinese National Petroleum Company (CNPC) issues an official statement on its website that the Southeast Asia Pipeline Company, one of CNPC’s affiliated subsidiaries, will begin the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of the oil and gas pipelines through Myanmar. The pipelines are estimated to be about 1,100 km, running from Myanmar’s western coast to Ruili, Yunnan province in southern China.

:   Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao visits Myanmar and meets Than Shwe, chairperson of the State Peace and Development Council, to mark the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations.  They agree to further advance bilateral political, economic, and military ties.

:   The Vientiane Times reports that Laos received a $50 million loan from China to help build a bridge across the Mekong River in the Laotian province of Oudomxay.  The bridge is part of the Greater Mekong sub-region north-south economic corridor project, linking the Thai province of Chiang Rai to Kunming, the capital of China’s Yunnan province.

:   Zhang Xinfeng, vice minister of the Ministry of Public Security, attends the 30th ASEANPOL Conference in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.  His speech at the opening ceremony of the conference focuses on increasing dialogue and information-sharing practices with counterparts in ASEAN member states to combat such transnational crimes as terrorism, the smuggling of illicit arms, human and drug trafficking, white-collar financial crimes, and cybercrime.

:  Guo Boxiong, vice chairperson of the Central Military Commission, visits Singapore and meets Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.  They agree to continue and increase exchanges and cooperation between the two armed forces, particularly through high-level visits, joint defense and security-related discussions, joint military exercises, personnel training, and reciprocal visits of warships.

:   Senior officials from China attend a conference in Danang, Vietnam to discuss drug prevention and control measures in Southeast Asia, particularly in the Greater Mekong sub-region.  The participants also discuss ways to enhance regional cooperation to curb illicit drugs, trafficking, and drug-related cross-border crimes.

:   Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie meets Pol Saroeun, head of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, and agrees to strengthen military-to-military ties between the two countries.  Both sides have witnessed increasing exchanges in senior-level military contacts in recent years and will continue to do so to build mutual trust.  Chen Bingde, chief of the General Staff of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), also meets Saroeun and notes that China will continue to develop pragmatic military relations with Cambodia, including personnel training, the building of military schools, training centers, and hospitals.

:   Chinese President Hu Jintao meets Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen in Shanghai.  They discuss the state of bilateral relations and agree to improve and expand political, economic, and security relations between the two countries.

:   Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping meets Vietnamese Defense Minister Phung Quang Thanh in Beijing. They stress the importance of deepening their strategic and cooperative partnership, strengthening political mutual trust, and properly addressing sensitive issues.

:   Xu Caihou, vice chairperson of China’s Central Military Commission, meets Teo Chee Hean, Singapore’s deputy prime minister and minister for defense, in Beijing.  They agree to forge closer and pragmatic military cooperation between their armed forces.

:   He Yong, deputy secretary of the Chinese Communist Party Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, meets Mai Truc, his Vietnamese counterpart, in Beijing.  They discuss ways where the two departments can increase exchanges and cooperation on combating corruption.

:   Chinese Foreign Ministry expresses “deep concern over the political situation in Thailand” after the latest clash between the anti-government protesters and the government’s security personnel, which resulted in more than 800 casualties, including 20 deaths.

:   Wu Bangguo, chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, meets Wong Foon Meng, head of the Malaysian Senate, to discuss bilateral ties and parliamentary exchanges.  They agree to strengthen political trust, personnel exchanges, and economic cooperation.

:   Chinese Vice Minister Song Tao attends the first Mekong River Commission (MRC) meeting in Hua Hin, Thailand and says China is willing to increase cooperation with neighboring countries to help resolve the ongoing drought crisis.  The Chinese Ministry of Water Resources also provides the MRC Secretariat with hydrological data in southwest China’s Yunnan province to facilitate drought-relief measures in the lower Mekong area.

: ASEAN Secretary General Surin Pitsuwan visits Beijing and meets senior officials including Prime Minister Wen Jiabao, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, and Commerce Minister Chen Deming.

:   China hosts a meeting with representatives from ASEAN countries on defense and security issues in Beijing.  Sponsored by the Academy of Military Sciences and the People’s Liberation Army, the dialogue seeks to deepen mutual trust and focuses on regional defense matters.

:   The $120 billion Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization Agreement on currency swaps among China, Japan, South Korea and ASEAN member states comes into effect.

:   Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie meets the commanding general of Thailand’s National Defense Studies Institute.  They agree to work to help elevate bilateral strategic cooperation and deepen joint training activities.

: Vice Premier Hui arrives in Vientiane to meet senior Laotian officials. They discuss prospects for increasing bilateral cooperation, especially in trade and investment.

: Chinese Vice Premier Hui Liangyu visits Phnom Penh and meets his Cambodian counterpart to discuss bilateral relations.  The two sides agree to improve and expand high-level exchanges and to deepen business, trade, and economic cooperation.

:   The Chinese Embassy in Thailand convenes a public press conference to rebuke recent claims that the Chinese mega-hydropower projects in Southwest China are affecting the water volume in the Mekong River.

:   Chinese peacekeeping experts and officials take part in the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Peacekeeping Experts’ Meeting in Bangkok to discuss the evolving complexity of peace operations and the increasingly important role regional organizations contribute toward such operations.

: Vietnam announces that it remains committed to implementing the terms of the land border boundary agreement signed with China in 2008 to maintain peace and stability along the two countries’ borders and to more effectively tackle such trans-border crimes as human trafficking, drug trade and arms smuggling.

:   Head of the Communist Party Central Committee International Department Wang Jiarui leads a delegation to Nay Pyi Taw and meets Myanmar Prime Minister Thein Sein.  They reaffirm the friendly traditional ties between China and Myanmar and discuss prospects for enhanced cooperation in the energy sector and bilateral trade.

:  Zhongguo Xinwen She news agency reports that Chinese RADM Yin Zhuo sees the rapid buildup of ASEAN member states’ submarine fleets along China’s coastal borders as a challenge to China and a source of increasing tensions in the South China Sea.

:   China and Cambodia sign a treaty to provide a legal basis for officials to cooperate on consular affairs as well as to combat illegal immigration and transnational crimes.

:   The National People’s Congress approves a 51-item agreement that was signed by Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and Philippine counterpart Alberto Romulo in October 2009 to strengthen bilateral cooperation in consular affairs and promote the strategic relations.

:    ASEAN Secretary General Surin Pitsuwan reviews and discusses the benefits and potential difficulties for member states taking part in the CAFTA.  While acknowledging the agreement will require adjustments for certain countries, on the whole, he sees opportunities for growth for ASEAN member economies.

:   A New York Times article discusses Vietnam’s push to “internationalize” the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea by seeking to enlist other countries to convince China to negotiate the future settlements over the disputed islands in a multilateral setting.

:   Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo meets Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Political, Law and Security Affairs Djoko Suyanto in Jakarta for the second round of the China-Indonesia strategic dialogue.  He also meets ASEAN Secretary General Surin Pitsuwan at the ASEAN Secretariat.

:   Representatives from China, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam meet in Bagan, Myanmar for the Seventh Senior Officials meeting for the Coordinated Mekong Ministerial Initiative Against Trafficking (COMMIT).  They are joined by other ASEAN member states and representatives from the United Nations to discuss plans and priorities to counter human trafficking activities in the region and strengthen joint law enforcement activities.

:   Chinese President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao exchange congratulatory messages with their Vietnamese counterparts to mark the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties.  The two sides pledge to build a more comprehensive, strategic, and cooperative partnership and seek greater collaboration to resolve remaining border issues.  The anniversary will also involve a series of activities under the banner of the China-Vietnam Friendship Year 2010.

:   The Singapore-China Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology (SCAAST) is established to promote science and technology exchanges and collaboration between the two countries.  The group will focus on bio-technology.

: Chinese officials meet representatives from Myanmar’s Military Affairs Security unit (formerly known as Military Intelligence) to discuss ways to curb arms smuggling and counter-insurgency activities along the Sino-Myanmar border.

:   Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress Wu Bangguo meets the head of Thailand’s National Assembly, Chai Chidchob, to discuss prospects for parliamentary exchanges.

:   Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie meets Singapore’s Chief of Army Neo Kian Hong in Beijing. They pledge to expand military-to-military ties and areas for bilateral defense cooperation.

:   China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) kick off the regional free trade area, effectively lowering average tariffs for goods from ASEAN countries to 0.1 percent while six Southeast Asian countries will lower average tariffs on Chinese goods to 0.6 percent.

: Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Liu Jianchao urges all claimant countries of the South China Sea region to avoid confrontation and to conduct joint seismic studies on the oil and natural gas reserves in the Spratly Islands as a way to build confidence. He acknowledges that the Chinese government sees no solution to resolve these territorial disputes and reiterates its objection to having external, non-claimant countries involved in the negotiations.

:   Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen announces that China has become the largest development partner, that he appreciates Chinese assistance comes without conditions, and that China’s infrastructure projects help with poverty reduction in Cambodia.

: President Hu Jintao meets Laotian counterpart Choummaly Saygnasone in Beijing and they agree to establish a strategic partnership to improve and expand relations.

:   A new bridge that spans the Red River, connecting the Beishan Trade Center in China’s Yunnan Province and Kim Thanh Trade Center in Vietnam’s Lao Cai Province, opens.  The bridge will facilitate economic interaction in the Mekong subregion.

: The UN releases a statement saying that more than 30,000 refugees from the northeast region of Myanmar have fled into China as a result of recent fighting between Myanmar’s military and rebel ethnic armies.

:   The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson says that Beijing hopes Myanmar can “properly deal with its domestic issue to safeguard the regional stability in the China-Myanmar border area.”

: Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan visits Singapore for the 6th China-Singapore Joint Council Meeting for Bilateral Cooperation.  He signs a memorandum of understanding on furthering bilateral educational and science and technology cooperation, as well as a protocol on taxation.

:   China proposes a $10 billion fund to increase and expand the trade volume between ASEAN and China.  The planned fund will provide capital for infrastructure and logistic system development projects.

:   Singaporean Foreign Minister George Yeo visits Beijing and meets his counterpart Yang Jiechi and Vice-President Xi Jinping to discuss future prospects for deepening bilateral relations.  Yeo also visits Qinghai Province and Tibet.

:   Chinese Commerce Minister Chen Deming attends the 41st ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting and signs the ASEAN-China Investment Agreement in preparation for the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area, which will come into effect in January 2010.

:   Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Wu Dawei visits Vietnam and meets counterpart Pham Gia Khiem to discuss issues related to border demarcation.  They agree to resolve border issues peacefully and to adhere to the Code of Conduct on the South China Sea.

: The Chinese naval destroyer Guangzhou arrives in Brunei for the 2009 Brunei International Defense Exhibition (BRIDEX).

: Vietnam files an official protest against China over the detention of 13 Vietnamese fishermen in early August, who, according to Vietnamese officials, were fleeing from a storm and took shelter at the disputed Paracel Islands.

: Chinese officials attend the 6th ASEAN+3 Ministers on Energy Meeting in Mandalay, Myanmar and call for energy cooperation with ASEAN members.

: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton meets representatives of the four riparian Lower Mekong basin countries (Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam) to discuss water management policy – the first time the U.S. has been involved in Mekong River issues.

: Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi attends a series of meetings in Thailand, including the 42nd ASEAN Ministerial Meeting, the 16th ASEAN Regional Forum, and the foreign ministers’ unofficial consultation of the East Asia Summit.

:   Liu Zhenmin, China’s deputy permanent representative to the UN, states that China is opposed to putting the Myanmar question on the UN Security Council agenda and would not support sanctions as a result of the military junta’s sentencing of Aung San Suu Kyi.

: Chinese and Malaysian authorities sign an agreement to establish the first Confucius Institute in Malaysia.  The institute will be at the University of Malaya and provide cultural activities and exchanges as well as opportunities for students to study Mandarin.

:   The Malaysian Chief of Defense Force Tan Sri Abdul Aziz visits Beijing and meets senior military officials.  While meeting Defense Minister Liang Guanglie, they agree to strengthen bilateral cooperation between the two armed forces.  Beginning in 2010, junior and senior military officers from China will take part in a student exchange program at the Malaysian Armed Forces Defense College.

:   Liu Qi, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and secretary of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, arrives in Phnom Penh and meets leaders of the Cambodian People’s Party and the Funcinpec Party.

:   At the invitation of Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, Indonesian Foreign Minister Hasan Wirayuda visits Beijing and meets Yang and Vice Premier Li Keqiang.  They agree to strengthen bilateral relations and sign an extradition agreement.

:   Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao meets Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva in Beijing.  They seek to promote closer relations between China and Thailand and call for closer trade and tourism ties.

:   China hosts the 15th China-ASEAN Senior Officials Consultation. The consultation will focuses on China-ASEAN relations and regional security and economic issues.

:   China Petroleum and Natural Gas Group Company confirms the company recently signed the “Memorandum of Understanding on the Development, Operation, and Management of the Sino-Burmese Crude Oil Pipeline Project.”

:   China and Singapore hold Cooperation 2009, a joint anti-terrorism seminar and training exercise, in Guilin, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The exercise includes simulations of terrorist attacks using radioactive contaminants, biological and chemical weapons.

:   According to Indonesian news reports, Beijing and Jakarta reaffirm their commitment to intensify bilateral military cooperation, especially through transfer of technology.

:   China hosts the first “ASEAN Plus 3 Non-Traditional Security Forum” in Shijiazhuang.

:   Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi meets his Thai counterpart Kasit Piromya.

:   President Hu Jintao meets Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.  They agree to strengthen bilateral relations and call for more cooperation on political, economic, cultural, and education issues.

:   Vice President Xi Jinping meets Keo Puth Rasmey, chair of the Cambodian Funcinpec Party, and says that China is ready to build party-to-party relations.

: Lt. Gen. Ma Xiaotian, deputy chief of the general staff of the PLA, attends and takes part in the 8th annual Shangri-La Dialogue.

: Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi arrives in Hanoi to attend the 9th Foreign Ministers’ Meeting of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM).

:   Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie meets Songkitti Chakkabat, supreme commander of the Thai military, in Beijing.  They discuss consolidating bilateral relations and ways to promote military ties between the two armed forces.

:   According to the People’s Daily Online, Beijing has recently established the Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs, a new department under the Foreign Ministry, to manage maritime and territorial disputes.  It will manage land and sea boundary demarcation and administration, form policies, and conduct negotiations for joint development in disputed areas.

:   China’s State Oceanic Administration and the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries establish a bilateral marine science cooperative program that allows for the two countries to conduct joint research focusing on the impact of climate change to oceans.

:   Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping receives Ha Thi Khiet, member of the Secretariat and chief of the Commission for Mass Organization of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee.  They review the current relations and hope to strengthen their cooperative partnership next year, the 60th anniversary of China-Vietnam diplomatic ties.

:   Chinese Vice Premier Hui Liangyu meets Somsavat Lengsavad, Laotian deputy prime minister, in Beijing.  They discuss expanding trade, business, and economic activities.

:   Finance ministers of ASEAN, China, Japan, and South Korea meet in Bali, Indonesia and reach an agreement on the substantive contents of the regional reserve pool that will be implemented before the end of 2009.  The agreement provides agreements on individual country’s contribution, borrowing accessibility, and a region-wide surveillance mechanism.

:   Jia Qinglin, chairperson of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, meets Nguyen Thien Nhan, deputy prime minister of Vietnam.  Jia assesses that bilateral relations have improved significantly since 2008 and hopes that the two countries will further cooperation in education, culture, science, and technology.

:   The Chinese Foreign Ministry issues a statement of protest of Vietnam’s recent decision to appoint an official to represent the disputed Paracel Island.

:   Lt. Gen. Yang Zhiqi, assistant chief of general staff of the PLA, leaves Beijing for an official visit to Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia.  The delegation includes senior officials from the Beijing Military Command and the Jinan Military Command.

:   China and Singapore sign a memorandum of understanding on education cooperation.  The MOU spells out new collaborative programs and educational exchanges between Chinese and Singaporean scholars and academics in the university sector.

:   Chen Bingde, chief of the general staff of the PLA, meets Tin Aye, member of Myanmar’s State Peace and Development Council.  Both sides agree to forge close communication and cooperation to help maintain regional stability.

:   According to Chinese press statements, the Maritime Safety Bureau announces that it has sent at least six patrol vessels to the South China Sea in recent weeks and that such patrols are legal and within China’s exclusive economic zone.

:   Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi announces a multi-billion dollar aid and credit extension package to ASEAN countries during a meeting with the 10 foreign envoys from ASEAN member countries posted in Beijing.

:   Gao Hucheng, China’s vice commerce minister, announces that ASEAN is likely to replace Japan as China’s third largest trading partner in the near future.

:   Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie receives Nguyen Van Duoc, vice defense minister from Vietnam, to discuss bilateral military ties and future prospects for strengthening military exchanges.

:   Hu Zhengyue, assistant foreign minister, expresses concern over the demonstrations and protests in Thailand and expresses confidence that the Thai government will ensure safety for visiting leaders during the ASEAN Plus 3 meetings.

:   Guo Boxiong, vice chairperson of the Central Military Commission, meets Teo Chee Han, Singaporean deputy prime minister and minister of defense, in Beijing.  They agree to raise the level of military-related exchanges and visits, personnel and military training, and increased cooperation in defense consultation.

:   Lt. Gen. Ma Xiaotian, deputy chief of general staff of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), meets senior defense scholars and representatives from ASEAN member countries attending the China-ASEAN Dialogue 2009 to discuss deepening regional defense cooperation.

:   Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi visits Bangkok and meets his Thai counterpart Kasit Piromya to exchange ideas for furthering bilateral relations.

:   Li Jianguo, vice chairman and general secretary of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, visits Kuala Lumpur and meets Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to discuss relations between China and Malaysia.

:   Vice Premier Li Keqiang meets Indonesia’s acting Coordinating Minister for Economy Sri Muyani Inrawati in Beijing to discuss stepping up bilateral economic activities and exchanges.  Li announces that China is willing to help develop Indonesia’s infrastructure and agrees to provide financial assistance for a new 10,000 megawatt power plant in Indonesia.

:   State Councilor Dai Bingguo visits Hanoi and meets Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Gia Khiem for the third meeting of the China-Vietnam Steering Committee on Cooperation. They agree to launch the “China-Vietnam Friendship Year” in 2010 to mark the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two sides.

:   Chen Bingde, chief of the general staff of the PLA, visits Nay Pyi Taw and meets with the head of Myanmar’s State Peace and Development Council Gen. Than Shwe.  The two leaders review the state of bilateral relations, emphasizing that the good, neighborly relations between China and Myanmar are established under the principles of friendship, collaboration, and noninterference in each other’s internal affairs.

:   China dispatches Yuzheng 311, a decommissioned vessel in the South China Sea Fleet of the PLA Navy, to patrol the South China Sea, monitor the Gulf of Tonkin, offer rescue operations and protection for fishery accidents, conduct escort missions around the Spratly and Paracel Islands, and demonstrate China’s sovereignty over the disputed islands.

:   Ma Xiaotian, deputy chief of general staff of the PLA, visits Singapore and meets Defense Minister Teo Chee-hean for the second China-Singapore Defense Policy Dialogue.

:   Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia Zhang Qiyue announces the donation of $100,000 from Beijing to the ASEAN Fund to support its socio-economic development projects throughout the region.

:   Chinese Ambassador to ASEAN Xue Hanqin attends the 14th ASEAN Summit in Hua Hin, Thailand.

:   Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu meets senior officials from Cambodia, including Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sar Kheng in Shanghai to discuss bilateral cooperation to clamp down on cross-border narcotics trade and transnational crimes.

:   Minister of Defense Liang Guanglie meets Royal Thai Army Commander-in-Chief Anupong Paochinda in Beijing.  They agree to enhance bilateral relations and build greater trust through an increase in exchanges between their military forces.

: Chinese and Vietnamese officials gather to celebrate the completion of land border demarcation and lay down the boundary markers. More than 100 officials from both sides participate in the ceremony at the border gate in Pingxiang City of Guangxi Province.

: Jia Qinglin meets King Norodom Sihamoni of Cambodia in Beijing.  The two leaders agree to improve and expand high-level exchanges and promote further bilateral political and economic cooperation.  Sihamoni acknowledges China’s longstanding support and continued assistance for Cambodia.

:   Ye Dabo, the newly appointed Chinese ambassador to Myanmar, meets Prime Minister Gen. Thein Sein and Deputy Foreign Minister U Maung Myint.  According to official Chinese statistics, bilateral trade amounted to $2.6 billion in 2008, a 26 percent increase from 2007.  Chinese exports to Myanmar accounted for close to $2 billion, an increase of 16.4 percent from the previous year, and China’s imports from Myanmar reached nearly $650 million, an increase of 71 percent.

:   Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Wang Guangya issues a formal protest to the charge d’affaires of the Philippine Embassy in Beijing in response to the passage of a bill by the Philippine Congress indicating that the Scarborough Reef and parts of the disputed Spratly Islands belong to the Philippines.

:   On the 30th anniversary of the Chinese invasion of Vietnam, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Jiang Yu makes a brief comment: “History has already made its conclusions, we hope we will put behind the past and face the future.”  According to an AFP news report, Chinese authorities did not mark the event in any official way and no public commentary or article was aired or published in the Chinese media.

:   According to Chinese media reports, 10 kidnapping victims, formerly held for ransom in Myanmar, were released and have returned safely to Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.  The provincial public security department official indicates that the Chinese civilians were illegally detained, and that since 2005, there has been a rise in such kidnapping incidents.

:   Jia Qinglin, chairperson of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), meets Ong Tee Keat, Malaysian minister of transport and head of the Malaysian Chinese Association to discuss areas for further cooperation.

:   In her first, exclusive interview with Xinhua, newly appointed Chinese Ambassador to ASEAN Xue Hanqin explains her role and vision in this new post.

:   President Hu Jintao issues a formal message to his Indonesian counterpart, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, to express his condolences to the victims of a capsized Indonesian passenger ferry carrying more than 250 people.

:   Zhou Tienong leads a delegation of Chinese legislators for the 17th annual conference of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum in Laos.

:   Zhou Tienong, vice chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, arrives in Brunei for an official visit and meets Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah to discuss closer collaboration between the two countries on regional and international affairs.  Zhou then makes a follow-on visit to Singapore, meeting Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to exchange views on the current state of bilateral political and economic ties as well as on cross-Strait relations.

: China and Vietnam announce the completion of their land border demarcation project just hours before the midnight deadline.

:   Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang pays official visits to Indonesia, Egypt, and Kuwait.  While in Indonesia, Li meets his counterpart Vice President Yusuf Kalla to discuss prospects for strengthening the strategic partnership.

: The Chinese Foreign Ministry sends an official message of congratulations to Thailand’s newly elected Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

:   The Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO), which is headquartered in Beijing, formally begins its operations.  The organization is composed of seven member states including Bangladesh, China, Iran, Mongolia, Pakistan, Peru, and Thailand. The organization seeks to enhance multilateral cooperation on space science and technology.

:   A delegation of the National People’s Congress (NPC) led by Standing Committee member Chen Zhili leaves for South Korea, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia to meet with the national congresses of each of these countries.

: AFP reports that China will provide Cambodia with more than $200 million in loans and grants to rebuild Cambodia’s infrastructure.  The deal was reportedly signed during Jia Qinglin’s visit to Cambodia. Jia also reportedly announced a grant of $7.26 million offered as a no-interest loan.

: Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi makes an official visit to Nepal and Myanmar at the invitation of his counterparts in both countries.  Yang reiterates that China will continue to support the reconciliation process in Myanmar as well as the continued dialogue involving ASEAN, the UN, and the leadership in Myanmar.

: Jia Qinglin, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Consultative Conference, arrives in Vientiane for an official visit to Laos.  He later visits Jordan, Turkey, and Cambodia.

:   The first Chinese flight chartered by the government to bring back Chinese tourists stranded at Bangkok’s international airport arrives in Shanghai.   The government estimates that nearly 3,000 Chinese tourists are affected by the closure of the airport owing to the anti-government protests in Bangkok.

:   Chen Bingde, chief of the general staff of the PLA, meets Shwe Mann, member of Myanmar’s State Peace and Development Council in Beijing.  They discuss ways the two armed forces can work together more closely. Liang Guanglie, state councilor and minister of national defense, meets Mann on Dec. 1.

: The Chinese Foreign Ministry expresses concern over the anti-government protest in Bangkok.  Qin Gang, the ministry spokesperson, says it would like to see national stability, social harmony, and economic growth restored in Thailand as soon as possible.

:   China announces its interest in participating in the third ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM) in Thailand in March 2009.  China, India, and Japan have all submitted formal requests to be new members of the ADMM.

:  According to a report by AFP, China has revived plans to build an oil and gas line across Myanmar to reduce its dependence on the Strait of Malacca for energy transportation.  Construction of the pipeline is expected to begin in the first half of 2009.  Investment in the pipeline project is reported at $2.5 billion, with China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) holding a 50.9-percent stake and managing the project.  The remaining shares will be held by Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise.

:   Central Bank Gov. Zhou Xiaochuan meets his Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Van Giau in Beijing to discuss the current global financial crisis and how developing countries could take joint action to mitigate its impacts.

:   At the 5th meeting of the China-ASEAN Prosecutors General Conference, the Chinese delegation agrees to create a legal mechanism to combat regional trans-border crimes. The multilateral and bilateral legal agreements will facilitate investigation, apprehension, prosecution, and extradition of criminals, exchange of witnesses, sharing of evidence, seizure and forfeiture of the proceeds of crime.

:  The Chinese ship Zhenghe arrives at Sihanoukville Port to begin its official nine-day visit.  This marks the first time a Chinese military ship has docked in Cambodia.

:   Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu meets Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sar Kheng to discuss the prospects for curbing transnational crimes and illegal immigration and strengthening bilateral cooperation in combating illicit drug smuggling, repatriating criminal suspects, and law enforcement training.

: Zhou Yongkang visits Indonesia and meets Vice President Yusuf Kalla.  They agree to improve bilateral cooperation and to increase the number of high-level exchanges.  Following his visit to Indonesia, Zhou visits Brunei to meet the Foreign and Trade Minister Prince Mohamed Bolkiah.

:   Zhou Yongkang, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau and secretary of the Central Commission on Politics and Law, visits Vietnam and meets Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung in Hanoi.  They agree to deepen and broaden bilateral political, economic, and military cooperation.

:   Gen. Zhang Li, vice chief of staff of the PLA, visits Myanmar and meets Gen. Than Shwe, chairman of the Myanmar State Peace and Development Council. They hold discussions on increasing the level of cooperation between the two armed forces.

:  Chinese and Vietnamese leaders sign a joint statement reaffirming that the two countries will complete the demarcation of their land border before the end of this year.  They also agree on a joint survey in Beibu Bay and that they “gradually advance the negotiations on demarcation of these maritime zones and will jointly exploit the zones.”

:   Mao Xiaotian, deputy chief of general staff of the PLA, meets his Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Van Duoc in Beijing.  They agree that the exchange of high-level visits and pragmatic cooperation between the two militaries are improving overall bilateral ties.

:   China hosts the 7th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Summit in Beijing.

: China and Singapore sign a free trade agreement (FTA) that would reduce tariffs and increase economic, business, and trade activities between the two countries. Both sides will also pursue joint collaboration in custom procedures, quality inspection and quarantine.

:   Wang Qishan, vice premier of the State Council, meets senior representatives from Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Laos at the fifth China-ASEAN Expo and China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit.

: China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) sign a memorandum of understanding to establish more media cooperation.

:   Defense Minister Liang Guanglie and his Singaporean counterpart Teo Chee Hean meet to discuss the role of both militaries in maintaining regional stability and security.

: Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu agrees with his Vietnamese counterpart Le Hong Anh that China and Vietnam should strengthen cooperation on public security, law enforcement, and personnel exchanges to tackle such cross-border crimes as abduction, trafficking in women and children, and smuggling of illicit drugs.

: Chen Bingde, chief of the general staff of the PLA, meets senior military representatives from the Brunei Armed Forces, the Laotian People’s Army, and the Royal Thai Armed Forces to exchange views on future prospects for military cooperation.

:   The East Asia Trade Forum, organized by the China International Trade Promotion Committee in collaboration with Chinese representatives in the China-ASEAN Secretariat, convenes in Beijing.  More than 200 delegates attend the Forum discussing ways to increase and expand regional competitiveness and promote inter-regional trade and investment.

:   PLA Chief of the General Staff Chen Bingde meets senior ranking military representatives from Brunei, Laos, and Thailand who are on a visit to see the Warrior 2008 military exercise organized by the PLA in Inner Mongolia.  They are joined by more than 110 military delegates from 36 countries, the largest foreign contingent to observe the PLA’s capacity in a simulated combat.

:   Representatives from China, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam gather in Vientiane, Laos for a consultative meeting on the prospects for developing the regional Mekong Hydropower Program, which is intended to promote sustainable development, utilization, management, and conservation of water and other resources along the Mekong River Basin.

:   Following the news of tainted Chinese dairy products, countries throughout Southeast Asia including Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, and Thailand announce that they will stop such imports.

:   Scientists from the First Institute of Oceanography in China and the Marine Biological Center in Thailand agree to launch a joint study on monsoon and cyclone pattern in the Andaman sea area to better forecast weather trends in the region.

: Defense Minister Liang Guanglie meets the Permanent Secretary of the Thai Ministry of Defense Winai Phattiyakul. They agree that the two sides will continue to work together on non-traditional security and jointly stage counter-terrorism training exercises.

: Deputy Chief of General Staff of the PLA Ma Xiaotian receives the president of Thailand’s National Defense Studies Institute in Beijing.  The two sides agree to increase exchange of visits between the two militaries.

:   Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu meets Singaporean Vice Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs Wong Kan Seng in Beijing.  Meng highlights the close cooperation between the two police forces and hopes to deepen exchanges to combat terrorism and transnational crimes in the region.

:   Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan and his Singaporean counterpart Wong Kan Seng finalize a free trade agreement at a meeting in Tianjin, China.  The accord includes the liberalization of bilateral trade ties and lowering of tariffs. It will most likely be signed at the forthcoming Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) Summit in Beijing next month.

:   Chinese leaders including the Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress Wu Bangguo and the Chairperson of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Consultative Conference Jia Qinglin meet the President of the Cambodian Senate Chea Sim in Beijing.  Discussions include increasing legislative exchanges and other high-level visits between the two countries.

:   According to Chinese press reports, the second batch of five military surgeons dispatched to Cambodia returns to Beijing after completing their medical services and training in Cambodia.  Earlier, the Chinese surgeons received accolades from the Cambodian government and military hospital for their services and contributions to the Cambodian people.

:   The Chinese Communist Party International Liaison Department Chairperson Wang Jiarui receives a delegation visit from the Vietnamese Communist Party cadres and government officials in Beijing.  The two sides review the positive relations between both parties in the last 30 years and agree to improve and expand party-to-party relations.

:   Chinese and ASEAN economic ministers issue a statement that will finalize an investment agreement at the annual ASEAN Summit in Bangkok in December 2008.   The agreement is one of three components of a free trade deal between ASEAN and China.

:   Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie meets Myanmar’s Defense Industries Chief Tin Aye in Beijing.  The two agree to expand political, economic, and military relations.

:   China’s National Space Administration agrees to help Laos develop a telecommunications satellite and a ground station and to train Laotian technicians and scientists.  The two sides will cooperate in such areas as earth observation, remote sensing satellite technology, and satellite imaging and transmission.

:   Singaporean naval frigate Steadfast visits Shanghai for a port visit.  The Commander of the East China Sea Fleet of the PLA Navy Vice Adm. Xu Hongmeng receives a courtesy call from the Singaporean Fleet Commander Rear Adm. Ng Chee Peng.

:   China and Laos agree to exchange technical expertise on such environmental issues as deforestation and natural resources management.  The initiative between the Chinese Global Environmental Institute and the Laotian Center for Research and Information on Land and Natural Resources will establish a joint center for cooperation on environmental issues.

: Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang meets Thai counterpart Sanan Kachornprasart in Beijing.  They agree to increase senior-level exchanges and expand bilateral cooperation and coordination in regional and international affairs.

: The Chinese Foreign Ministry extends a congratulatory statement to ASEAN on the 41st anniversary of its establishment.  The statement indicates that China will continue to support ASEAN’s integration and role as the driving force for regional cooperation, and that the China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership will continue to form the basis for future collaboration between the two sides.

: Chinese Vice Minister of Education Zhang Xinsheng attends the first “China-ASEAN Education Exchange Week” in Guiyang, Guizhou and delivers a speech supporting cooperation between China and ASEAN through educational and cultural exchanges.

:   The PLA Deputy Chief of General Staff Ma Xiaotian visits Bangkok and meets PM Samak.  Ma attends the seventh bilateral security consultation.  The two sides agree to enhance military-to-military relations.

:   The Forum on Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Cooperation convenes in Beihai, a coastal city in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and draws more than 600 international participants.  The Pan-Beibu economic cooperation program involves seven ASEAN countries and will discuss the prospects for developing and opening up the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone.

:   The Chinese General Administration of Customs releases latest data indicating that China’s trade with ASEAN member states reached nearly $96 billion in the first five months of 2008, an increase of 26.9 percent over the same period last year.  China’s trade deficit with ASEAN has decreased and amounts to nearly $5 billion in the first five months.  According to the data, China’s top five trading partners in ASEAN are Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines, which account for 88 percent of the total China-ASEAN trade volume.

:   Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi attends a series of meetings with regional counterparts in Singapore, including the “10+1 foreign ministers’ meeting between China and ASEAN,” the “10+3 foreign ministers’ meeting between with ASEAN, China, Japan, and South Korea,” an informal consultation among the participating foreign ministers of the East Asia Summit, and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF).

:   The Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the Chinese National People’s Congress Wu Bangguo joins other government officials in extending a congratulatory message to the Cambodian government marking the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic recognition.  The two governments pledge to further strengthen bilateral ties.

:   The Chinese State Archives Administration Director-General Yang Dongquan and his Singapore counterpart Pitt Kuan Wah sign an agreement to increase exchanges between the archival institutions of the two countries in such areas as academic interfaces on archives acquisition, management, reproduction, documentation, and vocation training.

:   The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and the Royal Thai Army begin a 20-day joint counter-terrorism training operation entitled Strike 2008 in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

:   The joint China-Philippines-Vietnam seismic study in the South China Sea, an agreement signed by the three parties as a confidence-building measure aimed at conducting joint research oil and gas prospects in the disputed Spratly Islands, formally ends.

:   President Hu Jintao meets Thai Prime Minister Samak Sandaravej in Beijing to deepen bilateral cooperation based on the goals set forth in the Joint Action Plan on China-Thailand Strategic Cooperation signed last May.

:   Samak Sundaravej, prime minister of Thailand, arrives in Beijing for an official four-day visit in China and is scheduled to meet President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao to discuss cross-border transportation links and infrastructure development, expanding economic ties, and cooperation between the two militaries.

:   The Chinese government announces at a press conference in Beijing that it has provided $100 million in recent years to help cut down poppy production in Myanmar and converting the poppy fields to other cash crops.

: Wang Zhongtang, deputy director of the China National Nuclear Safety Administration, leads a delegation to attend the ASEAN Plus Three forum on nuclear safety in Bangkok.  Southeast Asian countries express interest in alternative energy sources, including nuclear energy, and are turning to China, Japan, and South Korea for experience and technological capacity. Wang announces that China would be willing to increase exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN members.

:   China hosts the second ASEAN Plus Three workshop on disaster relief.  Senior representatives from the region’s armed forces discuss ways to enhance regional collaboration on disaster relief, focusing their discussion on the prospects for setting up a more cohesive regional coordination mechanism and a standard operating procedure.

:   Chinese Commerce Minister Chen Deming attends an international conference in Kunming, Yunnan with senior representatives from five other countries in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS).  They agree to set up the GMS Economic Corridors Forum to increase multilateral collaboration in the areas of transportation and infrastructure development, energy security, telecommunications, tourism, agriculture, trade, and the environment

:   China’s Ministry of Public Security and professors from the Public Security Maritime Police Academy host a two-week maritime law enforcement workshop for 42 senior maritime officials from 24 Asian and African countries.  The workshop discusses ways to deepen multilateral maritime law enforcement cooperation and includes visits to Chinese maritime law enforcement agencies in Zhejiang and neighboring Shanghai.

:   President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao meet Nong Duc Manh, general secretary of Vietnam’s Communist Party Central Committee, who is on an official four-day visit to Beijing and Jiangsu Province.   They agree to expand bilateral ties, establish a comprehensive strategic partnership, and to continue talks on demarcation in maritime zones in the area of the mouth of the Gulf of Tonkin/Beibu Bay. In a joint statement, they announce that they will establish a hotline between the two heads of state.

:   Two Chinese and two Vietnamese guided-missile ships conduct the fifth bilateral joint maritime patrol exercise in the Gulf of Tonkin. During the patrol, both navies engage in training in establishing communications, alternating formations, and alternating command.  Under the Agreement for Joint Patrol of the Gulf of Tonkin signed in October 2005, China and Vietnam agreed to carry out joint patrols in May and December of each year.

:   He Guoqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party Central Committee and secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, meets Laotian Vice Prime Minister Asang Laoly in Beijing.  He provides a briefing on the earthquake reconstruction efforts and expresses his appreciation for Lao’s support and assistance in these efforts. The two leaders also discuss the prospects for strengthening exchanges between the two parties.

:   Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi attends an international pledging conference in Yangon organized by the UN and ASEAN for the cyclone disaster in Myanmar.  Yang announces China’s commitment to donate another $10 million of emergency aid, which would bring China’s total assistance to $15.3 million.  He also calls for the international community to continue to provide humanitarian assistance to Myanmar and indicates that China supports the constructive role of such multilateral institutions as the UN and ASEAN to coordinate relief and rescue efforts as well as the post-disaster reconstruction.

:   In Phnom Penh, nearly $70,000 worth of transportation vehicles, computers, and other office equipment arrives from China as part of a support package and donation to the Cambodian Ministry of Relations with Parliament and Inspection.  This year marks the 50th anniversary of the formal establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Cambodia.

:   Following the earthquake in Sichuan, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi meets the Singaporean and Indonesian foreign ministers in Beijing to thank them for their countries’ relief support and assistance, including rescue personnel and disaster relief equipment and materials.

: Vice Foreign Minister Wang Yi meets Myanmar Ambassador to China U Thein Lwin to discuss the situation in Myanmar after the cyclone.  Wang announces that Beijing will offer disaster relief assistance, providing $1 million emergency aid in the immediate aftermath of the cyclone and will contribute an additional $4.3 million to help with the reconstruction.

:   Berna Romulo Puyat, undersecretary for agriculture of the Philippines, announces that 36 agreements between China and the Philippines on agriculture and fisheries have been suspended.   The agreements set aside more than 1 million hectares of land for hybrid rice and corn production, agri-business projects, sugar cane, and cassava for renewable fuels with most of the end products exported to China.  Manila has seen increasing pressure from opposition groups to reexamine and suspend these agreements with Beijing.

:   Defense Minister Liang Guanglie and Malaysian Air Force Chief Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Azizan Bin Ariffin meet in Beijing to discuss the state of bilateral military relations.  Ariffin also meets his Chinese counterpart, Xu Qiliang, member of the Central Military Commission and commander of the PLA Air Force. They agree to increase personnel exchanges and advance cooperation and training between the two air forces.

: Vice President Xi Jinping meets Thai Foreign Minister Noppadon Pattama in Beijing.  In his welcoming remarks, Xi indicates that China is ready to further deepen strategic cooperation with Thailand.  Pattama also meets other senior Chinese officials and policymakers.

:   Wang Zhaoguo, vice chairperson of the Chinese National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, meets Vo Van Thuong, head of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union delegation from Vietnam.   The two sides agree to increase exchanges between the two communist youth leagues as a trust-building mechanism for the younger generation.

:   Senior military leaders from China and Myanmar meet in Laiza, a town in Myanmar that is controlled by the Kachin Independence Army (KIA).  The delegations discuss border security, combating illicit cross-border drug trade, and repatriation issues.

: Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao joins counterparts from Thailand and Laos to open the new “R3 Highway” in Vientiane, Laos.  The highway will provide a direct passageway from Jinghong in southern China to Singapore through the northern parts of Thailand and Laos.

:   Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao pays a working visit to Laos and takes part in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Summit in Vientiane. Wen meets Lao President Choummaly Saygnasone to discuss closer cooperation in the economic sector.

:  Wu Hongbo, Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister, visits Brunei to attend the 14th China-ASEAN Senior Officials’ Consultation.  The meeting seeks to implement the consensus reached at the 2007 summit held between both sides and strengthen their strategic partnership.  Additionally, the meeting provides a platform to further exchange views on jointly implementing follow-up actions to the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea.

:   Qin Guangrong, governor of Yunnan province, presides over the opening ceremony of the new trans-national highway linking Kunming city in southwest Yunnan to Bangkok, cutting total travel time by half to approximately 20 hours. Xinhua News reports that nearly $400 billion worth of cargo will be transported each year via this new linkage between China, the Greater Mekong area, and Southeast Asia.

:   The Chinese Academy of Military Science holds senior level gathering of military officials and scholars from Southeast Asia to discuss current trends in military modernization, regional security issues, and confidence-building measures.

:   Malaysia’s Public Bank announces the launch of the PB China-ASEAN Equity Fund (PBCAEF), which will invest in Chinese stocks listed in China, Hong Kong, the U.S., and other approved markets to capitalize on rapid economic growth in China and Southeast Asian countries.

:   The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosts the 9th China-ASEAN Joint Cooperation Committee in Chongqing.  Senior officials from the ASEAN secretariat and member states as well as representatives from 11 governmental ministries in China attend.

:  The China-ASEAN Business Council announces that China and ASEAN have become each other’s fourth largest trading partner.  Total two-way trade stood at $202.5 billion in 2007, a 26 percent increase from the previous year.

:  The Cambodian Investment Board (CIB) announces that China, Thailand, and South Korea are the top three foreign investing countries in Cambodia in 2007.  The CIB approved a total of $51 million of registered capital and over $461 million of fixed assets for Chinese investors last year.

:  Liu Jianchao, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson, clarifies China’s position toward Myanmar at a public press conference.  Liu explains that China pursues a “good-neighborly and friendly” policy, and that it will continue to call for “peace and reconciliation” in Myanmar.

:   The Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region unveils the “Guangxi Beibu Bay Economic Zone Development Plan,” which will create a new regional logistics base, as well as a trade processing and manufacturing center between southern China and neighboring ASEAN countries, including Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand.

:   Ibrahim Gambari, UN envoy for Myanmar, is in Beijing to meet senior Chinese officials, where he expresses concern that the Myanmar government is delaying approval for his visit to Myanmar in late April.  At the conclusion of his consultations in Beijing, however, Gambari mentions that he has received “encouragement” from Beijing that Myanmar “may move up” the date of his visit.

:  Luo Haocai, vice chairperson of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), visits Jakarta.  Luo meets Agung Laksono, speaker of the Indonesian Parliament, to discuss the Beijing Olympics and cooperation in investment and trade.

:   Qin Guangrong, vice governor of China’s southwestern province of Yunnan, announces that the provincial government is on schedule to complete four main international railways by 2009, linking Yunnan to Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.  The project will improve regional trade and transport efficiency.

:  Yang Jiechi visits Brunei and meets Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah.  The sultan notes that Brunei attaches great importance to its stable relations with China, regarding it as one of the most important bilateral ties.  They agree to strengthen cooperation on energy security, agriculture, tourism, and infrastructure development.

:  Yang Jiechi, Chinese foreign minister, visits Cambodia for an official three-day visit to mark the 50th anniversary of Sino-Cambodian diplomatic relations.  Yang meets King Norodom Sihamoni and Hun Sen, Cambodian prime minister.   The two sides agree to establish 2008 as the “Sino-Cambodian Friendship Year,” to elevate bilateral cooperation on the Mekong River regional economic development, to increase consultation in such multilateral fora as the UN, ASEAN, and the East Asia Summit (EAS), and to broaden people-to-people exchanges.

:   Wen Jiabao, Chinese premier, sends an official note of congratulations to Samak Sundaravej, newly elected Thai prime minister, and seeks to deepen the strategic partnership between China and Thailand.

:   The second round of the China-Vietnam Steering Committee on Cooperation is convened in Beijing by Tang Jiaxuan and Pham Gia Khiem, Vietnamese deputy prime minister, in Beijing.  The two sides agree to better handle the South China Sea disputes, maintain frequent senior-level exchanges, cooperate on cross-border crime, and promote cultural ties, among other things.

:  U Myint Maung, special envoy of the Myanmar prime minister, visits Beijing and briefs State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan on the latest political situation in Myanmar, including plans for national reconciliation.  Tang conveys Beijing’s concern with political stability and economic development in Myanmar and calls for greater consultation between all concerned parties within Myanmar.

:   He Luli, vice chairperson of the Standing Committee of the NPC, concludes her five-day official visit to Myanmar, where she meets senior officials at the State Peace and Development Council to discuss bilateral political, economic, and cultural ties.

:   Cao Gangchuan, vice chairperson of the Central Military Commission and defense minister, visits Brunei, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia.  In Brunei, Cao pays a courtesy call to Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah and discusses current relations between the two armed forces.  In Indonesia, Cao meets his Indonesian counterpart, Juwono Sudarsono. The two ministers agree to set up a working committee to explore prospects for expanding bilateral military ties, including cooperation in manufacturing defense equipment and training of military personnel.

:   Wang Jiarui, chairperson of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, meets Jose De Venecia, speaker of the Philippine House of Representatives in Beijing.  The two exchange views on promoting closer relations between the two countries’ main political parties.  De Venecia also meets Wu Bangguo, chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress.

:   Vietnamese officials dispatch riot police forces to contain rallies held close to Chinese diplomatic missions in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.  Similar anti-Chinese protests were held last December over the disputed Spratly and Paracel Islands.

:   Ma Xiaotian, deputy chief of general staff of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), meets Chiang Chie Foo, Singapore’s Permanent Secretary of Defense, for the first China-Singapore defense dialogue in Beijing to discuss developments between the two militaries.  They sign an agreement on search and rescue and humanitarian cooperation and agree to hold regular military and security-related seminars.

:   It is reported that the Greater Mekong region, which includes Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam, will work with the Asian Development Bank and the Swedish government on a joint infrastructure development project for cross-border electricity supply and exchange among the Greater Mekong region that will be environmentally sustainable and help meet the growing demand for power supply in the developing economies.

:   China releases an anti-trafficking plan.  The plan, to be implemented from 2008 to 2012, focuses on illegal trafficking of women and children and would involve 28 government ministries and greater regional cooperation.

:   Chinese Ambassador to Thailand Zhang Jiuhuan and Thailand’s Culture Minister Khaisri Sriaroon sign a cultural exchange agreement to set up cultural centers in each country to promote people-to-people exchanges.  With the agreement, Thailand will become the first foreign country to host a Chinese Cultural Center sponsored by Beijing as an official nonprofit institution aimed to promote bilateral exchange in culture, education, art, broadcasting, social science and other related areas.

:   Following similar anti-China demonstrations the previous week, hundreds of demonstrators gather in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City to protest China’s territorial claims over the Spratly and Paracel Islands in the South China Sea.

:   Lao State President Choummali meets Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi in Vientiane.  They agree to strengthen bilateral cooperation through more frequent inter-party and government departmental exchanges and joint infrastructure development projects under the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation framework.

:   According to Thai government spokesperson Chaiya Yimwilai, China will consider Thailand’s request for nuclear technology transfer and road and railway links between the two countries through Laos and Vietnam.

:   The Chinese delegation arrives in Bali to attend the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.  Su Wei, the deputy leader of the delegation, announces that China is willing to make commitments to limit emissions and that “we will do what we should and what we can do.”  Su also criticized the West’s attempts to impose binding targets on developing countries like China.

: Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Hu Qianwen attends an international seminar on infrastructure development in the economic corridor between China and Vietnam.  He proposes that both sides step up investments in roads and railways, ports and logistics services in the Beibu Gulf economic zones – which includes China’s Guangxi, Guangdong, Hainan, Hong Kong and Macao, and 10 coastal localities in Vietnam – to elevate bilateral cooperation on trade and investment.

:   Chinese Defense Minister Cao Gangchuan visits Thailand for the celebrations of the 80th birthday of Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej on Dec. 5.  He also meets Privy Council President Gen. Prem Tinsulanonda, Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont, and Defense Minister Boonrawd Somtat.

:   Premier Wen Jiabao calls on the ruling military junta of Myanmar to speed up democratic reforms.  He also reiterates Beijing’s support for UN Special Envoy Gambari’s mediation efforts between the junta and the opposition parties.

:   The Chinese Ministry of Defense Peacekeeping Operations Office sponsors a China-ASEAN peacekeeping seminar in Beijing. Representatives from 10 member countries of the UN and ASEAN along with some 100 representatives from China attend the seminar.  The main purpose is to explore ways to strengthen cooperation and exchanges between China and ASEAN within the UN peacekeeping regime.

: Premier Wen is in Singapore for an official visit to attend the 11th ASEAN plus Three Summit, the 11th China-ASEAN Summit, the Third East Asia Summit and the Eighth Meeting of Leaders of China, Japan and South Korea.  Wen also meets leaders of Cambodia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, and Vietnam on the sidelines of the ASEAN meetings.

:  President Hu Jintao meets Singapore Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew in Beijing.

:   China and Indonesia launch a joint marine scientific expedition to study the ocean-atmospheric interactions that result in a climate mode known as the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD).  The three-year expedition is part of collaboration of Indonesia’s Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries and China’s State Oceanic Administration.

:   Cambodia receives nine patrol boats from China to help combat piracy and other criminal operations on the high seas.  The vessels and other facilities are worth $60 million and are bought with a soft loan from China.  This is the second time China has sent patrol boats to Cambodia.  In 2005, it gave the Cambodian police six boats to combat smuggling.

:   Wu Bangguo, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC), meets Indonesian Defense Minister Juwono Sudarsono in Beijing.  They sign an agreement to step up bilateral defense cooperation on the transfer of technology, exchange of military students, and the possibility of increased arms purchases.

: Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee Political Bureau member Liu Yunshan makes a two-day visit to Vientiane and meets Secretary General of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party and President of Laos Choummaly Saygnasone.

: The fourth annual China-ASEAN trade and investment promotional exposition (CAEXPO) takes place in Nanning, Guangxi Autonomous Region.  The two sides also hold their first ministerial meeting on food safety and product quality, alongside the China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit.

:   Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister He Yafei meets UN envoy on Myanmar Ibrahim Gambari to discuss negotiations with Myanmar.  Gambari notes Beijing’s constructive contribution to mediation on the issue.  Gambari also meets State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan and Vice Foreign Minister Wang Yi during his visit to Beijing.

:   According to Vietnamese media, party leaders in the Vietnam Communist Party’s Politburo, the top decision-making body, will meet to decide on future foreign policy and discuss often testy ties with China.  Hanoi is concerned with Beijing’s assertive stance toward the disputed Spratly and Paracel Islands.

:   China Southern Power Grid announces that it will begin construction of a 168-megawatt hydroelectric power plant in Laos’ northern province of Bokeo.  The project will cost $340 million and become operational by November 2011.  According to Laotian officials, Chinese foreign direct investment in infrastructure project in Laos amounted to $1.1 billion between 2001 and 2007.

:   President Hu Jintao meets Philippine counterpart Gloria Macapagal- Arroyo in Beijing.  Both leaders agree on an action plan to enhance bilateral economic ties through a five-year program for trade cooperation.

:   China and Vietnam conduct a joint patrol on the shared fishing area in the Gulf of Tonkin as part of the two governments’ agreement on fisheries cooperation and territorial demarcation in the Gulf.

: Marking China’s highest-level public statement on the government crackdown against street demonstrations in Myanmar, Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao tells British Prime Minister Gordon Brown that “China hopes that all parties concerned in Myanmar show restraint, resume stability through peaceful means as soon as possible, promote domestic reconciliation, and achieve democracy and development.”

:  On the sidelines of the 9th Joint Commission meeting between China and Indonesia in Beijing, visiting Indonesian Trade Minister Mari Elka Pangestu announces that the two countries will form a working group under the framework of the Joint Commission to address various trade and investment issues including quality, food product security, and illegal shipment of products.

:  Permanent Secretary of Thailand’s Ministry of Defense Winai Phattiyakul visits Beijing for the sixth Sino-Thai annual defense and security consultations, meeting with Defense Minister Cao Gangchuan.  Both sides agree to further promote military exchanges and deepen bilateral cooperation.

:   Vietnamese trade authorities announce that the largest Vietnam-China trade fair will be held in Vietnam’s northern Lao Cai province in early December 2007.  Trade between Vietnam and China increased to over $9.95 billion in 2006 from $8.2 billion in 2005, according to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce.

: Tang Jiaxuan, Chinese former foreign minister and ranking member of the State Council, meets Myanmar’s foreign minister, U Nyan Win.  Tang expresses hope Myanmar can restore stability and promote national reconciliation.

:   Hu meets his counterpart from the Philippines, Macapagal-Arroyo, at APEC.  The two leaders pledge closer cooperation by maintaining frequent high-level visits to deepen mutual trust.  On the South China Sea issue, both sides agree that progress has been made and that they would continue to cooperate in the next phase to promote peace, stability, and common development of the South China Sea.

: President Hu meets Indonesian President Yudhoyono on the sidelines of the annual Leaders’ Meeting at the APEC forum in Sydney, Australia.  Hu says China is willing to expand cooperation with Indonesia in sustainable development issues and energy exploitation, including development of renewable and alternative energy sources.

: Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Jia Qinglin meets his Indonesian counterpart Hidayat Nur Wahid in Beijing.  The two leaders agree to increase dialogue and bilateral cooperation.

:   Chinese Defense Minister Cao Gangchuan visits the Philippines, holding talks with Philippine Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro in Manila.  The two militaries exchange views on international and regional security situations, relations between the two nations and their militaries, and other issues of common concern.

:  A 10-member delegation of the PLA, led by Gen. Liu Dongdong, political chief of military sub-division of Jinan, arrives in Phnom Penh for an official four-day visit.  The delegation will meet top-level Cambodian military officials, parachute troops, and visit the Preah Ketomealea hospital in Phnom Penh.

:   Vice chairman of China’s Central Military Commission, Xu Caihou, meets the General Political Department Chief of the Lao People’s Army, Sengnouane Sayalat. They agree to maintain high-level exchanges of visits and strengthen cooperation in all fields, especially on military and security issues.

:   Thailand’s Public Health Ministry discloses a long list of hazardous food imported from China. According to Thai officials, they have found excessive insecticide residues in cabbages, pears, lotus roots, carrots, celery, and spinach imported from China, while high levels of sulfur dioxide have been found in dried vegetables and dried chrysanthemum.

:   The ASEAN-Beijing Committee and the China-ASEAN Association jointly hold a reception marking the 40th anniversary of ASEAN in Beijing.  At the reception, China’s FM announces that China will continue to back ASEAN as a strategic partner and a leading player to maintain regional peace and development.

:   Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo reaffirms that the tripartite marine seismic program in the South China Sea among the Philippines, Vietnam, and China would be the “biggest bridge” to peacefully resolve the territorial dispute over the Spratly Islands.  The agreement is seen as a breakthrough, imposing the provisions of the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea for all members.  It also involves a joint exploration project for oil.

:   At the sidelines of the ASEAN ministerial meeting, FM Yang meets Singaporean counterpart George Yeo to discuss the China-ASEAN free trade agreement.  Beijing expresses hope that it would be signed during the ASEAN summit in Singapore in November 2007.  According to the China-ASEAN Business Council, two-way trade between China and ASEAN is expected to reach $190 billion in 2007.

:  FM Yang holds separate talks with counterparts from the Philippines, Singapore, and Australia in Manila while attending the 14th ASEAN Regional Forum.  In each meeting, Yang reaffirms Beijing will work with regional partners to promote peace, stability, and development in the Asia-Pacific.

:   According to the Singaporean Straits Times, a group of Vietnamese boats fishing in waters near the Spratly Islands came under fire from Chinese naval vessels in July.  Military sources reported that one of the Vietnamese boats sank after the attack. One fisherman was killed and several others hurt. Following the incident, Vietnamese officials were in Beijing for crisis talks with senior Chinese officials in an attempt to stop more hostilities.  The two sides agreed to meet later this year in Hanoi.

:   According to Indonesian press reports, Beijing and Jakarta are exploring joint maritime operations.  According to the agreement, it would cover various joint activities in navigation security, maritime security, ship building, naval cooperation and maintenance of Malacca Strait security.  The operations will also be conducted in coordination with the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

:   Shanghai-based Guan Sheng Yuan Co., a Chinese candy-making company, denies claims by the Philippine Bureau of Food and Drugs that one of its products contains potentially cancer-causing formaldehyde.

:   According to Thai press reports, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and the Thai Royal Army are conducting a special combined training military exercise in Guangzhou.  The exercise, which involves 30 officers from both armies’ Special Forces, is code-named Strike 2007.  It will last for two weeks and will include military demonstrations, a series of workshops that cover combat techniques and jungle crossing, and a joint study of tactics deployed by Special Forces.

:   China’s Vice Minister of Health Wang Guoqiang visits Brunei, meeting his counterpart.  They agree to renew their plan of action on health cooperation and increase the exchange of health officials and working visits.  There will also be further enhancement of cooperation between the health institutions, training and research and the recruitment of medical workforce and paramedics in fields such as traditional medicine, children and maternal healthcare, oncology, neonatology, and hepatitis.

:   Chinese Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai and his Malaysian counterpart agree that China will extend its biggest loan for a single project to Malaysia in the form of an $800 million loan for the construction of the second Penang bridge. The 20-year loan agreement by China’s Exim Bank will carry an interest rate of 3 percent annually.

:   Following a visit by Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi, Singaporean Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng announced that Singapore can expect to conclude its free trade agreement with China by 2008.  Bilateral trade reached nearly $41 billion in 2006, Singapore is China’s seventh largest trading partner, and China is Singapore’s third largest partner.

:   The Chinese Ministry of Public Security and the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines announce that they jointly cracked a trans-border case in June in which drugs worth $7.09 million were seized.  The success was attributed to close police cooperation over the past three years.

:   Newly appointed Chinese FM Yang Jiechi wraps up his first official visit to Indonesia after meeting President Yudhoyono.  Both sides agree to further strengthen strategic partnership in the fields of foreign affairs, economy and trade, science and technology, energy, and culture.

:   In a public statement at the Malaysia-China Business Forum 2007, Malaysia’s Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi calls for more investments from China.  Badawi says that currently, Malaysia receives less than $30 million of direct investment from China while Malaysia’s total investments in China reached $320 million.

: The ASEAN Cosmetics Committee decides to collectively ban import of all Chinese toothpaste under the trademarks “Mr. Cool” and “Excel” which have been found to contain high levels of diethylene glycol (DEG), a toxic chemical.

: Chinese and Philippine police announce that they have jointly broken a major cross-border drug production and trafficking case, seizing more than 180 kg of methamphetamine hydrochloride, commonly known as “ice.” As part of the ASEAN-China anti-drug campaign, the Chinese Ministry of Public Security had been sharing information with police in the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, and Chinese Hong Kong and Macao.

:   The 16th World Economic Forum on East Asia opens in Singapore with participation from ASEAN countries and dialogue partners. The Chinese delegation is represented by Assistant Governor of the People’s Bank Yi Gang. The forum will focus on four key themes: Asian leadership, risk management, sustainable growth, and the challenge of competitiveness for regional economies.

: Representatives from China and member countries of ASEAN conclude the second Conference on China-ASEAN People-to-People Friendship Organization (CACPPFO). A five-year plan to strengthen people-to-people cooperation and exchanges at senior-levels is issued.

: Malaysian Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor arrives in Beijing for a week-long visit to meet with counterpart Shao Qiwei. The two sides propose a “zero-fee” package tour agreement, providing discounts for transportation and accommodations to promote bilateral tourism development. Malaysian authorities are targeting 1 million Chinese tourists during Visit Malaysia Year 2007, more than double the 440,000 who visited Malaysia in 2006.

: Asian Development Bank announces that China, Thailand, and Laos have agreed to build a bridge across the Mekong River.  The bridge will cross the Mekong River between Chiang Khong in northern Thailand and Houyxay in Laos, directly linking China’s Yunnan province with Bangkok.  The infrastructure project will be completed in 2011 and will link the economies of Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam to facilitate trade, tourism, and further integrate the Mekong region.

: Lou Gan, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CCP Central Committee, meets Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Truong Vinh Trong in Beijing to exchange views on judicial reform and bilateral relations. During Trong’s week-long visit, he will also meet representatives from the Chinese Central Commission for Political Science and Law and the Supreme People’s Court.

: Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Qin Gang condemns Vietnam for violating a regional code of conduct on the South China Sea and asks Hanoi to stop oil exploration near the Spratly Islands. BP, in a joint venture with the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group, has reportedly halted plans to conduct further exploration.

: Following a visit to Kunming, Yunnan in early June, Lt. Gen. Thein Sein, first secretary of Myanmar’s State Peace and Development Council, confirms that Myanmar will export natural gas from its offshore gas reserves to Yunnan via a pipeline China has offered to build. In April 2007, Beijing approved the construction of an oil pipeline from Sittwe, a port in southern Myanmar, to Kunming, Yunnan.

: Chinese Vice President Zeng Qinghong meets Jusuf Kalla, his Indonesian counterpart, in Beijing. They agree to develop a stronger strategic partnership in several areas, such as trade, energy security, infrastructure development, agriculture, fishery, and public health. Kalla, on a five-day visit, also meets local officials in Sichuan and Hubei.

: Philippine President Arroyo embarks on a two-day visit to Chengdu and Chongqing in southwestern China to strengthen trade and tourism ties between the two countries and encourage more Chinese investment in the Philippines.

: Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen praises China for Beijing’s generous unconditional aid to Cambodia. Beijing has reportedly emerged as Cambodia’s biggest donor, with at least $800 million of aid since 2005.  International donors, however, have become increasingly frustrated with the lack of reforms and the government’s unwillingness to tackle corruption in Cambodia.

: China and Myanmar agree to strengthen cooperation on management of border lumbering and on the protection of wild animals.  According to the Chinese State Forestry Administration, Beijing has held two rounds of consultations with Myanmar since 2006 to address the problem and work toward a memorandum of understanding on forestry cooperation and a protocol on forest firefighting.

: Chinese State Councillor Tang Jiaxuan meets First Secretary of Myanmar’s State Peace and Development Council Thein Sein. Thein briefs Tang on the domestic situation in Myanmar; Tang urges Myanmar to “maintain stability, national concord and economic development, which serve the interests of Myanmar people and are conducive to regional peace, stability and development.” Both sides agree to strengthen bilateral relations through pragmatic cooperation in trade and drug enforcement mechanisms.

: To deepen collaboration between China and Singapore, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, minister of education of Singapore, announces that his ministry has agreed to help train 1,200 mid-to senior-level officials from Dalian through its urban development, public policy management, and administration programs.

: Lt. Gen. Zhang Qingsheng visits Singapore to attend the Shangri-La Dialogue. Zhang delivers a speech on China’s role in international stability. His attendance marks the most senior-level delegation Beijing has dispatched to the meeting.

: The sixth IISS Shangri-La Dialogue is held in Singapore.

: Lan Lijun, the Chinese ambassador to Indonesia, announces that Beijing will donate $910,000 to support Indonesia’s avian flu eradication program. China’s assistance is provided under a memorandum of understanding between both countries on technical and economic cooperation in October 2006. Under the MoU, China agreed to contribute up to $2.2 million to support the eradication program.  In the first phase, China delivered $775,000 worth of vaccines, syringes, disinfectants, and medical equipment.

: According to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, trade between China and Malaysia will reach $50 billion before 2010. Assistant Commerce Minister Chen Jian notes that more Chinese companies are expected to invest in Malaysia given the latter’s political stability and Beijing’s policy of encouraging more enterprises to invest abroad. The first quarter of 2007 saw bilateral trade at $13.4 billion. Malaysia is China’s eighth largest trading partner and the second largest among ASEAN countries.

: Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao meets Thai Prime Minister Surayud Chulanon in Beijing. They discuss historical amity between the two countries and agree to enhance strategic cooperation. The two leaders agree to maintain the frequent senior-level exchanges and meetings, work to boost trade volume to $50 billion by 2010, and increase collaboration on cultural and educational exchanges, anti-drug campaigns, defense issues, and public health. These measures will be included in the “Thailand-China Joint Action Plan for Strategic Cooperation,” an agreement defining the renewed partnership between both sides.

: Adm. Timothy Keating, Pacific Command commander says, in reference to his May 10-15 visit to China, to the Washington Times, “all the Chinese leaders with whom he spoke … indicated their inclination to pursue the development of aircraft carriers.

: Lt. Gen. Zhang Qingsheng visits the Philippines to attend the third round of bilateral defense and security dialogue. Zhang and his counterpart discuss a wide range of issues, including maritime security, defense and military construction, terrorism, and the regional stability in Northeast Asia. Both sides agree to strengthen exchanges and collaboration between the PLA and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).

:   Beijing announces that it will not sign a joint statement issued by ASEAN urging Myanmar to release detained democracy leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi arguing her confinement is an internal matter for Myanmar’s government and urges Myanmar to maintain political stability while making progress toward national reconciliation.

: He Yong, deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Chinese Communist Party, meets Taufleuarachman Ruki, chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission of Indonesia, to discuss increasing bilateral cooperation in combating corruption between China and Indonesia.

: China Security publishes Zhang Xuegang’s article, “Southeast Asia and Energy: Gateway to Stability,” on China’s relationship with energy. Zhang is a Chinese expert on China-Southeast Asian issues.

: Vietnamese President Nguyen Minh Triet visits China and meets Chinese President Hu Jintao in Beijing. They emphasize the positive political and economic relations in recent years. They agree to increase bilateral ties, enhancing cooperation in trade, politics, culture, transportation, and people-to-people exchanges. A joint communiqué agreeing to finish border demarcation in 2008 is also issued.

: Liu Qi, member of the Political Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee, meets Sombath Yialiher, member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of Lao People’s Revolutionary Party, to exchange views on strengthening relations between the two parties and the two countries. Sombath is leading a senior Laotian delegation for a week-long visit to China.

: China and Vietnam announce that a new highway bridge spanning more than a quarter of a kilometer over the Honghe River on their borders is expected to be completed and opened for public use in December 2007. The new bridge will cut travel time and increase the flow of trade between both countries.

: A China Daily editorial concludes that “a deeply integrated Asia is far from a reality, given the huge differences between Asian countries.”

: Mohammed Bolkiah, Brunei’s minister of foreign affairs and trade, receives Wu Guanzheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, to discuss strengthening bilateral ties in trade and energy. They agree to increase trade to $1 billion by 2010.

: Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong visits the U.S. and meets President Bush.

: Wu Bangguo meets Ramli Ngah Talib, speaker of Malaysia’s House of Representatives, and urges both sides to upgrade the level of bilateral ties and frame an action plan for strategic cooperation.

: According to Jane’s Defense Weekly, China has put forth a proposal to ASEAN countries to organize its first multinational military exercise. While the responses from ASEAN are still unknown, China’s overture indicates the PLA’s intention to further engage military forces in the region.

: Goh Chok Tong, Singapore’s senior minister and former prime minister, begins a four-day official visit to China. He meets Jiang Zhenghua, vice chairman of the National People’s Congress, to review the close political and economic ties between the two countries. China is Singapore’s fourth-largest trading partner while Singapore is China’s seventh-largest trading partner. China remains Singapore’s top destination for foreign investment. Both sides agree to intensify trade and investment ties.

: Wu Bangguo, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, meets Gloria Arroyo, president of the Philippines, at the annual Boa’o Forum for Asia (April 21-22). With relations “at an historic high” both sides agree to deepen cooperation in trade, agriculture, infrastructure development, and political trust.

: At the invitation of head of the Lakas-Christian Muslim Democrat Party, the ruling party in the Philippines, Ai Ping, director general of the Chinese Communist Party International Department, leads a delegation to observe the Philippine elections.

: Research Memorandum by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority concludes that Southeast Asian and other regional economies remain very dependent on the U.S. market, U.S. investment, and that China’s domestic demand still lacks the driving force to steer the region.

: Newsweek International publishes Joshua Kurlantzick adaptation of his book “Charm Offensive: Howe China’s Soft Power is Transforming the World” that highlights Chinese soft power.

: Lt. General Zhang Qingsheng, deputy chief of the General Staff of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) meets Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin, secretary general of Indonesia’s Ministry of Defense, in Beijing for the second round of China-Indonesia security consultation.  According to the Zhongguo Xinwen She news agency, the two sides exchange views on international and regional security issues and enhancing relations between the two armies.

: Thai Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn arrives in Beijing for a 12-day visit to China. Sirindhorn meets senior Chinese officials to expand fields of cooperation that will contribute to the strategic partnership between China and Thailand.

: The Washington Post reports that Chinese firms and American consumers are destroying the Southeast Asian and Russian forests.

: At the invitation of Chinese FM Li, Vietnamese Deputy PM and FM Pham Gia Khiem arrives in Beijing for a six-day official visit. They praise recent senior-level exchanges for contributing to closer political and economic ties. Total trade volume between the two countries reached nearly $10 billion in 2006, up 21.4 percent from 2005, and according to Vietnamese sources, there are currently over 400 Chinese investment projects in Vietnam with a total registration fund of more than $1 billion.

: Chinese military ships, which included two destroyers, arrive in a seaport in Jakarta, Indonesia for the first time in 12 years. The Chinese ships recently completed antiterror drills with the U.S. Navy in Pakistan in early March.

: Wen Haiying, vice provincial leader of Anhui, leads a delegation to Cambodia and meets Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen to discuss investment and trade opportunities between Anhui Province and Cambodia’s agricultural sector.

: Chinese Defense Minister Cao Gangchuan holds talks with visiting Laotian Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Douangchai Phichit on bilateral military ties, regional and international security situation and other issues of common concern. China expresses interest in deepening military-to-military ties and closer cooperation on technical assistance.

: China joins Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam to test responsiveness for possible bird flu pandemic. Officials representing a variety of agencies, from tourism to defense, practiced responding to a mock outbreak of the disease. The exercise would help regional coordination of early detection of suspected cases and rapid dissemination of information to the general public.

: Jia Qinglin, chairperson of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), meets Ho Duc Viet, leading member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV).  Jia mentions that following Chinese President Hu Jintao’s visit to Vietnam in November 2006, frequent senior-level visits between the two countries have helped to strengthen bilateral economic ties and solve border disputes.

: Tang arrives in Bangkok for a three-day working visit. He meets Thai Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont. Both sides reaffirm the comprehensive and cooperative relationship between the two countries and the need for continued collaboration on issues of mutual concern to deepen bilateral trust.

: On the second leg of his three-country visit to Southeast Asia, Chinese State Councilor Tang visits Myanmar and meets Myanmar leader Than Shwe. They discuss achievements in bilateral collaboration on issues such as border administration and drug control. Than Shwe explains that domestic stability and economic reform are priorities for his government and seeks continued support from China to further strengthen bilateral economic and trade relations.

: Chinese State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan visits former Cambodian King Norodom Sihanouk. Both sides affirm the longstanding friendly relations and seek to promote greater people-to-people contact as China and Cambodia celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of full bilateral diplomatic ties in 2008.

: Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen lauds China for its “unconditional aid” to Cambodia. His announcement comes shortly after international donors criticized Cambodia for its failure to tackle corruption. According to Chinese sources, in the last two years, Beijing’s aid has amounted to $800 million and focused largely on infrastructure development in Cambodia.

: Liang Guanglie, chief of General Staff of the People’s Liberation Army, meets Thura Shwe Mann, member of the ruling Myanmar State Peace and Development Council and Myanmar military’s chief of staff, in Beijing. They exchange views on relations between the two armed forces and discuss strengthening bilateral military ties.

: Li Tieying, vice chairperson of the Chinese National People’s Congress, visits Myanmar and meets Myanmar State Peace and Development Council Chairperson Than Shwe. They discuss strengthening longstanding political and economic ties.

: The Kunming Intermediate People’s Court tries Han Yongwan, ringleader of one of the region’s largest drug syndicates. Police authorities from China, Myanmar, Laos and Thailand have been monitoring Han’s drug-trafficking network since 2004 and he was arrested the following year by Laotian police before being repatriated to China.

: Chinese and Vietnamese government officials agree to establish Hekou-Lao Cai as the border gate for “one-stop” clearance in order to simplify customs and export-import procedures. According to Chinese officials, two-way trade between Vietnam and China will reach $15 billion in 2010 following rapid development of bilateral investment and trade cooperation.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing defends the decision to veto a UN Security Council resolution targeting Myanmar’s human rights practices and lack of political reforms. ASEAN members issue a mild rebuke of Myanmar, calling on Myanmar’s leadership to speed up national reconciliation and to release political prisoners.

: The Asian Development Bank loses to China in bidding on an important financing deal to repair an aqueduct that supplies 98 percent of Manila’s water needs. Manila decides to take a $70 million loan from the Chinese Export-Import Bank instead of the ADB offer.

: Chen Jianguo, secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Ningxia Hui Autonomous Regional Committee, leads a delegation to neighboring Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia for a goodwill visit.

: Leaders of ASEAN member countries and dialogue partners gather in Cebu, Philippines for the 12th ASEAN Summit and the second annual East Asia Summit. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao pledges to strengthen China-ASEAN relations through an array of agreements on energy security, public health, and trade issues.

: Two vessels carrying the first supply of refined oil arrive in China’s Yunnan Province via the Mekong River. China signed an agreement with Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand in March 2006, opening up a new shipping route to meet its growing demand for oil and natural gas and to decrease over-reliance on the Strait of Malacca.

: Charge d’Affaires of the Chinese Embassy Duan Jinzhu signs agreement with Cambodian Minister of Economy and Finance Keat Chhun indicating that the Chinese government will provide an interest-free loan of $12.5 million to Cambodia in the next five years to implement the projects agreed upon by both sides. Details of the projects have yet to be disclosed. Beijing maintains that it will continue to provide assistance to Cambodia without preconditions.

: Chinese and Philippine anti-drug cooperation achieve a major breakthrough with the crackdown of a large international drug producing and trafficking ring. Some 15 suspects in China and five in the Philippines have been captured smuggling one ton of ephedrine and 350 kilograms of crystallized methamphetamine. The two countries’ police forces established a joint detective unit in July 2006.

: UN General Assembly adopts a resolution denouncing human rights violations in Myanmar. It calls on Myanmar’s regime to “end the systematic violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms,” particularly against the Karen ethnic minority.  China, Russia, and several other Southeast Asian countries vote against the non-binding resolution.

: The Straits Times reports that China cut foreign aid for Vietnam because Vietnam did not follow China’s advice to downgrade Taiwan’s presence at the Nov. 2006 APEC leaders meeting.

: A Myanmar-China annual border trade exhibition opens at Myanmar’s largest border trade zone of Muse. The joint committee meeting for Myanmar-China border trade, signing ceremony on bilateral trade, and a talk on rules and regulations of investment at the Muse trade zone will also be held over the trade exhibition. The Chinese Customs Department indicates that China-Myanmar bilateral trade in the first half of 2006 amounted to $662 million, a 10.8 percent increase from 2005.

: China participates in a regional conference held at the sidelines of the “Better Air Quality 2006 Workshop” in Yogyakarta province, Indonesia.  The representatives of 20 Asian governments attending agree to support initiatives to improve air quality.

: At the invitation of the Malaysian Parliament, Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Li Guixian meets Malaysian Senate President Abdul Hamid bin Pawanteh and Malaysian Deputy Senate President Wong Foon Meng.

: Chinese Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai and economic and trade ministers from ASEAN sign two protocols to further economic cooperation between China and ASEAN. The protocols will help to smooth the implementation of the China-ASEAN agreement on trade in goods of the free trade area that will be launched in 2010.

: China agrees to provide Myanmar with satellite images to help monitor opium fields in the Kachin and Shan States, both bordering China’s Yunnan Province. The cooperation comes under an agreement concluded in May 2006 between China’s National Drug Abuse Control Commission and Myanmar’s Home Affairs Ministry.

: The Chinese Minstry of Foreign Affairs announces that it will provide $200,000 in aid to typhoon-ravaged Philippines.  Typhoon Durian has caused widespread damage, including 1,000 people dead or missing, in the north-central province of Albay.

: China and the Philippines agree to strengthen bilateral press exchanges following a meeting between Liu Yunshan, head of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, and a press delegation from the Philippines led by Ignacio Bunye, the country’s Secretary of Press.

: China and Vietnam ink deals to jointly develop oil and natural gas in the Gulf of Tonkin. The Chinese National Offshore Oil Company agrees to conduct geological surveys in early 2007 in a designated area that covered both Chinese and Vietnamese waters. The China Southern Power Grid Corporation signs a memorandum of understanding earlier with Vietnam’s Ministry of Industry to construct a thermal power project with two 600-megawatt generation units.

: China’s Assistant Minister of Commerce Chen Jian visits Myanmar and signs several agreements on economic and technical cooperation. Both sides agree to step up cooperation in trade, timber, and mining.  China also agrees to grant partial debt relief of $30 million and provide an additional $38 million of low-interest loans to Myanmar.

: President Hu visits Laos and meets Lao President Choummaly Sayasone. They agree to expand bilateral trade and deepen cooperation. According to Chinese sources, 2005 bilateral trade volume reached $129 million, a 14 percent increase from 2004. From January to May 2006, trade volume stood at $89 million, a year-on-year growth of 106.3 percent. China agrees to provide Laos with economic assistance, jointly develop Laos’ infrastructure and communications system, and broaden commercial ties through China’s southern Yunnan Province and northern Laos.

: Chinese President Hu Jintao attends 14th Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in Hanoi, Vietnam.

: Singapore’s Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of National Development Tan Tee How leads a Singaporean delegation to China and meets the head of the Organization Department of the Communist Party He Guoqiang. The visit is part of an effort to increase collaboration on personnel training and to better understand the development models in Chinese cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Tianjin.

: Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao hosts the 15th China-ASEAN Commemorative Summit in Nanning. The discussions focus on the progress made on the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, which will come into full effect by 2010 between China and six ASEAN member countries. The parties also pledge to work closely on an array of issues including agriculture, Mekong River Basin development, energy cooperation, tourism, and public health. The third China-ASEAN Expo and the China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit are also being held on the sidelines.

: Visiting Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono meets Chinese Vice Premier Huang Ju for the second Sino-Indonesian Energy Forum in Shanghai. China and Indonesia sign a MOU on energy cooperation and the two countries agree that, beginning in 2009, Indonesia’s Tangguh gas field will provide 2.6 million tons of liquefied natural gas (LNG) annually to China’s Fujian Province for 25 years.

: China and Singapore hold their first bilateral talks on the establishment of a free trade area (FTA). The two sides discuss the mechanism, range, and timetable of the FTA talks. Singapore is China’s biggest trading partner in ASEAN, and the establishment of the FTA will further promote bilateral trade and economic ties.

: China announces that it will provide nearly $200 million in preferential loans to help develop and improve Cambodia’s transportation infrastructures, including national roads and bridges across the Mekong River and the Tonle Sap River. The agreement will be carried out in two phases with construction oversight managed by the Cambodian Ministry of Public Works and Transportation.

: Gen. Liang visits Myanmar’s new capital city Nay Pyi Taw as his final stop on his Southeast Asian tour, and meets Myanmar’s top leader, Gen. Than Shwe and discusses military ties between the two countries. China is one of Myanmar’s closest allies and has helped with the construction of naval bases in the Bay of Bengal and the Adaman Sea.

: More than 1,000 guests representing over 300 businesses from Vietnam and China attend the sixth China-Vietnam Border Trade Conference in He Khou, China’s Yunnan Province. The conference theme addresses the issue of closer border trade, investment, and joint economic development along the border.

: Continuing his Southeast Asian tour, Gen. Liang visits Vientiane and meets Laotian Prime Minister Bouason Boupphavan. Both sides agree to further enhance exchanges and cooperation between the PLA and the Lao People’s Army.

: China and Cambodia pledge closer relations between the two militaries during a meeting between visiting Chief of the General Staff of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Gen. Liang Guanglie and Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Co-Minister of Defense Tea Banh. Banh acknowledges China’s long-standing support for Cambodia’s military forces and seeks continued assistance from the PLA in terms of staff training, military trade, and logistics donation.

: Chinese Minister of Public Security Zhou Yongkang holds talks with Vietnamese Minister of Public Security Le Hong Anh in Beijing. The two ministries will step up bilateral cooperation to combat illegal immigration and cross-border crimes.

: Chinese Vice FM Wu Dawei meets counterparts from Vietnam and Laos to sign an agreement defining the intersection point of the three countries’ borders. The border demarcation process began in 1991.

: Chinese Defense Minister Cao Gangchuan meets visiting Philippine Undersecretary of the Department of National Defense Antonio Santos. They agree to foster closer strategic relations, including closer exchanges between the two militaries.

: Chinese Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai attends the eighth meeting of the Joint Commission on Economic, Trade, and Technical Cooperation in Bali, Indonesia.  Bo and his Indonesian counterpart sign several economic and trade cooperation agreements. Bilateral trade surged to nearly $17 billion in 2005 and could reach the target of $30 billion by 2010 with more balanced two-way investment.

: Chinese Ambassador to Thailand Zhang Jiuhuan meets Acting Thai Foreign Minister Krit Garnjana-Goonchorn, extending Beijing’s formal congratulatory message to the new, provisional government in Bangkok. Both sides reaffirm the 31-year long Sino-Thai relationship and seek to strengthen political and economic ties.

: Representatives from the National Defense and the Health Ministry of China, Vietnam, and the Philippines attend a two-day workshop in Ho Chi Minh City to assess the region’s emergency management information systems (EMIS). Organized by the World Health Organization, the workshop helps coordinate monitoring and sharing of public health-related data, steps that are critical for dealing with health emergencies.

: Vietnam’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry and China’s National Development and Reform Commission host a one-day forum to help boost bilateral trade and economic ties.  In addition to officials from both governments, representatives from 500 Vietnamese enterprises and nearly 100 Chinese companies attend the forum.

: Vu Xuan Hong, president of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations, concludes his visit to China by signing a Memorandum of Understanding to promote people-to-people contacts between China and Vietnam.

: The Chinese embassy to Cambodia announces that it has entered into a partnership with the Association of Khmer Chinese in Cambodia (AKCC) to help promote and develop Chinese language courses in more than 70 primary and junior schools in Cambodia. Since 2000, the Chinese government has allocated more than $150,000 to help fund and train Chinese language instructors.

: According to Xinhua News Agency, the Chinese government donated nearly 500 tons of rice and $62,500 worth of anti-malaria medicines to Myanmar. Beijing aims to support Myanmar’s poppy-substitute program, helping local governments reduce poppy cultivation while raising household income by introducing alternative crops.

: The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson issues a brief statement commenting on the military coup in Bangkok as Thailand’s internal affair and that the Chinese government will not interfere with Thailand’s sovereignty. The spokesperson maintains that political and economic relations between the two countries will not change. The Chinese embassy in Bangkok also announces that it has set up a hotline to answer any inquiries and provide assistance to Chinese nationals in Thailand.

: China attends the International Drug Enforcement Conference held in Bali, Indonesia. More than 80 participants from ASEAN countries, East Asia, South Asia, the U.S., and Europe agree on promoting joint efforts to stop drug trafficking and dealing activities.

: At a UN Security Council procedural meeting, China votes against a U.S.-backed proposal to include Myanmar’s deteriorating situation in the Council’s agenda. Chinese Ambassador to the UN Wang Guangya calls the move “preposterous” as it violates the principle of non-interference in Chinese foreign policy. As this was a procedural vote, China could not use their veto to block the decision.

: Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Political, Law and Security Affairs Widodo Adi co-chairs with Chinese State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan the first deputy prime ministerial level meeting of the China-Indonesia dialogue mechanism on law enforcement issues.

: Liang Guanglie, chief of the general staff of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, tells visiting Neang Phat, secretary of the Cambodian Ministry of National Defense, that the Chinese armed forces seek enhance closer military exchanges with the Cambodian army.

: Chinese FM Li holds talks with Brunei Foreign and Trade Minister Prince Mohamed Bolkiah, affirming bilateral friendly and cooperative ties.  At the conclusion of the talks, both sides sign an MOU on tourism cooperation.

: Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo meets a visiting Chinese delegation led by Liu Yunshan, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. They exchange views on deepening bilateral trust and economic cooperation. Both sides also agree to resolve the South China Sea dispute through further dialogue.

: Chinese Finance Minister Jin Ren Qing meets Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen in Cambodia. Hun Sen says Cambodia is in need of a $200 million loan from China to develop its infrastructure, including bridges in the Tonle Sap Lake and the Mekong River, and various highways.

: While meeting with ASEAN Secretary General Ong Keng Yong at the “ASEAN Cultural Week” launched in Beijing, Li Changchun, a senior official of the Chinese Communist Party announces that China is ready to develop a strategic partnership based on peace and prosperity with its Southeast Asian neighbors.

: Senior officials from Singapore, China, and Norway sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to help promote cooperation in shipping, maritime safety, research, and development in Southeast Asia.

: At a Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation meeting in Beijing co-chaired by China’s Vice Premier Wu Yi and Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng, both sides decide to launch negotiations for a bilateral free trade agreement.  They also agree on promoting cooperation on non-traditional security issues such as maritime security, combating terrorism, transnational crime, and illegal immigration.

: Vietnamese Communist Party leader Nong Duc Manh meets President Hu Jintao in Beijing to discuss trade, border issues, and developing joint partnership for oil and gas development in the Gulf of Tonkin.

: Former President Fidel Ramos leads a 70-member Filipino business delegation to China to promote trade, sport, and cultural exchanges between the Philippines and China. The Philippine trade group visits Macao and Zhuhai, Guangdong Province.

: Sisavat Keobounphan, chairman of Lao Front for National Reconstruction, pays an official visit to China and meets Jia Qinglin, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.  Both sides affirm increasing political trust and economic relations.

: A year after agreements on reduced tariffs and China-ASEAN free trade deals were struck, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce announces that regional trade has soared 21.6 percent over the past year. China’s Commerce Minister Bo Xilai comments that China and ASEAN will face a key period in the next few years as they seek to complete tariff cuts toward establishing the world’s largest free trade area by 2010.

: The Third China-ASEAN Attorney Generals’ Meeting concludes in Jakarta, Indonesia. Officials agree to strengthen regional cooperation in combating transnational crimes such as terrorism, corruption, money laundering as well as human and drug trafficking.

: Myanmar announces that it will liberalize its border trade procedure with China to facilitate bilateral trade.  It will allow easier access for the direct transport of goods through the trading point at the city of Muse.

: Chinese FM Li attends the 13th ASEAN Regional Forum in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Myanmar’s political and economic reforms, Korean Peninsula denuclearization, and other regional security issues are discussed.

: A China-Southeast Asia land transport network is proposed connecting southern China to major cities in Southeast Asia by 2007.  Nanning and Hanoi will be the first two cities to have a direct transport agreement to help expand regional trade and further economic relations.

: More than 30 senior-level defense officials from Southeast Asian countries attend a workshop in Beijing to discuss Chinese and ASEAN influences on Asia-Pacific security, maritime security cooperation, the military’s role in international humanitarian aid, counterterrorism activities, and regional peacekeeping operations.

: Somsawat Lengsavad, member of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LDRP), leads a senior Laotian delegation for an 11-day visit to Beijing, meeting Wu Guanzheng, member of the Chinese Communist Party Standing Committee.  Both sides seek to enhance party-to-party cooperation and discuss economic reforms.

: Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Hor Nam Hong meets State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan for a three-day official visit in Beijing. Hor expresses appreciation for China’s economic assistance and social development to Cambodia.

: Chinese FM Li Zhaoxing attends a reception in Beijing commemorating the 15th anniversary of cooperation and dialogue between China and ASEAN.

: Singaporean Chief of Defense Ng Yat Chung arrives in Beijing for a five-day official visit. Senior military officials from both sides agree to expand military ties between the two armed forces.

: Choummaly Sayasone, president of Laos concludes his visit to China.  Both sides issue a joint communiqué that seeks to further bilateral cooperation and push forward the all-round friendly and cooperative relations to “a new level.”

: Australian Prime Minister John Howard meets PM Wen in Shenzhen to deepen cooperation between the two countries in the energy sector.

: Chinese Health Minister Wang Longde attends the first China-ASEAN Health Summit in Yangon, Myanmar.  The agenda includes closer cooperation on health-related issues, including a China-ASEAN Public Health Fund.

: Pres. Hu calls for greater unity between Asian countries at the Second Summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) hosted by Kazakhstan.

: ASEAN’s deputy secretary general attends fifth summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Both organizations pledge to fight transnational threats including terrorism, money laundering, and diseases.

: Vice President of the Philippines Noli de Castro visits China.

: Regional defense ministers and military chiefs meet in Singapore for the Fifth Annual Conference of the Shangri-La Dialogue to increase cooperation on maritime security and to forge stronger security links on the high seas in Southeast Asia.  China is represented at a non-ministerial level delegation.

: Timor-Leste President Xanana Gusmao makes a state visit to China, and meets Chinese President Hu Jintao. They discuss collaboration on agriculture and fisheries.  Beijing pledges to build the Timor-Leste Presidential Office and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and to provide sports equipment.

: Chinese and Malaysian military leaders agree to intensify cooperation to safeguard regional stability.

: The 12th China-ASEAN Senior Officials’ Consultation opens in Siem Reap, Cambodia, with an aim to deepen cooperation.

: Chinese government offers $2 million in aid to Indonesia to help victims of the Yogyakarta earthquake.

: China and Myanmar reach agreement on illegal drug control cooperation.

: Vietnam, China, and the Philippines agree to strengthen security cooperation in the Spratly Islands after an apparent pirate attack left four Chinese dead.

: Nongovernmental organizations of China and ASEAN sign declaration vowing to step up people-to-people cooperation.

: Chinese Vice President Zeng Qinghong meets Singapore MM Lee Kuan Yew who is in Beijing on an eight-day visit at the invitation of the Chinese government.

: Foreign Affairs Office of Sichuan provincial government says the PRC MFA and the Singaporean Embassy in China agreed on opening a Singaporean consulate in Chengdu this year, making it the sixth foreign consular body in the southwestern city.

: Following a meeting between DM Juwono Sudarsono and a Chinese military delegation, the Indonesian Defense Ministry says it wants to develop closer military ties with China, building upon a strategic partnership established last year.

: Meng Hongwei, deputy minister of Public Security of China, and Nguyen Khanh Toan, deputy minister of Public Security of Vietnam, sign a memorandum of understanding in Beijing to fight border crimes, such as terrorism, human trafficking, illegal border crossings, drug trafficking and money counterfeiting, and cult organization and instigation.

: DM Cao meets with Philippine Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, Generoso Senga, during his visit to China.  They discuss Philippine-China defense ties and areas for greater cooperation. No indication is provided as to whether the previous week’s piracy on a Chinese fishing ship by Philippine-based pirates is addressed.

: Jakarta-based CSIS and the Chinese Embassy co-host a seminar series encouraging open and constructive discussions on Sino-Indonesian relations.

: The 6th China-Myanmar friendship festival kicks off beside the Shweli River on Myanmar’s border with Yunnan province. The festival aims to promote cultural, economic and social relations between the two countries.

: Chinese officials say that China’s major nongovernmental organizations will hold a large-scale “China-ASEAN Friendship Tour” to ASEAN countries in October in a bid to promote understanding between peoples of China and ASEAN countries.

: Chinese and Vietnamese navies start a joint patrol in the Beibu Gulf in the South China Sea. This is an action to implement the agreement signed by DM Cao and his Vietnamese counterpart Pham Van Tra, in October 2005. It is the first time for the Chinese navy to patrol jointly with a foreign counterpart.

: Chinese Minister of Information Industry Wang Xudong visits Myanmar and meets Prime Minister General Soe Win and Brig. Gen. Thein Zaw, minister of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs, to enhance cooperation for the proposed information technology network of the Greater Mekong Sub-region.

: ASEAN-China Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Business Forum opens in Kuala Lumpur as part of the second ASEAN-China ICT Business Week.

: Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla leaves for China to seek China’s support in Indonesia’s subway development.

: Franklin Drilon, Philippine Senate president, visits China and meets Wu Bangguo, chairman of the Standing Committee of China’s National People’s Congress and Jia Qinglin, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. They remark that ties between the two countries are at a “golden period” and pledge to enhance bilateral strategic cooperation.

: DM Cao visits Singapore and meets Singaporean counterpart Teo Chee Hean. Both sides stress that there is a great potential for the two armed forces to enhance relations. Singapore’s Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew says in a meeting with Cao that he expects enhancement of bilateral ties.

: Chinese and Vietnamese vice foreign ministers lead government delegations on border negotiations regarding the survey of Sino-Vietnamese land borders.

: Cao Bochun, secretary of the Communist Party of China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Regional Committee, leads a delegation to visit Vietnam, Malaysia, Laos, and Cambodia. Vietnamese President Tran Duc Luong remarks when meeting Cao that Vietnam wants to accelerate the construction of two economic corridors between Vietnam and China and the Beibu Gulf economic belt.

: Singapore’s Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong tells Xinhua on the eve of his official visit to China that Singapore welcomes China’s growth and sees it as a great opportunity for ASEAN, Asia and the whole world.

: First China-ASEAN Expo Summit for International Cooperation kicks off in Nanning. 300 representatives from six overseas associations and 23 domestic organizations attend.

: Chinese Defense Minister Cao Gangchuan visits Vietnam and meets Defense Minister Pham Van Tra. They stress that the two countries should strengthen bilateral relations, including military ties.

: Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao pays official visit to Cambodia. Both sides sign nearly a dozen economic and technical cooperation agreements and documents and pledge to develop a comprehensive partnership. China pledges about $600 million in grants and loans to Cambodia.

: China and Laos agree on direct postal service and transferring mail from a third country to each other in a memorandum of understanding.

: The Indonesian House of Representatives agrees to enact the Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters between Indonesia and China.

: Jia Qinglin, chairman of CPPCC and member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau, visits Vietnam, meets Nong Duc Manh, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, and makes five proposals on reinforcing and developing China-Vietnam relations.

: Hanoi approves agreement between Vietnam and China on building a bridge over the Red River to facilitate transport of passengers and goods.

: Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai says at the 7th Meeting of China-ASEAN Joint Cooperation Committee that the China-ASEAN Commemorative Summit will be held in Nanning in October.

: The seventh meeting of the China-ASEAN Joint Cooperation Committee is held in Nanning. Participants agree that their bilateral strategic partnership oriented to peace and prosperity has continued to advance.

: A six-person delegation of Chinese journalists arrives in Myanmar for a goodwill visit.

: China’s Ministry of Commerce announces that trade between China and ASEAN showed year-on-year growth of 28.2 percent in the first two months of 2006.

: Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak says that Asian countries should look at China’s development in a more positive perspective, at the opening ceremony of the “Malaysia and East Asia” seminar in Kuala Lumpur.

: Gen. Wang Zhiyuan, deputy director of the Science and Technology Commission of the PLA General Armament Department discloses to Hong Kong Wen Wei Po newspaper, “The Chinese army will conduct research and build aircraft carriers on its own, and develop its carrier fleet.” Related research and a development program are under way.

: Thai News Agency says that Thailand’s caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak and Chinese government officials have agreed to expand bilateral trade to reach $50 billion annually by 2010.

: Spokesman for the National People’s Congress reveals prior to the opening of the annual session that China’s 2006 defense budget will be 283.8 billion yuan, an increase of 14.7 percent over last year’s budget.

: Wang Zhaoguo, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of China’s National People’s Congress (NPC), says that the NPC is willing to strengthen communications with the Thai National Assembly, as well as exchanges and cooperation between subcommittees of the two parliaments, when meeting with First Deputy Speaker of the Senate of the Thai National Assembly, Nipon Wisityuthasart.

: Vietnam News Agency reports that a 110-kV transmission line, linking Vietnam’s Tuyen Quang province with China’s Yunnan province, is launched to help Vietnam import more electricity from China.

: Thai and Chinese military delegations exchange views during three days of meetings in China. Both sides pledge to increase military exchanges and work towards advancing closer mil-mil relations. Thai delegation consists of 69 members from the country’s Defense College.

: Law enforcement from China, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand jointly raid a transnational drug ring, arresting 70 people involved in the ring and seizing 762.8kg of heroin, and foreign currencies (yuan, Hong Kong dollars, and Thai baht).

: Cambodian PM Hun Sen, Vietnam Foreign Ministry Spokesman Le Dung, and Indonesian Foreign Ministry spokesman reiterate their countries’ stand on the one China policy when asked to comment on remarks by Taiwan leader Chen Shui-bian for the abolishment of the National Unification Council and the National Unification Guidelines.

: China is to strengthen its support for anti-drug operations in Laos following Laotian PM Bounnhang Vorachith’s declaration that Laos will end its 200-year old poppy cultivating history.

: Myanmar PM Soe Win visits China to discuss bilateral economic agreements. Soe visits Beijing, Shanxi, and Guangdong.

: Li Jinjun, Chinese ambassador to the Philippines, and Alberto Romulo, Philippine foreign secretary, exchange bilateral extradition treaty documents. The extradition treaty will help existing bilateral cooperation on law enforcement and judicial matters, particularly drug trafficking and transnational crimes.

: Chinese government provides 60 million RMB ($7.5 million) to build 700 houses for tsunami survivors in Indonesia’s Aceh province under a friendship village program.

: China-ASEAN joint working group holds second meeting on implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in South China Sea at Sanya, Hainan.

: China’s Ministry of Commerce website reports that China customs statistics show that bilateral trade between China and Vietnam recorded a 21.6 percent increase to $8.2 billion in 2005.

: Cambodian PM Hun Sen remarks that a powerful China offers more opportunities to the region and international cooperation, during his meeting with China’s new ambassador to Cambodia, Zhang Jinfeng.

: The Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines says that the Philippine Embassy in Beijing will launch a book, entitled Philippines-China Agreements (1975-2005): Bridges towards the Golden Age of Partnership, on official agreements signed between the Philippines and China since 1975, when the two countries established diplomatic relations.

: Environmentalists report that illegal logging of Myanmar’s forests on the part of China resumed following a four-month hiatus brought on in part by a critical report published by the NGO Global Witness.

: Vietnam News reports that the Trade Ministry says that Vietnam expects exports to China to post an annual growth rate of 13-14 percent in the next five years.

: China sends over $1.5 million worth of free military equipment to the Philippine military. The aid is to upgrade the military’s civil construction capability and to help the fight against “communist rebels.”

: Local customs statistics show that Shenzhen has become the largest importer of goods from ASEAN in China since the country and ASEAN began building a Free Trade Zone a year ago. Shenzhen imported $176 million worth of ASEAN goods in the past year under the Sino-ASEAN preferential tariff agreement, constituting 13 percent of the country’s total import of ASEAN goods.

: The China-ASEAN Association holds the third session of its first executive council in Beijing. Gu Xiulian, chairwoman of the China-ASEAN Association and vice chairwoman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, says China expects to enhance ties with ASEAN.

: Yi Xiaozhun, vice minister of Commerce, announces that trade between China and ASEAN rose to $130.4 billion in 2005, up 23.1 percent on a year-on-year basis.

: Top-level party, state, government, and legislative leaders of Vietnam and China exchange greeting messages on the 56th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries.

: Jia Qinglin, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, meets former Thai Prime Minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh.

: A trade zone in Myanmar’s border town of Muse linking China’s Ruili in Yunnan Province will open before February. In a press briefing, a Myanmese official in Muse states that the border trade zone, known as the Muse 105 Mile Zone, will increase between the two countries.

: Chinese Defense Minister Cao Gangchuan tells media that the People’s Liberation Army is looking to increase mil-mil ties with Thailand.

: Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar Guan Mu encourages Chinese youth volunteers visiting Myanmar to serve their best to enhance friendly relations and raise Myanmar’s agrotech and sports level.

: According to the Information Office of China’s Ministry of Commerce, China and ASEAN have further developed cooperation in trade, investment, and economic development in 2005.

: China Business Weekly, published by China Daily, is published in Thailand in an arrangement with The Nation newspaper.

: Vietnam’s northern province Cao Bang approves an investment of $215.2 million to develop its infrastructure and industries in 2006-2010 to tap trade potential with Guangxi.

: The first expressway uniting China and ASEAN opens to traffic. The expressway is 180 km long, starting from Nanning, Guangxi, and leading to the Friendship Pass at the Sino-Vietnamese border.

: Cambodia and China sign two agreements on economic and technical cooperation, with China making a $6.25 million grant and providing an $6.25 million interest-free loan.

: Maung Aye, vice chairman of the Myanmar State Peace and Development Council and vice senior general, tells a Chinese military delegation in Yangon that Myanmar will continue to develop friendly ties with China and between the two armed forces on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.

: China and Thailand begin a joint meeting in Chiang Rai to strengthen ties and remove trade barriers.

: Construction of a freeway connecting Nanning, Guangxi province, and the No.1 highway of Vietnam, via Youyi Pass on the Sino-Vietnamese border, completed after three years.

: China and Malaysia release a joint communiqué after talks between Premier Wen and Malaysian PM Abdullah Badawi, in which the two sides agree to further expand strategic cooperation, conduct a feasibility study on an Economic Partnership Agreement, exchange information in nontraditional security areas, promote consultation and cooperation in defense and security areas, and expand military exchanges between the two countries.

: Premier Wen attends first East Asia Summit (EAS). He hails relations between China and ASEAN in his speech.

: Indonesian Ambassador to China Sudrajat says Indonesia is deeply committed to closer economic ties with China. Vice President Zeng Qinghong says during a meeting with Speaker Agung Laksono of the House of Representatives of Indonesia that China is ready to work with Indonesia to keep enriching the bilateral strategic partnership.

: Chinese Premier Wen meets with Myanmar counterpart Soe Win in Kuala Lumpur to discuss enhancing bilateral cooperation.

: Philippines immigration officials arrest 142 Chinese businessmen in a shopping mall. All are released on Dec. 17 after each paying 50,000 peso ($1,000) bail.

: Premier Wen attends ninth ASEAN Plus China Summit in Kuala Lumpur.

: The ninth Summit of ASEAN Plus Three held in Kuala Lumpur.

: Malaysian PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi says China is not a threat but a challenge as it emerges as an economic giant, in a special interview on RTM TV.

: Thai Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Khun Ying Sudarat Keyuraphan says China has agreed to supply Thailand with 96 armored personnel carriers in exchange for 100,000 tons of dried longan fruit. Delivery of the first APC will take place by August 2006 with the contract completed within a three-year period.

: Malaysian FM Syed Hamid Albar describes the relationship between ASEAN and China as “practical and pragmatic,” and their cooperation has contributed to the regional peace, security and prosperity.

: Chinese FM Li says at the East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers’ Working Lunch that China supports ASEAN’s role as the driving force in East Asia cooperation.

: ASEAN-China Eminent Persons Group submits report to the ASEAN-China Ministerial Meeting for consideration at the 9th ASEAN-China Summit.

: A widely publicized video that shows police in Malaysia conducting a strip search of a female tourist from China touches off anger in both countries; Malaysian government tries to contain the furor.

: Malaysia announces that Chinese nationals intending to visit the country will have the option of online visa applications and paying the visa fee using credit cards when the system is up in two months.

: Chinese naval fleet consisting of a Shenzhen missile destroyer and a Weishanhu supply ship arrive in Thailand’s Sattahip port for a four-day visit.  During the visit, the two navies hold a joint search and rescue exercise in the Gulf of Thailand.

:  The 12th round of border negotiations between China and Vietnam is held. Chinese Vice FM Wu Dawei and Vietnamese counterpart Vu Dung attend.

: Agriculture ministers and officials from 16 Asian countries and representatives of international organizations attend Ministerial Conference for Asian Cooperation on HPAI (highly pathogenic avian influenza) Control in Kunming.

: Wu Guanzheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC, meets Hadi Utomo, chairman of Indonesia’s Democratic Party, and says China will combine efforts with Indonesia in promoting long-term development of bilateral ties based on the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.

: 17 media practitioners from ASEAN countries (except Thailand) send media representatives to the ASEAN-China Journalists Visit Program to get first-hand information about the development in China.

: China and Singapore sign a memorandum of understanding on aviation transportation expansion.

: 13th APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting is held in Busan, South Korea. President Hu attends and exchanges views with other APEC economic leaders on advancing free trade, counter-terrorism and avian influenza.

: State-owned China National Offshore Oil Corp. says that together with the Philippine National Oil Co. and Vietnam Oil & Gas Co., it collected seismic data from 11,020 sq. km in the gulf under an agreement signed in March.

: Southwest China’s Yunnan province announces plan to set up a joint mechanism with Laos to prevent spread of bird flu at border areas.

: APEC CEO Summit is held in Busan, South Korea.

: Defense Minister Cao Gangchuan says China is ready to advance state and military relations with Singapore to contribute to regional peace and stability.
Nov. 17, 2005: Cambodian National Assembly President Prince Norodom Ranariddh says that Cambodian National Assembly is ready to expand cooperation with Chinese legislature to promote the rule of law.

: The 17th APEC Ministerial Meeting is held in Busan, South Korea. Ministers pledge to support the Doha Round of trade negotiations and endorse an initiative to fight bird flu. Chinese FM Li and Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai attend.

: China Assets Supervision and Administration Commission say that the China Southern Power Grid Company will supply Vietnam with electricity of 1.3 billion kwh annually for 10 years.

: China National Offshore Oil Corp sign an agreement with the Vietnam National Petroleum Corporation to conduct joint oil and gas survey in the Gulf of Tonkin.

: Chinese Water Resources Minister Wang Shucheng and Cambodian counterpart Lim Kean Hor, sign a memorandum of understanding to strengthen and expand cooperation on water resources.

: President Hu visits Vietnam to boost bilateral relations. The two countries express satisfaction over economic and trade relations, pledging to bring bilateral trade volume to $10 billion by 2010, and to speed up the process of land border demarcation and ensure that a new border administration document will be signed by 2008.

: China’s Defense Minister Cao Gangchuan and Vietnamese Defense Minister Pham Van Tra sign an agreement for joint patrols in the Beibu Gulf in Beijing.

: Vietnamese government agrees in principle to allow northern Lao Cai province to expand cooperation ties with China’s Yunnan province.

: Singapore PM Lee conducts his first visit to China since he took office last year, meets President Hu and Liaoning Party Secretary Li Keqiang, and signs a memorandum of understanding with the city of Tianjin to help Singapore-based companies expand into the Bohai Rim area.

: Philippine Foreign Secretary Alberto Romulo praises the development of relations between the Philippines and China as well as those between ASEAN and China.

: ASEAN General Secretary Ong Keng Yong says the governments of China and ASEAN have agreed on general topics of service trade and mutual investment in the region.

: The second International Congress of the ASEAN and China Cooperative Operations in Response to Dangerous Drugs is convened in Beijing. Nearly 200 police officers and officials from international anti-narcotic organizations discuss strategies for combating transnational drug trafficking and vow to strengthen co-operative efforts in fighting the increasing menace of amphetamine type stimulants (ATS).

: Central banks of China and Indonesia sign a currency swap deal that will allow Indonesia to swap its currency for up to $2 billion of Chinese yuan when necessary.

: Second China-ASEAN Expo is held in Nanning, Guangxi, during which 95 agreements have been signed with a total contract value of $4.79 billion, and China and ASEAN have agreed to build up a free trade area before 2010.

: Second China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit held in Nanning, Guangxi with meetings between Chinese Vice President Zeng Qinghong and Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, Thai Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak, and Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung. Zeng says the work of demarcation between China and Vietnam is going smoothly and would be completed before 2008.

: A reception, jointly hosted by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the China-ASEAN Association, and China Singapore Friendship Association, is held in Beijing to mark the 15th anniversary of the establishment of China-Singapore diplomatic relations.

: Second China-ASEAN Eminent Persons Group Meeting held in Kuala Lumpur.

: Organizing committee of second China-ASEAN forum on legal affairs says China and ASEAN will promote legal development in the China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone.

: 2,250 enterprises register to showcase products at the 2005 China-ASEAN International Trade Fair in Nanning, Guangxi province.

: Chinese Huawei Technologies, a leading telecom equipment supplier, signs commercial contract amounting to $30 million with Cambodia’s mobile operator AZ Communication Company Ltd.

: China and Vietnam agree to boost economic and trade cooperation, and fulfill the two-way trade target of $15 billion by 2010 at a meeting of the China-Vietnam Joint Committee on Economic and Trade Cooperation.

: Chinese Embassy in Jakarta expresses dissatisfaction over Indonesian navy ship’s shooting on a Chinese fishing boat allegedly poaching in the Arafura Sea off Papua Island. The shooting killed one and wounded two crew members. On the 26th, China sends a working group to Indonesia to deal with the shoot-out.

: Wang Yingfan, vice chairman of the foreign affairs committee of China’s National People’s Congress, meets with ASEAN legislators at the 26th ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Organization (AIPO) General Assembly, held in Laos.

: Vice Premier Wu Yi takes a three-state trip to Singapore, Thailand, and Brunei and meets Singapore President S.R. Nathan, Thai PM Thaksin in Bangkok, and pays an official visit to Brunei.

: Ambassador to Indonesia Lan Lijun donates $1.5 million on behalf of the Chinese Government to the Aceh and Nias Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency.

: Trade volume between China and ASEAN grew 25 percent in the first half of this year to $59.76 billion, making ASEAN the 4th largest trade partner of China.

: Xu Caihou, vice chairman of China’s Central Ministry Commission says that China will work with Thailand to promote development of relations between the two armed forces.

: Pacific Rim finance ministers meet and call for greater exchange rate flexibility in the region to address global current-account imbalances and increased policy coordination between oil producers and consumers to rein in crude oil prices.

: China and ASEAN hold in Beijing an intellectual property symposium.

: China and Malaysia sign MOU on defense cooperation, covering training agreements, information exchanges and framework for bilateral defense activities.

: Chinese Minister of National Defense Cao Gangchuan says Chinese armed forces hope to advance strategic cooperation with Malaysia, at a meeting with Malaysian counterpart Najib Tun Razak.

: Vietnamese ambassador to China Tran Van Luat plays down South China Sea disputes between Vietnam and China.

: Participants at the China-ASEAN forum on legal cooperation and development adopt the “Nanning Declaration.”

: Chinese government donates six patrol vessels to Cambodia to help it strengthen marine security.

: Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla leaves for China and Japan in an effort to get new investment for Indonesia.

: China begins cooperation with the Philippines and Vietnam in a joint marine seismic undertaking in the South China Sea.

: An ASEAN Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies will be established as part of the group’s long-term strategy of promoting ties with China and increasing the region’s role in the international arena.

: The Chinese government provides Cambodia with goods and materials worth more than RMB 81.8 million (about $10.1 million) to improve infrastructure.

: Singapore PM Lee Hsien-loong reiterates his country’s adherence to the one-China policy.

: First meeting of China-ASEAN Eminent Persons Group ends in Qingdao. Participants including Chinese former FM Qian Qichen and other eminent persons from ASEAN countries, look at progress in China-ASEAN dialogue, confer on the situation and future prospects of Sino-ASEAN relations.

: Workshop on Policing Exchange and Cooperation begins in Beijing. More than 80 police officers from 10 ASEAN countries, China, Japan, and South Korea discuss enhancement of exchanges and cooperation, as well as security measures for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

: China and Myanmar sign agreement on nickel mineral exploration and feasibility study.

: China and Singapore start a cooperation program to build Asia’s largest desalination plant in north China’s port city Tianjin.

: Hainan Natural Rubber Industry Corporation, China’s No.1 rubber producer, signs framework cooperation agreement with Vietnam General Rubber Corp.

: Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni Cambodian pays a state visit to China at the invitation of Chinese President Hu. It is Sihamoni’s first state visit abroad and his visit to China as a king. He also meets Premier Wen.

: Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto Romulo calls for claimants to territories in the South China Sea should adopt a formal Code of Conduct.

: China loans money and technology to Cambodia for a CDMA2000 (Code Division Multiple Access) phone system.

: Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Jia Qinglin says China is ready to work with Vietnam to promote bilateral ties, in a meeting with Do Duy Thuong, vice chairman of Presidium of Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front.

: In a speech read by representative Liu Yongxing, Chinese ambassador to Laos, at the 12th ASEAN Regional Forum Ministerial Meeting, Chinese FM Li urges Asia-Pacific countries to hold to the goal of common security.

: Chinese Science and Technology Minister Xu Guanhua signs agreement with Thai counterpart Korn Dabbaransi to push cooperation in science and technology.

: Presidents Hu Jintao and SBY oversee signing of five agreements, ranging from defense cooperation to Chinese language teaching, on the 55th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

: Chairman of the Myanmar State Peace and Development Council Senior Gen. Than Shwe and Prime Minister Gen. Soe Win meet with visiting Chinese FM Li. Both sides express wishes to further develop friendship, and economic and trade ties.

: Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) arrives in Beijing for a four-day state visit. Accompanied by a 100-member delegation, he will also visit Shenzhen in Guangdong Province.

: ASEAN foreign ministers endorse establishment of ASEAN-China Joint Working Group to study and recommend measures to translate provisions of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea into cooperative activities.

: Philippines government and business leaders say China’s move to let market forces determine the value of its currency strengthen the peso against the U.S. dollar, which will have positive effects on the Philippine economy.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing visits Vientiane for the ASEAN+3 (A+3) Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference, and the 12th Regional Forum Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. On July 27, he leaves Vientiane for a state visit to Myanmar, which is initially scheduled to start only after the ARF ends.

: Delegation of CCP Central Committee Office, led by Mao Linkun, visits Vietnam and Laos.

: Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo meets delegation from China Shenyang International Economic and Technical Cooperation Corp (CSIETCC) at the Malacanang presidential palace. CSIETCC plans to construct and develop a $100 million freeport zone in Ilocos Sur Province in the northern Philippines.

: Indonesian Coordinating Minister for the Economy Aburizal Bakrie says China’s revaluation of the yuan will have a minor impact on the Indonesian economy.

: Taiwanese Cabinet-level Council for Economic Planning and Development Chairman Hu Sheng-cheng, accompanied by Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission Vice Minister Liao Sheng-hsiung, heads to Bangkok for 15th annual meeting of a federation of Taiwanese associations in Asia July 22-25.

: After China moves to a managed floating exchange rate regime, Monetary Authority of Singapore says it will not have a major impact on the Singapore dollar or the country’s exchange rate regime; Malaysia scraps ringgit peg to U.S. dollar and opts for a managed float system; Bank of Thailand says China’s decision will help the global economy and reduce pressure on the baht.

: An 11-member delegation from Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan, led by Legislative Deputy Speaker David J.C. Chung, heads for Southeast Asia to step up parliamentary exchanges with several countries in the region.

: China and ASEAN grant each other most favored nation status and start operation of the planned ASEAN-China Free Trade Area.

: Indonesian government expands number of product categories in the Sensitive Product and Highly Sensitive Product in the China and ASEAN Free Trade Area agreement.

: Chinese and Vietnamese businessmen sign 14 deals totaling $1.071 billion at a Beijing business forum during President Tran Duc Luong’s visit to China.

: Vietnam President Tran Duc Luong pays five-day official visit to China.

: CCP delegation led by Hu Jiayan, deputy secretary of the CCP Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Regional Committee, visits Singapore. Afterward, Hu attends a conference of the United Malays National Organization in Malaysia and visits Thailand.

: Malaysian government bans Falun Gong related publication Epoch Times for carrying negative reports about China and affecting bilateral relations.

: Wang Zhaoguo, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of China’s National People’s Congress, meets Philippine youth delegation visiting China July 11-18, and says will further enhance exchanges between youths of China and the Philippines.

: Second ASEAN, China, Japan, and South Korea Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM+3) held in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

: Officials from ASEAN, China, Japan, and South Korea meet in Vientiane to discuss national anti-poverty programs.

: Taiwan donates 100 doses of vaccine to Vietnam to help fight avian flu.

: Delegation of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) led by Xi Jinping, member of the Central Committee of the CCP and secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the CCP, visits Laos, DPRK, and ROK.

: ASEAN+3 agree to increase rice reserves to 200,000 metric tons from 87,000 MT to establish food security in the region.

: Beijing-backed Citic Resources says it is no longer pursuing a stake in Thai Petrochemical Industry, citing delays and unexpected complications.

: Chinese Minister of National Defense Cao Gangchuan says Chinese armed forces are ready to join with the Thai army for bilateral friendly military cooperation.

: About 200 business people and trade officials convene at China-ASEAN Business Forum in Beihai; Siva Yam, president of the U.S.-China Chamber of Commerce says ASEAN will benefit much more from the Free Trade Area arrangement than China.

: Thailand’s Minister of Defense Oud Buangbon holds talks with deputy chief of the General Staff of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army in Beijing.

: Cheng Siwei, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, meets delegation of young Philippine political leaders in Beijing.

: At the second summit of the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation, China continued its support of the region with infrastructure, development, and energy projects.

: Myanmar and China sign $290 million worth of contracts and memoranda in Kunming.

: Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao tells Thai counterpart Thaksin Shinawatra that China wants to use the 30th anniversary of the founding of China-Thailand ties as an opportunity to strengthen strategic cooperation with Thailand.

: Malaysian International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz says tariff liberalization program under the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area takes effect today.

: Thailand Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra makes an official visit to China.

: The second power transmission channel from Yunnan Province in Southwestern China to Vietnam is put into operation officially.

: China’s state-run CITIC Resources Holdings Ltd. announces plans to buy control of Thai Petrochemical Industry, operator of Asia’s largest petrochemical complex, for $900 million, and aims to double its capacity to tap the lucrative refining and chemical business.

: Finance Minister Jusuf Anwar discloses that China has pledged an additional soft loan of $200 million to finance three infrastructure projects in Indonesia.

: Singapore FM Yeo says it is in Singapore’s and ASEAN’s interests to have all the big powers, like the U.S., China, and Japan, engaged in the region.

: China and ASEAN hold 19th meeting in Beijing, recognizing that the tariffs reduction plan will start at the beginning of July.

: Statistics compiled by Financial Supervisory Commission under the Executive Yuan show Vietnam has emerged as a hot market for Taiwan’s finance industry.

: 10th round of negotiations to discuss maritime issues between Vietnam and China begins in Beijing.

: Chinese Defense Minister Cao Gangchuan meets Thai Army Commander-in-Chief Prawit Wongsuwon and exchange views on relations between the two countries and their armed forces.

: Han Qide, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the NPC, meets a delegation from the Philippine House of Representatives.

: Chinese Ministry of Public Security hosts a week-long workshop for more than 30 senior officers from ASEAN.

:   Zhang Shaogang, an official of the Ministry of Commerce, says China and ASEAN have agreed to reduce duties on more than 7,000 kinds of products.

:   President Hu exchanges congratulations with President Macapagal-Arroyo on 30th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between their two countries.

:   President Macapagal-Arroyo says Philippine trade with China exceeded $13 billion in 2004 and the future of their trade partnership looks even brighter.

:   Indonesian Coordinating Minister for the Economy Aburizal Bakrie says a group of Chinese investors have committed to investing up to $8.6 billion in Indonesia’s palm oil sector over the next five years.

:   President Hu and Chairman of the Myanmar State Peace and Development Council Than Shwe exchange congratulatory messages on the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries.

:   Singaporean authorities arrest suspended chief executive of China’s main jet fuel supplier and the president of its mainland parent company, Chen Jiulin, who is linked to risky oil trades that pushed the company to the brink of bankruptcy with losses of over half a billion U.S. dollars.

:   China Culture Month is formally inaugurated in celebration of the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Myanmar.

: At a panel of the 15th Asian Corporate Conference, Thailand’s Minister of Commerce Thanong Bidaya says China’s fast economic growth will benefit ASEAN.

:   China and Myanmar hold first meeting of Joint Committee for Economic, Trade and Technical Cooperation (JCETTC) in Rangoon, to promote economic and trade relations and good neighborly ties.

:   Four senior officers from China’s Xiamen Airlines visit Brunei to conduct marketing research on the potential of Borneo as a tourist hub.

: During his keynote speech at the fourth Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, PM Lee Hsien Loong says China’s emergence as a major trading partner and a fast growing source of tourists and investments is the central reality in Asia.

:   Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi warns Japan and China must use diplomacy to quell heightened bilateral tensions or the region and the world will face “catastrophic” consequences.

: Vietnamese Ministry of Trade warns that Vietnam’s trade deficit with China could reach $2 billion this year, and is expected to continue increasing for the next five years.

: Wu Bangguo meets with Yang di-Pertuan Agong (Paramount Ruler) Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin of Malaysia and says China-Malaysia relations have reached maturity and entered a new period of all-round development.

: Malaysia signs deal with China’s biggest private automaker Geely Group to build cars in Malaysia, during a visit by Chinese lawmaker Wu Bangguo.

: Malaysia and China strengthen economic relations with the signing of four agreements involving private companies.

: During his speech titled “Deepening Good-Neighbourly Friendship in a Joint Effort for Asian Prosperity,” visiting Chinese legislator Wu Bangguo reaffirms China’s consistent stand for strengthening political dialogue, expanding economic cooperation, and enhancing security cooperation with other Asian countries.

: Philippine President Arroyo meets visiting PLA deputy chief, Xiong Guangkai, who is to attend the first dialogue on defense and security between China and the Philippines. Xiong says China has invited the Philippines to participate in multilateral maritime exercises focused primarily on maritime search and rescue operations

: Negotiators conclude details on customs procedures and reductions in import tariffs on 5,000 items under the ASEAN-China free trade area (FTA) agreement.

: Singapore and China announce a pact to strengthen economic ties. Under the China-Singapore Bilateral Investment Promotion Committee, officials will discuss policies and issues to boost commerce between their economies.

: At the China-Singapore Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum held in Singapore, NPC Chairman Wu says China aims to double its bilateral trade with Singapore to $50 billion in five years.

: Xu Caihou, vice chairman of the Chinese Central Military Commission, tells visiting Secretary of Cambodian Ministry of National Defense Hak Savuth that Chinese armed forces are ready to enhance close exchanges with the Cambodian army and their friendly cooperative ties.

: Supatra Thanaseniwat, deputy permanent secretary for agriculture, and director general of China’s Department for International Cooperation, sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) which will see 67,479.75 tons of dried longans go to China in exchange for Type WMZ 551B rubber-wheeled armored vehicles.

: Wu Bangguo, chairman of the standing committee of China’s National People’s Congress (NPC), visits Singapore for a three-day official goodwill visit.

: Vietnam Foreign Ministry Spokesman Le Dzung confirms that the Vietnamese cargo ship that sunk off the coast of Shanghai was not fired upon by Chinese naval ships during their military drill.

:   China says it backs Surakiart Sathirathai of Thailand to succeed Kofi Annan as UN secretary general when Annan’s term ends next year.

:   Lao and Chinese People’s Supreme Courts hold seminar in Vientiane entitled “Governance of the State by the Law” with the aim of increasing cooperation.

:   Finance ministers from China, Japan, South Korea, and ASEAN agree to expand their bilateral currency swaps under the Chiang Mai Initiative to a more multilateral system.

:   Singaporean FM George Yeo says China’s economic explosion is transforming Asia’s political landscape, posing problems and opportunities for its neighbors and for the U.S.

:   Deputy FM Preecha Laohapongchana reveals Thailand will open at least four more consulates in China, and is accelerating the development of logistics operations with China in anticipation of the birth of the Chinese-ASEAN Free Trade Area in 2010.

: President Hu and President Macapagal-Arroyo discuss bilateral relations and regional and international issues. Hu predicts China-Philippine trade volume to reach $30 billion in five years, more than double the present level.

: Indonesian President SBY and Hu sign joint declaration on strategic cooperative partnership.

: Over 1,200 senior politicians, scholars, and business people attended the Annual Conference 2005 of Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) with the theme “Asia searching for a win-win deal: new role of Asia.”

: President Hu meets with Brunei’s Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah and signs deals to boost cooperation.

: Chinese President Hu Jintao visits Brunei, Indonesia, and Philippines.

: Singapore Business Federation and Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce sign memorandum of understanding to enhance bilateral economic ties.

: Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo says Manila will continue to “aggressively seek” business partnerships with China at the Filipino-Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

: China and Vietnam hold first consultations on defensive security in Beijing.

: Philippines and Vietnam work with China on offshore resources dispute in the South China Sea.

: Six Asian nation leaders agree to establish Asian Parliament within five years at the senior advisory council of the Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace.

: PriceWaterHouse Coopers auditor reports that China Aviation Oil (CAO) made risky gambles trading oil derivatives without formal approval from board.

: Chinese President Hu Jintao sends telegram to Indonesian President SBY to express condolences on Sumatra March 28 earthquake casualties.

: Boao Forum at 9th China Daily CEO Roundtable.

: Taiwan Prime Minister Frank Hsieh accuses Singapore of blocking a port call by two warships to the city-state because of pressure from China.

: China, Philippines, and Vietnam sign landmark agreement to conduct joint prospecting for oil and gas in South China Sea.

: ARF Seminar on enhancing cooperation in the field of nontraditional security issues hosted in Hainan, China.

: Singapore FM Yeo says emergence of China and India presents Southeast Asia with a new challenge.

: Chinese Premier Wen tells Philippines FM Romulo that the 30th anniversary of Philippines-China relations marks a “new golden age of partnership.”

: ASEAN-China Joint Cooperation Committee (JCC) in Phnom Penh.

: ASEAN-China Working Group on Development Cooperation in Phnom Penh.

: Malaysian Supreme Head of State Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin meets President Hu Jintao to consolidate ties and reiterate Malaysia’s “one-China” policy.

: International animal health experts and health officers from the UN and other agencies meet in Ho Chi Minh City to discuss emergency plans to control bird flu.

: ASEAN Plus Three holds expert meeting on emerging diseases in Bangkok.

: Chinese New Year (Year of the Rooster).

: Indonesian President SBY says that the expanding economy in China has “delivered positive result of higher bilateral trade volume in favor of Indonesia” at a meeting on Indonesia’s long term development planning.

: Singapore’s Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong says “China’s extraordinary development sets the example for other Asian countries to follow and thus drives Asia’s transformation” at the International Enterprise Forum 2005 in Singapore.

: China launches satellite TV service in Asia.

: China’s Assistant Minister of Commerce Yi Xiaozhun announces plans to join ASEAN, Japan, and Republic of Korea to work on feasibility study for East Asia Free Trade Area (FTA).

: Singapore FM George Yong-Boon Yeo meets Chinese FM Li.

: Chinese FM Li Zhaoxing telephones Thai FM Surakiat to discuss tsunami relief and ministerial-level meeting on regional cooperation of tsunami warning in Phuket.

: ASEAN Plus Three tourist ministers attend 24th ASEAN Tourist Forum in Kuala Lumpur.

: ASEAN-China Workshop on Tsunami Warning in Beijing.

: China and Vietnam celebrate fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties.

: Chinese government condolence mission headed by Vice FM Wu Dawei visits Thailand after tsunami.

: Assistant FM Shen Guofang at the UN meeting highlights China’s aid of $133 million from government and individual donations to tsunami-stricken countries.

: Malaysia’s Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Mah Siew Keong says Malaysia’s bilateral trade with China was $26 billion for Jan.-Nov. 2004, an increase of 37 percent.

: China’s National People’s Congress (NPC) delegation attends 13th annual meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum in Vietnam.

: ASEAN leaders meet in Jakarta to help coordinate relief efforts for the Indian Ocean tsunami.

: Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao meets Indonesia President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Thai Foreign Minister Surakiat Sathirathai at the Special ASEAN Leaders’ Meeting on the Earthquake and Tsunami.

: Chinese ambassador to Indonesia delivers emergency relief materials to Indonesian Foreign Ministry for the tsunami efforts.

: China offers $2.7 million (Yuan 21.63 million) as emergency humanitarian aid to India, Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, and Maldives.

: China publishes Defense White Paper, stressing a government security strategy to build a streamlined military with “Chinese characteristics.” In the paper, China attaches importance to the role of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), and is devoted to its development.

: Powerful earthquake shocks South and Southeast Asia and Africa, with total death to exceed 150,000. China offers emergency humanitarian aid to India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Maldives and Thailand.

: Thailand opens first Regional Operation Center (ROC) – the Khon Kaen University, which will serve as technical coordinator to link provincial strategies with foreign policy in handling relations with neighboring countries.

: Burma’s Prime Minister Lt. Gen. Soe Win, and Mayor Brig. Gen. Aung Thein Lynn meet Chen Haosu, president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries to enhance bilateral relations, and to discuss issues of common interest.

: Ministers of six Mekong River countries sign documents to ease cross-border goods transport and travel at the 13th Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS).

: President Hu tells Hong Kong Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa that the Hong Kong government “must be more concerned with the people of Hong Kong.”

: President Hu meets Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) Edmund Ho Hau Wah, to celebrate Macao’s fifth anniversary. Hu reiterates that “one country, two systems” is the fundamental guarantee of Macao’s sustained development and its long-term prosperity and stability.

: Cambodia’s Senate President Chea Sim and Prime Minister Hun Sen meet visiting Chinese delegation led by Chen Haosu, president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries. Hun Sen reaffirms that “Cambodia always pays great attention to strengthen the friendly relations with China.”

: China Vice Premier Hui Liangyu meets Thailand Deputy Prime Minister Chaturon Chaisaeng to promote strategic partner relationship.

: East Timor-Leste embassy opens in China.

: Court documents show that China Aviation Oil is $152 million in debt since losing $550 million from trading in oil derivatives, and owes money to 12 banks.

: Highway linking China and Burma to be rebuilt to boost exchanges between China and Southeast Asia.

: Chen Jiulin, chief executive of embattled China Aviation Oil Singapore Corp. Ltd., arrested in Singapore.

: Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi outlines a seven-point roadmap to chart the course of the East Asian Community and measure its progress.

: Premier Wen meets President of Lao National Assembly Saman Vi-Gnaket and says “China will stick to its friendly policy toward Laos no matter how the world situation changes.”

: China Aviation Oil chief executive officer Chen Jiulin leaves Singapore after company discloses it lost $550 million on speculative trading in derivatives.

: ASEAN holds 10th summit in Vientiane, Laos. ASEAN Leaders sign the Vientiane Action Program, and the ASEAN Framework Agreement for the Integration of Priority Sectors. ASEAN economic ministers sign the ASEAN Sectoral Integration Protocol and ASEAN Protocol on Enhanced Disputes Settlement Mechanism.

: China and ASEAN hold eighth summit.  They sign pact aimed at creating world’s largest free trade zone. They also agree to expand Framework Agreement for the Integration of Priority Sectors to create an ASEAN community with a common market and common security goals.  Premier Wen reiterates that “China is willing to accede at an early date to the Protocol of the Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone,” and is willing to “shelve disputes while going in for joint development” with regards to the South China Sea.

: ASEAN Plus Three agrees to hold East Asia Summit in Malaysia in 2005.

: Asian health ministers meet in Thailand to discuss bird flu.

: Defense Minister Juwono Sudarsono says Indonesia has elected to enter into military cooperation with Russia and China at the IndoDefence Expo and Forum-2004.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing holds phone conversation with Philippine Foreign Secretary Alberto Romulo to discuss bilateral issues.

: Philippines Defense Secretary Avelino Cruz and Chinese Defense Minister Gen. Cao Caochuan agree to set up mechanism for annual defense talks.

: State Councilor Tang meets Indonesian Foreign Minister Hasan Wirayudha to enhance bilateral relationship. Wirayudha reaffirms “one China” policy.

: Beijing hosts First Security Policy Conference of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) attended by defense officials from 24 ARF countries.

: China, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) launch the first China-ASEAN trade fair (CA-Expo) in Naning.

: State Councilor Tang meets Thai PM Thaksin to discuss Thailand-China diplomatic ties and bilateral strategic cooperation. Thaksin reiterates “one China” policy.

: Chinese State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan meets Malaysian PM Badawi to discuss China-Malaysia relationship. Malaysia reiterates adherence to the “one China” policy.

: China protests Vietnam’s oil bid in disputed Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, saying move violated China’s territorial sovereignty and rights.

: Chinese President Hu Jintao meets with new Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni.

: Senior Chinese leader Wu Guanzheng meets Indonesia President-elect Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

: Wu Jianmin, former Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, ambassador to France, and now president of the Chinese Foreign Affairs University, used the closing of the annual meeting of the Network of East Asian Think Tanks (NEAT) to assert in an interview with People’s Daily that “The concept of East Asian Community has been accepted by the 13 East Asian countries and become a common understanding.”

: Asian and European nations gather in Hanoi to accept Burma and 12 other countries into ASEM.

: Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao arrives in Vietnam for fifth Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) summit in Hanoi to be held Oct.78-9.

: Thailand reports 11th death from bird flu.

: Singaporean Foreign Ministry warns Taiwan not to “belittle Singapore.”

: Taiwan’s Minister of Education Tu Cheng-sheng visits Philippines for 3 days to attend an academic seminar and discuss bilateral exchanges and cooperation.

: Asian Development Bank (ADB) raises its 2004 gross domestic product growth forecast for Asia excluding Japan to 7 percent, and identifies global and regional economic risks, the threat of various epidemics, and terrorist outrages as risks to the economic outlook for the region.

: Chinese lab says deadly bird flu strain found in pigs.

: WHO meets in China to tackle Asian diseases such as bird flu, SARS, AIDS, and others.

: China agrees to lower tariff on Indonesia’s palm oil as part of wider plans to free up trade in the Asian region.

: Singapore Education Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam stresses role of China and India in region’s development.

: ASEAN Economic Ministers and the PRC Minister of Commerce meet at the 36th ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting in Jakarta.

: Third International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) in Beijing.

: China hails Singaporean PM Lee’s comments against Taiwan independence.

: Malaysian former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim freed from jail after the country’s highest court overturned his sodomy conviction.

: Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo arrives in China for a three-day state visit.

: Jiang Yanyong’s brother receives Magsaysay Award in Manila on his behalf.

: Chinese authorities refuse to grant Jiang Yanyong travel papers to receive the 2004 Ramon Magsaysay Award in Manila.

: Taiwan’s secretary general to the president, Su Tseng-chang, responds to Lee, saying “it’s China, not Taiwan, that is likely to provoke a cross-Strait conflict.”

: Singapore PM Lee explains he visited Taiwan to assess the situation in cross-Straits relations for himself.

: Scientists find bird flu virus in pigs in China.

: World Health Organization (WHO) confirms two human deaths from bird flu in Vietnam. This is Vietnam’s third outbreak of avian flu.

: China Central Bank of China governor cancels trip to Singapore because of Deputy PM Lee’s Taiwan visit. Chinese officials snub Monetary Authority of Singapore dinner hosted by Lee. Zhou Xiaochuan turns down speaking engagement.

: Chinese FM Wang Yi holds talks with Vietnamese counterpart Vu Dung in Nanning; they agree to detailed regulation of the land border, the Beibu Gulf, and at sea.

: Beijing, Kuala Lumpur, and Tokyo urge South Korea and ASEAN countries to attend a 2005 summit of the ASEAN Plus Three countries to push for the East Asian Community (EAC).

: ASEAN states express worries about the EAC, saying it will overshadow APEC and ASEAN, allow Japan, China, and South Korea to dominate the agenda, and marginalize India.

: First ASEAN Plus Three Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministers Meeting held in Bangkok.

: China says it may delay talks on a free trade agreement with Singapore following a recent visit to Taiwan by Deputy PM Lee.

: SARS whistleblower Jiang Yanyong in China receives Ramon Magsaysay Award, Asia’s equivalent of the Nobel Prize.

: Straits Times reports that China wants to reduce vulnerability over imported oil shipped via the Malacca Straits by building a pipeline to a port in Burma.

: Vietnam’s Deputy PM Vu Khoan meets Li Jinzao, vice governor of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, in Hanoi; says Vietnam would like to deepen economic and trade ties with Guangxi to foster cooperation between ASEAN and China.

: Fourth meeting of APEC Counter Terrorism Task Force held in Singapore.

: China and Burma sign  large-scale mineral exploration agreement.

: Deputy PM Najib Razak instructs Malaysian government ministers to avoid official visits to Taiwan.

: Burma’s ruling junta hails its close political and economic relations with China as counterweight against Western efforts to isolate the country.

: China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs delays official invitation for Singapore’s National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan to visit Chengdu at the end of month; action seen as latest Chinese reaction to Deputy PM Lee’s visit to Taiwan.

: Deputy PM Najib Razak says Malaysia regards China as an ally to strengthen the position and voice of Southeast Asian nations in regional affairs.

: Malaysia concludes a technology transfer deal with China, raising likelihood of purchases of Chinese medium-range surface-to-air missiles under the upcoming Ninth Malaysia Plan.

: Indonesian decision to cut tariffs on Chinese farm imports as part of a free trade agreement between ASEAN and China takes effect.

: Deputy PM Najib Razak says Malaysia has agreed in principle to purchase medium-range missiles from China, which in return will transfer technology on very short-range air defense to the country.

: Deputy PM Lee says Singapore’s “one China” policy has not changed, and Singapore has no intention of being an intermediary between China and Taiwan.

: Chinese President Hu Jintao meets Burma’s PM Khin Nyunt in Beijing.

: Burma’s PM Khin Nyunt arrives in Beijing for seven-day official goodwill visit, meets with Premier Wen Jiabao.

: Vietnam’s Commercial Counselor in China says two-way trade volume between Vietnam and China is expected to exceed $5 billion this year.

: Vietnam moves to implement Bad Bo (Tonkin) Gulf Demarcation Agreement and the Fishing Co-operation Agreement between Vietnam and China.

: Singapore reiterates that it adheres to the “one China” policy, and does not support Taiwan’s independence, stressing that Deputy PM Lee’s visit was a “private and unofficial visit” to Taiwan.

: Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue says China is dissatisfied with the visit by Deputy PM Lee to Taiwan; adds the Singaporean leader hurt China’s core interests, the political base between the two countries, and 1.3 billion Chinese people by visiting Taiwan.

: Singapore’s Deputy PM Lee Hsien Loong makes unofficial visit to Taiwan.

: Su Tseng-chang, secretary general of Taiwan Presidential Office, quietly visits Manila to relay President Chen Sui-bien’s congratulations to President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on her election, and meets with senior Philippine officials.

: FM Li attends ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), plus informal meetings between ASEAN and dialogue partners in Jakarta.

: Chinese Finance Minister Li Zhaoxing attends fifth Association of Southeast Asian Nations Plus Three (ASEAN Plus Three) Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Jakarta.

: China’s FM Li attends inauguration ceremony of Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

: Yunnan province announces annual scholarships to students from Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand to strengthen cooperation with neighboring countries.

: Sheng Huaren, vice chairman and secretary general of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, meets in Beijing with a delegation from the Vietnamese National Assembly Office led by Chairman Bui Ngoc Thanh.

: The 10th Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) approves the Beibu Gulf demarcation agreement between China and Vietnam.

: Senior Col. Wang Zhongchun, deputy director in Beijing’s National Defense University, proposes that China and ASEAN join forces to safeguard maritime security in the region.

: ASEAN and China will likely miss a 30 June deadline to decide on liberalizing the trade of goods and products, an essential first step in ongoing free trade negotiations. Currently, the agreement is being stalled by ASEAN member countries who are having problems defining the categorization of goods and products. Once completed, the ASEAN- China trade bloc could encompass nearly two billion people and an estimated two trillion dollars of combined GDP by 2010.

: UN special envoy to Myanmar Razali Ismail says he will seek China’s assistance to break the political stalemate in the country when he visits as part of a Malaysian delegation.

: ASEAN Secretary General Ong Keng Yong says ASEAN and China are likely to miss the first deadline on the ASEAN-China FTA negotiations.

: Vietnam’s FM Nguyen Dy Nien pays an official visit to China.

: China-ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Qingdao agrees to deepen cooperation, and to push for realization of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement; China also signals it will sign the Protocol to the Treaty of the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone (SEANFZ).

: Premier Wen meets with Thai PM Thaksin Shinawatra on the sidelines of the Third Foreign Ministers’ Meeting of Asia Cooperation Dialogue; expresses thanks for Bangkok’s understanding and support for China on Taiwan, Tibet, and human rights.

: In a televised interview, Singapore Senior Minister Lee Kwan Yew calls China Singapore’s “main challenger” for economic competition.

: The Indonesian government says its exports to China could double in three years following the gradual implementation of a FTA.

: Vietnam’s General Assembly ratifies agreement with China defining maritime borders in the Gulf of Tonkin.

: Myanmar and China begin early trade liberalization activities under the Early Harvest Plan (EHP), an advanced program of the ASEAN-China FTA that covers 596 agricultural products.

: China’s Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) opens regional office in Singapore to promote greater cooperation between China and regional companies.

: ASEAN energy ministers and their counterparts from China, Japan, and South Korea vow in Manila to forge closer energy partnership to face the challenges in the energy sector in Asia amid highly volatile world oil prices.

: Third Annual ASEAN-China Business Council Meeting and 16th ASEAN-Chamber of Commerce and Industry Conference & 61st Council Meeting held in Myanmar.

: Beijing boycotts Shangri-la security conference in Singapore because of presence of Taiwanese think-tank delegate.

: China announces the opening of 14 additional border ports between Yunnan province and neighboring Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia by 2010 to facilitate increasing economic trade between Southeast Asia and China.

: Singapore accedes to “China-Thailand Early Harvest Programme Acceleration Agreement” at the sidelines of APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade meeting in Pucon, Chile. The Agreement will eliminate tariffs on all fruits and vegetables.

: China boycotts 18th Asia Pacific Roundtable in Kuala Lumpur because of presence of Taiwan scholar.

: Malaysian PM Badawi proposes an East Asia Summit; says Malaysia and China should cooperate in setting the agenda for a new era of regional cooperation not only in security matters but also in socio-economic areas.

: Chinese President Hu meets with Malaysian PM in China.

: Premier Wen holds talks with Malaysian counterpart Abdullah Ahmad Badawi; makes five proposals for expanding and deepening China-Malaysia relations.

: Malaysian PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi leads high profile diplomatic and economic delegation to China to celebrate 30th anniversary of bilateral ties.

: The China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (FTA) Negotiation Committee says China-ASEAN FTA talks will conclude ahead of schedule.

: Chinese President Hu tells visiting Vietnamese PM Phan Van Khai that the two countries should increase mutual trust and sincere cooperation.

: China and ASEAN reach basic consensus on FTA.

: Thai News Agency reports that Thailand’s trade surplus with China reached $1.26 billion in the first quarter of this year.

: Premier Wen holds talks with Vietnamese Premier Phan Van Khai.

: Seventh meeting of China-Singapore Joint Steering Council in Suzhou.

: Finance Ministers of ASEAN, China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea (ASEAN Plus Three) convene seventh meeting in Jeju, Republic of Korea.

: Singapore’s Deputy PM Lee Hsien Loong announces that Singapore and China will start negotiations on a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) in November 2004.

: ASEAN Plus Three Labor Ministers meet in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam in conjunction with the 18th ASEAN Labor Ministers Meeting.

: President Hu Jintao meets Singaporean Deputy PM Lee Hsien Loong in China.

: Vice Premier Wu Yi holds talks with Singaporean Deputy PM Lee Hsien Loong for the first meeting of Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation; puts forward concrete proposals on how to advance bilateral cooperation.

: China’s Administration of Customs says China imported from ASEAN 1.06 billion yuan (about $128 million) worth of products enjoying zero tariff in the first quarter of 2004.

: Singapore PM Goh Chok Tong stresses cooperation with China and India for common development.

: Chinese FM Li meets with Lao Deputy PM and FM Somsavat Lengsavad, and Vietnamese FM Nguyen Dy Nien at 60th Session of ESCAP in Shanghai.

: Thai FM Surakiart Sathirathai holds a phone conversation with FM Li Zhaoxing; the two sides exchange views on enhancing cooperation.

: Third Bo’ao Forum for Asia annual conference in Hainan, China.

: ASEAN Plus Three Health Ministers meeting held in Penang, Malaysia.

: Yang Chonghui, senior advisor to the government of Yunnan province, says bilateral trade between Myanmar and China will reach $1.5 billion by 2005.

: China’s VP Zeng Qinghong meets Singaporean Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew.

: State Councilor Tang meets with PM Hun Sen of Cambodia; expresses appreciation for Cambodia’s adherence to “one China” policy.

: Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao holds talks with PM Hun Sen of Cambodia; outlines China’s four suggestions on the future direction of China-Cambodia relations.

: Vietnam pushes through with controversial eight-day tourist trip to the disputed Spratly Islands despite warnings from China.

: China conducts PLA Navy Drill in the South China Sea.

: Le Cong Phung, special envoy of Vietnam’s prime minister, meets with China State Councillor Tang Jiaxuan in China; says Vietnam would like to enhance consultation and cooperation with China.

: China’s Defense Minister Cao Gangchuan visits Thailand.

: Thai Deputy PM Chavalit Yongchaiyudh reiterates Thailand’s support for “one China” policy.

:   Chinese Defense Minister Cao Gangchuan visits Bangkok, telling his Thai counterpart that China wants to maintain close relations between the two militaries.

:   Chinese Defense Minister Cao Gangchuan visits Bangkok, telling his Thai counterpart that China wants to maintain close relations between the two militaries.

: Winai Phattiyakul, secretary general of the Thai National Security Council, tells China’s Minister of Public Security Zhou Yongkang that the Thai NSC hopes to develop relations with the Chinese Public Security Ministry.

: Winai Phattiyakul, secretary general of the Thai National Security Council, tells China’s Minister of Public Security Zhou Yongkang that the Thai NSC hopes to develop relations with the Chinese Public Security Ministry.

: The China International Forestry Group Corporation announces the donation of timber transport vehicles to the Burmese forestry department, to expand the timber trade between the two countries.

: The China International Forestry Group Corporation announces the donation of timber transport vehicles to the Burmese forestry department, to expand the timber trade between the two countries.

:   China announces that a mining company in Yunnan has gained Lao approval to mine potassium chloride in Vientiane, for fertilizer production.  China faces a shortage of the mineral and plans to build a joint venture plant with Laos to produce 50,000 tons annually.

:   China announces that a mining company in Yunnan has gained Lao approval to mine potassium chloride in Vientiane, for fertilizer production.  China faces a shortage of the mineral and plans to build a joint venture plant with Laos to produce 50,000 tons annually.

: Thai Minister of Commerce Watana Muangsook leads a business delegation to Nanning, in China’s Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, and announces steps to increase Thai exports, including a China-ASEAN Expo in November.

: Thai Minister of Commerce Watana Muangsook leads a business delegation to Nanning, in China’s Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, and announces steps to increase Thai exports, including a China-ASEAN Expo in November.

:   Singapore’s FM S. Jayakumar tells Parliament that China has a major regional role to play, and urges China and the U.S. to make efforts for better relations.

:   Singapore’s FM S. Jayakumar tells Parliament that China has a major regional role to play, and urges China and the U.S. to make efforts for better relations.

:   Manila media report that the Manila and Beijing have agreed to expand the cargo capacity of their national airlines by a factor of 15 over the next four years, as well as doubling the passenger capacity. China grants Philippine Airlines “fifth freedom” rights to pick up passengers in China and fly to selected destinations in other countries.

:   Manila media report that the Manila and Beijing have agreed to expand the cargo capacity of their national airlines by a factor of 15 over the next four years, as well as doubling the passenger capacity. China grants Philippine Airlines “fifth freedom” rights to pick up passengers in China and fly to selected destinations in other countries.

:   PLA Deputy Chief of General Staff Sen. Lieut. Gen. Qian Shugen pays a working visit to Vietnam.  He tells Deputy PM Nguyen Tan Dung and his military hosts that China hopes to develop closer army-to-army relations with Vietnam, and holds talks on military education and training exchanges between the two armed forces.

:   PLA Deputy Chief of General Staff Sen. Lieut. Gen. Qian Shugen pays a working visit to Vietnam.  He tells Deputy PM Nguyen Tan Dung and his military hosts that China hopes to develop closer army-to-army relations with Vietnam, and holds talks on military education and training exchanges between the two armed forces.

:   Thai media report that Deputy PM Suwit Khunkitti has ordered in investigation into the Thai Forestry Department’s approval of a shipment of 100 tigers from Thailand to China.  China’s ambassador defends the shipment, dismissing rumors that the tigers were delivered for culinary or commercial purposes.

:   Thai media report that Deputy PM Suwit Khunkitti has ordered in investigation into the Thai Forestry Department’s approval of a shipment of 100 tigers from Thailand to China.  China’s ambassador defends the shipment, dismissing rumors that the tigers were delivered for culinary or commercial purposes.

:   More than 1,000 overseas Chinese attend a conference in Bangkok, sponsored by the Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, to oppose Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian government’s moves toward Taiwan independence. The conference issues a “Bangkok Declaration” upholding the “one China” principle.

:   More than 1,000 overseas Chinese attend a conference in Bangkok, sponsored by the Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, to oppose Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian government’s moves toward Taiwan independence. The conference issues a “Bangkok Declaration” upholding the “one China” principle.

: Thai Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn meets in Beijing with Wu Bangguo, chairman of China’s National People’s Congress, and receives the title of “friendship ambassador.”

: Thai Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn meets in Beijing with Wu Bangguo, chairman of China’s National People’s Congress, and receives the title of “friendship ambassador.”

: Indonesia’s Coordinating Minister for Political, Social, and Security Affairs, Bambang Yudhoyono, meets in Beijing with State Councilor Zhou Yongkang, who tells him China will strengthen cooperation in combating terrorism, cross-border crime, and drug trafficking.  Yudhoyono also meets PLA Deputy Chief of the General Staff Xiong Guangkai.

: Indonesia’s Coordinating Minister for Political, Social, and Security Affairs, Bambang Yudhoyono, meets in Beijing with State Councilor Zhou Yongkang, who tells him China will strengthen cooperation in combating terrorism, cross-border crime, and drug trafficking.  Yudhoyono also meets PLA Deputy Chief of the General Staff Xiong Guangkai.

: Xiong Guangkai, deputy chief of the PLA general staff, observes to the visiting director of joint intelligence for Singapore, Brig. Gen. Tay Lim Heng, that the armies of the two nations carry out wide-ranging cooperation and pledges that China’s armed forces are willing to work constantly with Singapore to promote friendly military relations.

: Xiong Guangkai, deputy chief of the PLA general staff, observes to the visiting director of joint intelligence for Singapore, Brig. Gen. Tay Lim Heng, that the armies of the two nations carry out wide-ranging cooperation and pledges that China’s armed forces are willing to work constantly with Singapore to promote friendly military relations.

: Vietnamese Communist Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh and Chinese Politburo member Xia Guoqiang take part in a seminar on “Building the Ruling Party-Experience of Vietnam and China.” Several other party-to-party exchanges between China and Vietnam occur during the quarter.

: Vietnamese Communist Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh and Chinese Politburo member Xia Guoqiang take part in a seminar on “Building the Ruling Party-Experience of Vietnam and China.” Several other party-to-party exchanges between China and Vietnam occur during the quarter.

:   Chinese media report that China and Malaysia have agreed on modalities for bringing new Chinese guest workers into the country starting in April.  If true, the report is a sign that the politics of Malaysian demography have eased considerably, and Kuala Lumpur no longer fears a political backlash from Malays against Chinese workers.

:   Chinese media report that China and Malaysia have agreed on modalities for bringing new Chinese guest workers into the country starting in April.  If true, the report is a sign that the politics of Malaysian demography have eased considerably, and Kuala Lumpur no longer fears a political backlash from Malays against Chinese workers.

: Malaysia’s new deputy PM, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, announces that he will push for closer and deeper relations with China, following in the footsteps of his late father, Tun Abdul Razak, who was PM in 1974 when Malaysian-Chinese relations were established.

: Thai PM Thaksin Shinawatra tells a meeting of senior Thai officials that Thailand’s foreign relations will be overhauled to put more stress on China and India, which “should be the most important countries for Thailand’s diplomacy.”

: Thai PM Thaksin Shinawatra tells a meeting of senior Thai officials that Thailand’s foreign relations will be overhauled to put more stress on China and India, which “should be the most important countries for Thailand’s diplomacy.”

: Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo tells China’s special envoy to the funeral of Foreign Minister Blas Ople that she appreciates China’s valuable support and assistance to Philippine agriculture and infrastructure development, and believes that prospects for economic cooperation between the two countries are “vast.”

: China joins an ASEAN Plus Three meeting of environmental ministers in Rangoon.

:   Manila sources report that the Philippines has decided to opt out of “early harvest” agricultural tariff cuts under the China-ASEAN FTA framework agreement.  It will be the only ASEAN member to do so.  They left open the possibility of joining later.

: Ten Lao law enforcement officers depart Kunming after finishing legal training at the Yunnan Provincial People’s Court, under a bilateral agreement to increase judicial exchanges and cooperation.

: Da’i Bachtiar, chief of Indonesia’s national police, meets with Chinese State Councilor Zhou Yongkang in Beijing.  Bachtiar signs an agreement on police cooperation with China.

: Wu Quanxu, deputy chief of the PLA General Staff, leads a delegation to Burma, Bangladesh, and India.

:   The Chinese government organizes a “Global Get-together of Overseas Chinese and People of Chinese Origin in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos” in Guangzhou reportedly attracting close to 1,000 guests.  Senior Chinese leaders announce Beijing will provide better service to overseas Chinese wishing to participate in economic, cultural, and scientific exchanges.

:   Gen. Xiong Guangkai, deputy chief of general staff of the People’s Liberation Army of China, exchanges views on the international and regional situation with Gen. Chaisit Shinawatra, commander of the Royal Thai Army, during his visit to Beijing.

:   The PLA navy missile destroyer Shenzhen and a supply vessel return to Zhanjiang Port after a 37-day cruise to Guam, Brunei – both PLA firsts – and Singapore.

:   UN Secretariat announces that it will open the first UN regional office in China, the Asian and Pacific Center for Agricultural Engineering and Machinery, in Beijing.  China contributed $3.8 million to help establish the office.

:   China and Singapore announce the launch of a joint council to promote political and economic cooperation, during a visit of Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong to Beijing.  The council will focus on high-tech research, development of China’s western region, and helping Chinese companies go global, among other issues.  It will be co-chaired by Singapore Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsieng Loong and Chinese Vice-Premier Wu Yi.

:   Thai and Chinese public health officials announce that they have jointly developed and tested an effective anti-AIDS medicine and will put it on the market later this year.  The two countries have cooperated in research on cancer treatment, herbal medicine, and mental health.

:   China and Laos hold a meeting in Luang Prabang to review border cooperation. Over the past year the two countries have refurbished 23 border markers between Yunnan and Lao territory.

:   Secretary of the Yunnan Communist Party provincial committee Bai Enpei leads a goodwill delegation to Cambodia and Vietnam.

: Philippine media reports the Armed Forces of the Philippines has discovered new territorial markers with Chinese inscriptions on several unoccupied reefs and shoals in the Spratly Islands and has monitored two PLA Navy vessels operating since September at Mischief Reef.

:   Singapore Transport Minister Yeo Cheow, announces the opening of an airport management school in Xiamen province, jointly owned by Singapore Changi Airport and Xiamen International Airport Group.

:   Malaysian Deputy Home Minister Datuk Chor Chee Heung tells the press that distribution of pamphlets in Malaysia by the Falun Gong religious group, banned in China, “smacks of political incitement,” and notes that the government will pursue legal action against parties guilty of passing them out.

:   Second annual Bo’ao Forum for Asia held on Hainan Island, China.

:   Gen. Phung Quang Thanh, chief of staff of the People’s Army of Vietnam, meets in Beijing with Liang Guanglie, his Chinese counterpart.

:   Transport ministers from ASEAN and China meet in Rangoon to map out plans for building an integrated transport network linking southern China with mainland Southeast Asia.

:   Cambodian Tourism Minister Veng Sereyvuth tells the press that China is his focus for increasing the number of visitors to Cambodia.  In 2002, tourism generated 15 percent of Cambodia’s GDP, according to Xinhua.

:   Chinese President Hu Jintao participates in the APEC summit meeting in Bangkok, and makes a state visit to Thailand.

:   China’s Xinhua news agency uses unusually blunt language in reporting talks between China’s Vice Premier Huang Ju and Nguyen Tan Dung Oct. 16, noting that Huang “demanded both sides tighten up their efforts in the demarcation of land boundaries between China and Vietnam.”

:   Vietnamese business media report that Electricity of Vietnam will begin buying power from China in 2004, and will eventually invest in transmission lines capable of carrying from 100 to 400 MW from China.  Interdependence in the region is growing: Vietnam currently buys electricity from Laos and sells electricity to Cambodia.

:   Burmese electric power authorities sign a contract with the Sichuan Machinery and Equipment Company to provide a power transmission line between a new hydropower plant to be built in Ruili, in the northern Shan state, and Mandalay.  Value of the project is $35 million.

:   Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency Chief Anselmo Avenido tells the press that China has provided information that led to the arrest of a major Chinese drug lord operating in the Philippines.

: Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and other senior Chinese officials participate in summit meetings with ASEAN heads of government, and with the ASEAN Plus Three – including Japan and the ROK – in Bali, Indonesia.

: China charges that Vietnamese gunboats fired on two of its fishing vessels in “traditional Chinese waters” in the Gulf of Tonkin, violating agreements on sovereignty and fishing activities in the Gulf. China demands an explanation, recalling that similar incidents have happened in the past, requiring Beijing “to repeatedly express its dissatisfaction to Vietnam.” Hanoi denies having fired on the boats, but says it has one boat and its crew in custody in Haiphong.

: Amnesty International expresses serious concern for the deteriorating health of Le Chi Quang, a Vietnamese journalist sentenced to four years in prison for criticism of Vietnam’s 2002 land border agreement with China on the internet.

: Burma’s Ministry of Industry-2 signs a contract with China’s XJ Group Corporation of Henan Province to build a $112 million diesel engine plant at Toungoo capable of producing 700 engines per year suitable for use in ships and generating facilities.

: Ministers from the six Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) member countries – Burma, China, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam – meet in Dali, Yunnan Province, to review 11 “key initiatives” centered on infrastructure and trade.  China has emphasized agricultural development and trade promotion in its aid programs under the GMS.

: Xinjiang Construction and Engineering Co. signs a memorandum of understanding with the Malaysian firm Jasatera Berhad to co-develop a mixed commercial area in Pahang State, with a combined investment of $105 million.

: A senior Chinese delegation of defense technology officials meets with Indonesian Defense Department Secretary General Air Marshal Suprihadi to discuss the sale of military equipment and future cooperation in research and production of military systems. Indonesia is seeking alternatives to the U.S. military purchases in light of the current U.S. ban on sales to its armed forces and what it sees as the unreliability of U.S. supply arrangements that are subject to interruption on political grounds.

: Chinese media announce that 40 young persons from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, and Burma began studies at the Guangxi Zhuang International Youth Exchange Institute. The course is designed to “strengthen cooperation and deepen friendship between Chinese young people and their peers” in ASEAN.

: Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi visits Beijing.

: ASEAN Plus Three economic ministers meet in Phnom Penh

: Director of Royal Railways Cambodia announces start of construction on last segment of rail link from Poipet on the Thai border to Phnom Penh, tying Cambodia’s railways into a planned line from Singapore to Kunming in South China.

: National People’s Congress Chairman Wu Bangguo, president of the Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace (AAPP), opens the fourth General Assembly of that body in Manila. Wu calls on delegations of the 35 member countries to create a new global political and economic order to replace the “unfair and unjust” system that prevails today, and to push for democracy in international relations.

: Thai Deputy Prime Minister Chavalit Yongchayudh leads a senior military delegation to China that includes Thailand’s defense minister, national security advisor, and all three service chiefs.

: China’s vice minister of commerce tells a China-Malaysia trade seminar that Chinese companies should invest more in Malaysia and open processing factories in that country, as well as expanding exports. Malaysia is China’s largest trading partner among the ASEAN countries, and seventh largest overall.

: China and Thailand agree on terms under which China will participate in construction of a large high-tech industrial zone in Chiang Rai province. China will provide 60 percent of the total of $125 million investment needed for the project.

: 30 Burmese police officials begin anti-narcotics training in Yunnan, the second such course for Burmese police.

: Chinese Communist Party officials, participating in an economic management seminar in Hanoi, propose a number of institutional, economic, and regulatory reforms “in the new era” to their Vietnamese counterparts based on decisions of the 16th Congress of the Chinese party’s Central Committee.

: Senior Foreign Ministry officials of China and the 10 ASEAN countries meet in Wuyishan, Fujian province.

: Vice Chairman of China’s Central Military Commission Guo Boxiong tells visiting Burmese army commander Gen. Maung Aye that China views military-to-military relations as a major component part of the bilateral relationship between the two countries, and will work for more “friendly cooperation” in this area.

:   Tourism ministers from the 10 ASEAN countries as well as Japan and the ROK meet in Beijing to seek ways of reviving intra-Asian tourism in the wake of the SARS epidemic. ASEAN Deputy Secretary General Tran Duc Minh notes that tourism accounts for 10-15 percent of ASEAN GDP, and that China will be the biggest source of tourists in coming years. The ministers discuss mutual visa exemptions and reducing fees.

: ASEAN Plus Three finance ministers meet in Manila.

: Chinese FM Li Zhaozing tells Singapore’s leaders during a visit that China’s new administration will continue to be its “good neighboring partner.” According to Xinhua, Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew, Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong, and others describe bilateral relations with China as “kindred relations,” and tell Li they hope that younger generations in the two countries will further promote these relations.

: Ministers responsible for narcotics control from Burma, China, India, Laos, and Thailand meet in Chiang Rai, Thailand, to discuss crop substitution, information exchange, and improving control of precursor chemicals.

: China’s Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing attends fifth Asia-Europe Meeting in Bali, Indonesia.

: King Norodom Sihanouk, of Cambodia, with Queen Monineath, returns to Phnom Penh after visiting China for medical treatment. Before departing Beijing Sihanouk meets with President Hu Jintao, who pledges that China will continue to work with Cambodia to promote friendship and cooperation.

: China, together with Burma, Laos, and Thailand, sends a narcotics inspection team to investigate trafficking across the Mekong from Simao in Yunnan to Chiang Khong in Thailand, pursuant to a quadrilateral plan agreed on at a joint meeting in Chiang Mai last year.

: Philippine Interior Minister Jose Lina says he will visit Beijing the following week to try to stem the flood of methamphetamine precursors into the Philippines, noting that most come from China.

: China donates $45,000 to Cambodia for protective equipment to prevent transmission of SARS.

:   WHO declares Beijing has conquered SARS.

: A Chinese Communist Party delegation meets in Jakarta with the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), Indonesia’s largest political party, headed by President Megawati Sukarnoputri.

:   Chinese FM attends ASEAN Regional Forum meets in Phnom Penh; ARF calls on North Korea to rejoin the NPT and urges early release of Aung San Suu Kyi.

: Cai Wu, deputy head of the International Department of the Chinese Communist Party, leads a delegation attending the general assembly of the United Malays National Organization, leader of the coalition that governs Malaysia. The party leader will also visit Indonesia and East Timor.

: Senior health officials of China and Thailand, meeting in Beijing, agree to enhance cooperation in SARS control, food safety, and traditional Chinese medicines, among other fields.

: ASEAN Plus Three and separate Plus Three (ROK, PRC, Japan) meetings in Phnom Penh.

: China’s FM, Li Zhaoxing, meets with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen in Phnom Penh.  According to Xinhua, the Cambodian leader thanked Li for China’s development assistance to Cambodia.

:   Thai Deputy PM Somkid Jatusripitak announces Thailand will form link between China and ASEAN on free trade issues.

: Chinese FM Li Zhaoxing visits Hanoi.

: Laotian Community Party leader Khamtay Siphandone visits Beijing, meets with President Hu and Premier Wen Jiabao.  Wen promises that China will play a more active role in Lao economic development, and that China has decided to reduce or forgive certain loans, and to contribute the equivalent of $6 million in new aid.

: A PRC Foreign Ministry spokesperson announces China will not interfere in a matter that is between the Burmese government and the opposition parties.

:   The World Bank releases research report endorsing China’s central role in East Asian economic integration and urges countries in the region to continue to adapt to China’s emergence as a major world and regional trader.

:   China’s vice health minister calls on Asian governments to enhance the sharing of information about SARS at Beijing SARS symposium.

: Meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland, on the margins of the Evian G-8 summit, Prime Minister Mahathir of Malaysia and Chinese President Hu agree that the United Nations plays an irreplaceable role in safeguarding world peace and stability, and that all countries should “properly deal with international issues within the framework” of the UN.

: China and 10 other Asia-Pacific countries, including five ASEAN members, agreed to establish an Asian Bond Fund worth more than $1 billion.

:   Violent attack on a motorcade of Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi and her followers; Suu Kyi’s is arrested and detained.

: Manila media report that Philippine Defense Secretary Angelo Reyes ordered the Philippine Air Force to keep a close watch on the South China Sea in light of reports that other countries claiming the Spratly Island group have built new fortifications there.

: China’s president, premier, and foreign minister all send messages of congratulation to East Timorese President Xanana Gusmao on the first anniversary of the Democratic Republic of East Timor.

: Vietnam’s FM rejects a two-month ban on fishing in the South China Sea, announced by Beijing in mid-May, and warns that any action by another country affecting the Spratly or Paracel Island archipelagoes or Vietnam’s exclusive economic zones or continental shelf would violate Vietnam’s sovereignty. The statement called for negotiations to solve disputes in the island regions, and urged China to exercise restraint.

: China joins 10 other countries as observers of Cobra Gold, a joint military exercise in Thailand held each year with the U.S. (and in recent years, Singapore).  This is the largest annual U.S. military exercise in Asia, although the U.S. force contribution this year is about half the size of 2002.  The focus is peacekeeping and antiterrorism training.

: Thailand-based Chia Tai Group donates $1.2 million to China’s Ministry of Civil Affairs to support the fight against SARS.

: Twenty-four Chinese peacekeepers, members of the PRC’s civil police force, return from a one-year assignment to the UN peacekeeping operation in East Timor.

: Bank of China officially opens a branch in Jakarta, for the first time since the BOC suspended operations in Indonesia in 1964.

:   The Philippines agrees to form link between China and ASEAN on free trade issues, but with some reservations.

: Indian media report that the Indian security establishment is unnerved by China’s construction of an airport in Burma across the border from Nagaland in India’s sensitive northeastern region.

: ASEAN health ministers’ meeting in Bangkok, Thailand.

: China and Indonesia sign an agreement under which China will donate 1,000 motorcycles to the Indonesian police. Xinhua reports the value of the donation at $1 million.

:   PetroChina announces it will join Malaysia’s Petronas to buy additional stake in Amerada Hess oil and gas rights in East Java.

: Vietnam holds a ceremony on Grand Spratly Island, led by Deputy National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Phuc Thanh, to commemorate the “28th anniversary of the liberation of the Spratly archipelago.” Hanoi’s forces seized a large part of the archipelago April 29, 1975, one day before Saigon fell.  At about the same time, Lt. Gen. Phung Quang Thanh, chief of the general staff of the Vietnam People’s Army, visited several Spratly islands to observe military units stationed there.

: A Malaysian company signs an agreement with the Shanghai municipal government to invest an initial $400 million to set up a computer chip factory, with additional funds in later phases.

: A Chinese police official in Yunnan announces the destruction of a major drug factory in Burma’s Shan state by police units of the two countries.  Chinese media reported another joint police operation destroyed a drug factory “deep in a forest in Myanmar” April 28.

: Xu Rongkai, governor of Yunnan province, meets with Laotian Deputy Prime Minister Asang Laoly. Xu notes that “some cooperation programs between Yunnan and Laos are faring well,” and promises to encourage more investment in Laos.

: Vietnamese Communist Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh visits Beijing.

: China announces that the Lao government has given a 30-year concession to a Chinese company for copper mining in Phongsaly province. China’s initial investment will be $950,000.

: Liang Guanglie, chief of the General Staff of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA), meets commander of the Philippine Air Force Nestor R. Santillan in Beijing.

: China strongly condemns the terrorist bombing in Davao, Philippines.

: China strongly condemns the terrorist bombing in Davao, Philippines.

: China announces Hainan Island will significantly reduce its fishing fleet under a China-Vietnam fishery cooperation agreement in the Tonkin Gulf/Beibu Bay.

: China announces Hainan Island will significantly reduce its fishing fleet under a China-Vietnam fishery cooperation agreement in the Tonkin Gulf/Beibu Bay.

: Malaysian PM Mahathir, interviewed by China’s Renmin Ribao, notes in response to the “China threat theory” propagated in the West that although China’s military strength will increase, this does not imply that China will use that force on other countries.  He and Foreign Minister Syed Albar point out that ASEAN trade and investment will benefit from the enormous potential of the China market.

: Philippine Ambassador Josue Villa says in Beijing that his country wants more investment from China. He notes that the Philippines achieved a positive trade balance with China for the first time in 2002, with bilateral trade reaching $5.2 billion. Chinese companies are welcome to invest in infrastructure, agriculture, and the information industry.

: China hosts a high-level symposium with ASEAN officials in Guilin to further discuss details of the proposed China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (FTA).

: China hosts a high-level symposium with ASEAN officials in Guilin to further discuss details of the proposed China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (FTA).

: Chinese Vice FM Wang Guangya represents Beijing at the 13th Summit of the Nonaligned Movement (NAM) in Kuala Lumpur and states the importance of promoting democracy in international relations and the role of the UN.

: Chinese Vice FM Wang Guangya represents Beijing at the 13th Summit of the Nonaligned Movement (NAM) in Kuala Lumpur and states the importance of promoting democracy in international relations and the role of the UN.

Feb. 24, 2003: China’s Huadien Engineering Company signs an agreement with two Indonesian firms to build up to 30 power plants on Java, to meet the island’s growing power requirements.  Indonesia has been seeking foreign investment in the power sector to avert blackouts over the next few years.  The Chinese firm plans to concentrate on hydroelectric plants, but may build plants using other technologies including coal- and gas-fired and geothermal facilities.

: Chinese Communist Party Standing Committee Member Huang Ju meets in Beijing with the Secretary General of Thailand’s ruling Thais Love Thais party, Suriya Juangrungruangkit.  Huang tells his guest that “China and Thailand are one big family,” and that China’s Communist Party wants to expand relations with major political parties in Thailand.

: Thai PM Thaksin visits Beijing to congratulate the new leaders before the formal transition, meets Hu Jintao and PRC President Jiang Zemin.

: A Chinese court hands down stiff sentences to 10 Indonesians for piracy.  They had seized a Thai tanker in Malaysian waters and brought it to China, where they planned to sell the vessel and its cargo.  Chinese authorities returned the ship and the proceeds of sale of the diesel fuel to the owners.

: An Indonesian Navy ship sinks a Chinese boat reportedly fishing illegally in Indonesian waters off the coast of Papua. One crewman was killed, and 24 others arrested.

: China says it is “gravely concerned” after rioting Cambodians, angered by a report that a Thai movie star had claimed that Angkor Wat belonged to Thailand, burned the Thai Embassy in Phnom Penh.

: Vice Foreign Minister Wang Yi meets with ambassadors of the two countries in an effort to resolve the issue.

: The 19-member Taiwan delegation led by Vice Speaker Chiang Pin-kung is cancelled one day before leaving to Thailand, after failing to receive visas.

: The 19-member Taiwan delegation led by Vice Speaker Chiang Pin-kung is cancelled one day before leaving to Thailand, after failing to receive visas.

Jan. 22, 2003: Vietnamese media report that Lt. Gen. Kui Quansheng from China’s Chengdu military zone visited Vietnam’s northern military zones as a guest of the Vietnam People’s Army to boost friendship and mutual understanding.

Jan. 23, 2003: Chairman of the National People’s Congress Li Peng tells visiting Philippine House Speaker Jose Venecia that China will work with the Philippines as Manila hosts the fourth annual meeting of Asian Parliaments for Peace later this year.  Venecia lauds Philippine-China cooperation, and awards Li the Philippine Congress Medal of Achievement.

Jan. 24-25, 2003: Chinese Vice Premier Li Lanqing meets H.R.H. King Bhumibol Adulyadej and senior members of the Thai government, during a visit to Bangkok.  Li thanks PM Thaksin for his country’s “one China” policy, and urges him to maintain vigilance against attempts by Taiwan to impose “one China, one Taiwan” on the international community.

Jan. 26, 2003: Speaking in Indonesia, Singaporean Minister for Trade and Industry George Yeo acknowledges that China is a fierce competitor with ASEAN in some sectors, but avers that “as always in history,” China’s growth and prosperity will benefit Southeast Asia.  He expresses confidence that ASEAN’s long history in advanced manufacturing will remain competitive as trade barriers are lowered.

: Senior Gen. Than Shwe, chairman of Burma’s ruling State Peace and Development Council, visits China with SPDC Secretary 1 Gen. Khin Nyunt and seven Cabinet ministers.  China announces a $200 million preferential loan for development assistance.

: Senior Gen. Than Shwe, chairman of Burma’s ruling State Peace and Development Council, visits China with SPDC Secretary 1 Gen. Khin Nyunt and seven Cabinet ministers.  China announces a $200 million preferential loan for development assistance.

:   Jose Ramos Horta, foreign minister of East Timor, calls on Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan during his visit to Beijing.  Tang recalls that China was the first nation to establish diplomatic relations with East Timor after independence, and states that a solid political foundation has been set.  Horta says East Timor attaches great importance to its relations with China, pledges to continue its “one China” policy, and hopes for cooperation in infrastructure construction, health care, natural oil and gas exploration, and in agriculture.

:   China joins Thailand, Vietnam, India, and Pakistan in establishing an information exchange system in rice trade, centered in Thailand, to enable the five countries, responsible together for 70 percent of the world’s rice exports, to maintain market stability and protect farm incomes by setting prices jointly.

:   Meeting with Thura Shwe Mann, Burmese army chief of staff, in Beijing, Vice Chairman of China’s Central Military Commission Cao Gangchuan and PLA Chief of General Staff Liang Guanglie pledge that cooperation between the two nations’ armies will increase.

:   Singapore Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong states that relations among the major powers in Asia are stable, and he does not foresee serious problems between China and the U.S. in the next 5 to 10 years.  Goh asserts that China’s growth will have a positive impact on Singapore and the region at large, if the Southeast Asian countries respond the right way.

:   Vietnamese cyber-dissident Le Chi Quang is sentenced to four years in prison for disseminating antigovernment views, including criticism of Vietnam’s 1999 land border agreement with China.

:   Chinese state corporations sign an agreement with the Philippine National Railways to finance and carry out the rehabilitation of 400 km. of railroads in northern Luzon, adding to earlier Chinese railway construction commitments.

:   The Communist Party of Vietnam sends a congratulatory message to the Chinese Communist Party on the opening of its 16th National Congress, noting (without evident irony) that “the Vietnamese people and the Chinese people have been bound by time-honored traditional friendship and solidarity … by generations after generations.”

:   In response to the ASEAN-China Declaration on Conduct in the South China Sea, Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry declares Republic of China sovereignty over the Spratly, Paracel, and Pratas islands and the Macclesfield Bank, and protests Taiwan’s exclusion from the declaration.  (The basis for Taiwan’s current claim to South China Sea islands is not clear, since the ROC government in Taiwan no longer claims to be the government of all of China.)

:   Chinese business analysts report that China’s currency, the renminbi, is increasing accepted as hard currency in neighboring countries including Vietnam, Malaysia, and Singapore, and is used to settle accounts in much of China’s southern border trade. China has, however, indicated no plans to make the renminbi fully convertible.

:   ASEAN Plus Three and ASEAN-China summits held in Phnom Penh.

:   Officials in Xishuangbanna region in Yunnan province announce the expansion of port services and transportation routes into Laos and Thailand.  (Coincidentally, on Nov. 2, Vietnamese officials announce that Lao Cai, adjacent to Yunnan province, will become a “border gate” for trade with China, with a new international trade center, an industrial center for export goods, and preferential tax and regulatory measures for new trade entities.)

:   Chinese media report that Beijing, pleased with the success of its first Peace Corps-like program that sent five volunteers to work in Laos, will expand the program to more than 10 additional nations, including Burma. The program also envisages foreign volunteers coming to work in northwestern China.

:   China, Thailand, Laos, and Burma agree to increase joint patrols against narcotics trafficking along the upper Mekong River, beginning with a joint survey of drug smuggling routes.

:   China’s Defense Minister Chi Haotian tells visiting senior Cambodian army commanders that the bilateral friendship forged by King Norodom Sihanouk and three generations of Chinese leaders is a model for state-to-state relations, and expresses gratitude for Cambodia’s support for China’s policies on Taiwan, Tibet, and the Falungong sect banned in China.

: A Yunnan province economic official, meeting with ASEAN counterparts in Kunming, reportedly proposes that Yunnan should become a demonstration zone for the future ASEAN-China FTA, with Kunming as a financial and information center covering south China and all of ASEAN.

: Zeng Qinghong, a senior CCP official, meeting with a visiting Singaporean People’s Action Party (PAP) delegation, tells his guests that the CCP has benefited from the opportunity to learn from the PAP’s experience in party and national government.

:   Gen. Endriartono Sutarto, commander of the Indonesia National Military (TNI), welcomes a proposal by China’s ambassador to Indonesia to set up an exchange program between the PLA and the TNI.

:   Thai Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, making her 15th visit to China, meets with Standing Committee Chairman Li Peng.  Li notes that China and Thailand are “good neighbors, good friends, and good relatives,” and says that the royal family of Thailand has played an irreplaceable role in advancing bilateral relations.

:   Wei Jianxing, a member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Politburo Standing Committee, meets in Beijing with Jose Maria Dos Reis, deputy secretary general of the Independent East Timor Revolutionary Front (Fretilin).  Dos Reis tells Wei that his party’s choice of China for its first overseas visit since independence signals the party’s commitment to developing bilateral and party-to-party relations.

:   Lt. Gen. Le Van Dung, director of the General Political Department of the Vietnam People’s Army, holds talk with Senior Lt. Gen. Yu Yongbo, his People’s Liberation Army (PLA) counterpart.  They agree to increase the frequency of exchanges and to enhance cooperation between their two departments.

:   The Chinese Foreign Ministry strongly condemns the Oct. 12 terrorist bombings in Bali, Indonesia.  China offers $100,000 in aid for the victims, including two Chinese nationals who were slightly wounded.

:   Laos signs on to a Thai-Chinese project for a 700 km. road network that will link Thailand with Kunming, in southern China, expected to open within five years.  The Asian Development Bank and the Chinese government are helping finance the Lao portion of the route.

:   The Philippines releases 122 Chinese fishermen detained six months earlier for poaching in Manila’s claimed exclusive economic zone (EEZ) near Palawan.  The fishermen had pled guilty and agreed to pay fines.  Another 38 fishermen await trial.

:   Hanoi National University opens a center for Chinese studies, to organize research and conferences on Vietnam-China cooperation, and train students in the Chinese language.  China has offered a $2.4 million grant to Vietnam to send students to China for study in a variety of fields.

:   The central banks of China and Malaysia sign a currency swap agreement, under which China will loan Malaysia up to $1.5 billion in a payment crisis as part of the “Chiang Mai Initiative,” agreed in the early stages of the Asian economic crisis, intended to create a network of currency swap agreements among Asian nations.

:   China’s Chief of General Staff Fu Quanyou meets with Cambodia’s acting head of state, Senate President Chea Sim, and Prime Minister Hun Sen.  Fu also meets with Cambodia’s Co-Ministers of Defense Tea Banh and Prince Sisowath Sirirath.

: DM Chi visits the Phillipines.

:   Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji, meeting with Thai Prime Minister Thaksin on the margins of the fourth Asia-Europe Summit in Copenhagen, says that cooperation between the two countries has achieved remarkable results.

: Singapore Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew visits Taiwan.

:   A press release following the conclusion of the sixth China-Malaysia Economic and Trade Commission meeting in Kuala Lumpur states that total trade between the two countries from January to July this year stands at $7.4 billion, making Malaysia China’s largest trading partner among the ASEAN countries.

: China warns Singapore of “trouble” if it establishes an FTA with Taiwan.

: NPC Chairman Li Peng visits the Philippines.

:   China’s Vice President Hu Jintao meets with Phan Dien, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee, urging that China and Vietnam “earnestly push forward bilateral friendship and cooperation in the new century.”  Dien also meets with Chinese Vice Premier Qian Qichen.

:   Indonesia announces that it will hold the first meeting of a China-Indonesia Energy Forum in Bali later in the month.  Top leaders of China’s public energy sector are expected to come to discuss cooperation in the power sector, coal production, development of a gas pipeline linking East Kalimantan and East Java, and a $400 million Chinese soft loan to develop power plant in Sumatra.

: NPC Chairman Li Peng visits Indonesia.

:   Meeting with His Majesty Bhumibol Adulyadej, King of Thailand, and Princess Sirindhorn at the royal palace at Hua Hin, Li Peng commends Thailand’s treatment of its ethnic Chinese subjects.  The Thai monarch tells Li that he has encouraged members of his family to visit China to increase mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples.  In his meeting with Prime Minister Thaksin, Li announces the gift of a pair of pandas to the Thai nation to commemorate the birthdays of the King and Queen.  Thaksin reaffirms Thailand’s adherence to the “one China” policy.

:   China’s NPC Chairman Li Peng meets with former Thai Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai, and tells him China wishes to learn from Thailand how to manage its participation in the World Trade Organization.  Li states that China is pleased that a Thai, Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi, has taken over as WTO director general.  Chuan thanks Li for China’s refusal to devalue its currency since the Asian economic crisis began five years ago.

: China and Vietnam hold round of border talks in Kunming.

:   Indonesia’s Department of Immigration calls for reinstatement of tighter entry requirements for Chinese citizens, many of whom reportedly come on tourist visas but engage in business.  Constraints on Chinese visitors were relaxed after the resignation of President Soeharto in 1998.

: Burmese officials and representatives of the China Yunnan Corporation sign an agreement on construction of jute-based paper mills in northern Burma.

:   Thailand announces that it plans to network its textile industry with that of China, starting with links to “Underwear City,” a huge manufacturing base for undergarments, in Guangdong.

:   The Malaysian naval ship Kd Sriinderapura arrives in Shanghai for a five-day goodwill visit.

:   Chinese sources state that Beijing will invest $360 million to improve a 97-km section in Yunnan of the road linking Kunming and Bangkok

:   China lifts the ban on travel to the Philippines that has been in place since August 2001, following kidnappings of Chinese nationals, some of whom were murdered. Philippine consular officials have been instructed to streamline visa procedures to encourage more Chinese tourists to visit the country.  Tourism Secretary Richard Gordon states that the Philippines “must take advantage of the Chinese tourist market, as it is the largest growing market in the world.”

:   China announces the implementation of agreements with the Philippines to combat transnational crime and drug trafficking.  The Philippines has been concerned at large quantities of “shabu” (methamphetamines) entering the country from China.  Shabu is the most-abused drug in the Philippines.

: Burma announces that it has opened three border trading points with China.  According to Burma’s figures, the value of border trade increased 25 percent from 2000 to 2001.

: China’s Defense Minister Chi Haotian receives a senior delegation from the Lao People’s Army, noting that the two countries still help each other and carry out close cooperation in national and military construction.

:   China and the Philippines trade accusations of unfair trade practices at a meeting of the Philippine-China Joint Trade Committee. They subsequently agree to improve the bilateral trade and investment structure through complementary product diversification and intensified two-way investments.  They also discuss a proposed Manila-Clark railway system, which Chinese firms may build under a concessional loan.

: Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad meets with visiting Vice Chairman of the National People’s Congress Jiang Chunyun, and tells him that Malaysia will continue to pursue its foreign policy of friendship and cooperation with China.  Jiang expressed appreciation for PM Mahathir’s role in promoting cooperation within the framework of ASEAN, the ASEAN Plus One, and ASEAN Plus Three forums.

: Xinhua announces that Thailand is negotiating to participate in the construction of a hydroelectric project in Yunnan with a capacity of 5.5 million kilowatts.  The plan is to share the power produced by the dam among Guangdong and Yunnan provinces in China, and Thailand.

:   East Timor Foreign Minister Jose Ramos Horta describes China as his new country’s “closest possible ally,” noting that East Timor wants China’s friendship as an “economic powerhouse,” and would not be lecturing Beijing on human rights violations.

: Indonesian business people establish an Indonesia-China Business Council in Jakarta to strengthen trade ties between the two countries, and establish a more favorable trade balance for Indonesia, which is concerned that inexpensive Chinese imports are driving Indonesian enterprises out of business.

:   The Philippines opens a Consulate General in Shanghai.

:   China announces it will send 100 Sichuanese rabbits to Thailand as part of a poverty elimination program, to replace “inferior Thai rabbits” that generate poor returns.

: Vietnam’s Trade Minister Vu Khoan tells Zhang Xuewen, deputy governor of Guangxi province, that Vietnam will strengthen cooperation with Guangxi.

: Indonesia announces it will sign an agreement with China to curb the rampant smuggling of cut logs that is rapidly reducing its forests. The agreement, similar to one with Malaysia, apparently does not exclude the export of cut timber. Illegal Indonesian sawmills have reportedly turned to shipping cut timber as a way of circumventing bilateral agreements designed to protect the environment.

: Defense Minister Chi meets with the Supreme Commander of the Royal Thai Armed Forces Narong Yuthavong in Beijing.

: The first visit by Philippine Navy ships to the PRC begins with the arrival of two vessels in Shanghai for a five-day visit.

: A visiting military delegation led by the commander of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces Jaafar Aziz meets senior Chinese military leaders including Zhang Wannian, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission. Fu Quanyou, chief of staff of the PLA, reportedly tells Jaffar that China is willing to develop military ties with the RBAF.

: China announces that of the nearly 300,000 refugees it has accepted since the late 1970s, most have come from Vietnam. (China invaded Vietnam in 1979, and the Vietnamese government subsequently expelled large numbers of its Sino-Vietnamese citizens to China and other countries.) Beijing quoted a spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees as saying that the Vietnamese are well integrated in Chinese society.  The occasion was World Refugee Day, and the announcement may have been intended to deflect criticism for China’s treatment of North Koreans fleeing into China.

: Li Peng meets with a delegation from the Thai Parliament.

: Commander of the Philippine Air Force Benjamin Defensor meets with Qiao Qingchen, commander of the PLA Air Force.

: Senior officials open a session of the Great Mekong Subregion Cooperation Meeting in Kunming, initiated by the Asian Development Bank and China, Laos, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam in 1992

: China holds the first China-ASEAN Seminar on Trade, Investment, and Development Cooperation in Kunming, with more than 400 participants from 10 ASEAN countries and China.

: A delegation led by chief of the Communist Party of Vietnam Internal Affairs department Truong Vinh Trong  holds talks in Beijing on legal reform, countering corruption, and party building.

: Fifteen Chinese “youth volunteers,” the first such peace corps-like contingent sent to any country by China, arrive in Lang Son province of Vietnam to help Vietnamese doctors provide medical care during June.

: Two ships of the Chinese PLA Navy call at Changi naval base in Singapore on the Chinese Navy’s first round the world voyage.  People’s Daily reports that the ships, a missile destroyer and a supply ship, later conduct antipiracy exercises in the Straits of Malacca.

: Following a meeting in Bali, Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Wang Yi announces that China is ready to cooperate with ASEAN countries to make the South China Sea secure.

: People’s Daily reports that the Philippines “has again been playing new tricks” in the South China Sea, by planning to extend its continental shelf from 200 nautical miles to 350 nautical miles and intensifying the “fierce and crude” arrest and detention of Chinese fishermen and boats.

: With 900,000 registered drug addicts – mostly on heroin – and an addict population up to eight times that number, China opens a three-day meeting in Beijing with representatives of Burma, Cambodia, China, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, and UN representatives, and calls for stronger measures to fight narcotics production and trafficking.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan, en route to East Timor’s independence celebration, meets with Indonesian Foreign Minister Hassan Wirayuda in Jakarta.

: A Special Working Group on a Singapore-Kunming rail link meets in Rangoon, announces that a feasibility study had examined six routes, and recommends one that would transit Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos, with an additional sector that would integrate Burma into the network.

: Chinese officers join observers from 17 other nations at the annual U.S.-Thai-Singapore “Cobra Gold” military exercises.

: Chinese Minister of Foreign Trade Shi Guangsheng visits Vietnam.

: Finance Ministers of the ASEAN Plus Three – China, Japan, and the ROK – hold their fifth meeting in Shanghai.

: Thai PM Thaksin says he will ask China to take action against narcotics factories that have moved from Thai border territory into China, in response to Thailand’s crack down on drugs.

: Two Singapore Navy ships visit Kaohsiung in Taiwan after exercises with Taiwan’s Navy.

: Chinese Defense Minister Chi Haotian meets with Philippine Secretary of Defense Angelo Reyes, who tells him the government of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo will strictly abide by the “one China” policy.

: PetroChina, China’s largest oil company, announces it will pay $216 million for the oil and gas operations in Indonesia of Devon Energy Corporation.

: Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Manh Cam tours Hainan and Guangdong provinces of China after attending the Boao Forum for Asia.

: Chairman of Vietnam’s National Assembly Nguyen Van An visits China at the invitation of Li Peng, chairman of  the National People’s Congress.  He tells Vice Premier Li Lanqing that Vietnam will push bilateral friendship to a new high.

: Thailand’s largest commercial bank announces it is expanding its operations in China to take advantage of the expected liberalization of financial services as a result of China’s WTO membership.  Bangkok Bank projects that its Chinese operations may contribute 30 percent of its total overseas income within several years.

: Vietnam’s Deputy Prime Minister Pham Gia Khiem, visiting Beijing, asks China to expand its assistance to Vietnam’s nuclear programs in agriculture, industry, and medicine.

:  Li Ruihuan, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, tells a Philippine-China Council for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification delegation that all Chinese people worldwide have a historical responsibility to realize the peaceful reunification of both sides of the Taiwan Strait and thanks Philippine citizens of Chinese origin for their contribution.

: China announces that Shanghai Airlines will open direct flights between Shanghai and Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon).

: Hanoi releases trade figures indicating that tariffs on Vietnamese exports to China have been reduced by an average of 27 percent. Vietnam earns close to $2 billion exporting agricultural and primary products and light manufactures to China, many of which have benefited from tariff reductions.  Vietnam imports steel, automotive products, chemicals, and consumer commodities from China.

: Brunei’s Crown Prince Al-Muhtadee Billah meets with President Jiang Zemin and Vice President Hu Jintao on his first visit to China.

: Taiwan announces that a mission from its Ministry of Economic Affairs won orders totaling $286 million during visits to Thailand and Vietnam.

: Indonesian police withdraw a permit for Falun Gong followers to stage a march through central Jakarta.  Chinese embassy officials tell the press that they had requested the ban because Falun Gong is an “evil cult.”

: A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman says China is “very concerned” about the arrest of 95 Chinese fishermen by the Philippine Navy Jan. 31-Feb. 1 near Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea.  Philippine sources say the fishermen were caught blast-fishing.  They were later released.

: Defense Minister Chi meets with Lao Defense Minister Duoangchay Pichit, who tells Chi that Laos hopes to learn from the PLA and promote cooperation between the two armed forces.

: Jane’s Defense Weekly reports that China will for the first time send observers to the annual Thai-Singapore-U.S. Cobra Gold exercise in Thailand in May.  China, which had appeared ready to accept the invitation last year until the April EP-3 incident, will join 13 other Asia-Pacific nations in sending observers.

: The fourth official Chinese delegation visits Myanmar in a 10-day period, led by Luo Zhaohui, deputy director general of the Asia Affairs Department of the PRC Foreign Ministry.

: Indonesia’s Navy Chief of Staff Indroko meets with Chinese Defense Minister Chi Haotian in Beijing and tells him the Indonesian armed forces hope to further relations with the PLA, especially the navy.

: China announces it is renovating the house in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region where Vietnamese Communist leader Ho Chi Minh lived for a year, in 1943-44, after release by the Kuomintang.  When complete it will be a cultural relic, open to tourists.

: Li Peng, chairman of China’s National People’s Congress, meets with Cambodia’s King Norodom Sihanouk and Queen Monineath, visiting China for medical check-ups.

: Wang Zhongyu, state councilor and secretary general of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, leads a goodwill delegation to Myanmar, where they meet with Lt. Gen. Khin Nyunt, first secretary of the State Peace and Development Council.

: The Vietnamese government awards its garrison on Truong Sa Lon (Big Truong Sa) Island in the Spratly archipelago the Order of Achievement, Second Class, and announces measures to improve life for the soldiers and officers stationed there.

: Singapore’s Trade Development Board announces the largest ever Singporean business mission to Beijing and Shandong, seeking business opportunities in the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

: Cambodian Senate President Chea Sim and National Assembly President Norodom Ranariddh meet with Nie Ronggui, visiting chairman of the Sichuan provincial People’s Political Consultative Conference. Prince Ranariddh promises Cambodia will remain faithful to the “one China” policy.

: China announces the first annual meeting between provincial narcotics and law-enforcement officials of China and Vietnam in highland areas of the countries’ common border.  They agree to crack down on narcotics trafficking and related crime.

: Thai media report that the Thai government asked Taiwan to cancel a planned visit to Bangkok by Taiwan Vice President Annette Lu Hsiu-lien.

: Vietnamese Communist Party Secretary General Nong Duc Manh tells visiting Chinese judicial officials that the two countries should increase exchanges on fighting crime, especially corruption.

: Vietnam and China inaugurate hydrofoil service between Hai Phong and China’s Guangxi Province.

: China signs an Agreement on Economic and Technical Cooperation with Cambodia providing for an interest-free loan of $9.67 million over five years, starting Jan. 1, 2002.

: Xiong Guangkai, deputy chief of the PLA General Staff, meets in Beijing with a delegation led by Nguyen Khac Nghien, commander of Vietnam’s first military region.

: CPC Standing Committee member Wei Jianxing visits Phnom Penh and meets with PM Hun Sen. Wei also meets with Norodom Ranariddh, president of the Cambodian National Assembly and chairman of the FUNCINPEC (Sihanoukist) party.

: The Central Bank of Thailand and the People’s Bank of China sign a currency swap agreement that would provide a credit of up to $2 billion, if necessary to help Thailand out of a foreign exchange payments crisis.  It is the first such agreement under the “Chiang Mai initiative” of 1998, proposed by China and approved by the 10 ASEAN states.

: China delivers a high-resolution satellite ground station to Myanmar’s Ministry of Transport for use in improving its meteorological services. China has provided weather forecasting equipment to Myanmar’s Department of Meteorology and Hydrology in the past.

: King Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia, with Queen Monineath, arrives in Beijing for “a routine checkup and recuperation.”

: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Manila announces a new 10-year strategy for increasing cooperation among the six Mekong riparian states, adopted by China’s Yunnan Province and Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam.  The ADB said the new Mekong strategy would involve 10 flagship projects requiring $900 billion in investment.

: Wei Jianxing, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, making the rounds in Southeast Asia, meets with Jose Ma A. Rufino, the national executive director of the ruling Lakas-National Union of Christian Democrats-United Muslim Democrats party.  He calls for expanded party-to-party exchanges as a means of strengthening China-Philippines relations.

: Xinhua reports that China broke up a “cross-border terrorist gang” belonging to the Myanmar Democratic Allied Army, operating in both northern Myanmar and Yunnan Province of China.  Six persons were sentenced to jail terms.

: At a meeting with Chinese Economic and Trade Commission Deputy Chairman Zhang Zhigang, Vietnamese Prime Minister Phan Van Khai says trade between the two countries will reach $3 billion in 2001 and calls for more Chinese investment.

: China’s Defense Minister Chi Haotian meets with Chea Sar Ren, deputy commander of the Cambodian armed forces.  The Cambodian commander tells Chi that the PLA serves as a model for the Cambodian armed forces.

: A Chinese delegation led by Vice Foreign Minister Wang Ye visits Vientiane and reaches agreements with the Lao Foreign Ministry on enhancing cooperation between the two ministries in preparation for a forthcoming visit to China by Lao Prime Minister Bounnhang Vorachit.

: Chinese Vice Premier Qian Qichen tells a delegation led by Sukamdani Sahid Gitosardjono, general chairman of the Association of the Indonesia-China Economic Social and Cultural Cooperation, that China attaches great importance to developing bilateral relations with Indonesia.

: Chen Jinhua, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and president of the China Economic and Social Council, begins a visit to Indonesia.

: Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen meets with Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji in Beijing.

: Vietnam hosts a seminar on relations with China, marking the 10th anniversary of the normalization of Vietnam-China relations.

: A delegation of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party led by Bouasone Bouphavanh, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and director of the party’s General Office, meets with Zeng Qinghong, alternate member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee.

: Abu Sayyaf guerrillas release Chinese national Zhang Zhongyi, who was kidnapped with three compatriots Aug. 12.

: President Jiang Zemin meets with Singapore Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, and Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri in Shanghai on the sidelines of the APEC Leaders’ Meeting.

: Xinhua reports that Vietnam Airlines will open new routes from Beijing to Saigon and from Kunming to Hanoi in response to growing tourist traffic between the two countries.

: Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Cong Tan and a delegation including officials and entrepreneurs visit China’s Hainan Province.  Vietnam is now Hainan’s fifth largest trading partner.

: The Philippine Navy reports that one of its boats fired at a Chinese fishing vessel after an attempted ramming incident near Palawan.

: A spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Manila demands the release of the 48 detained Chinese fishermen and a “specific explanation to their being arrested by Philippine authorities.”

: Lt. Gen. Su Shuyan, deputy director of the PLA’s General Logistics Department, pays a working visit to Vietnam. He is received by Defense Minister Senior Lt. Gen. Pham Van Tra.

: Thai Deputy PM Chawalit attends the second Sino-Thailand seminar on trade in agricultural products in Kunming, China.

: Myint Swe, commander-in-chief of the Burmese Air Force, visits Beijing for discussions with Fu Quanyou.

: ASEAN Finance Ministers’ Meeting is held in Hanoi followed by consultative meeting with dialogue partners, including China.

: Singapore President S. R. Nathan visits China and is received by President Jiang.

: Third Asia-Europe Economic Senior Officials and Economic Ministers’ Meetings are held in Hanoi.

: Le Hai Anh, deputy chief of staff of the Vietnam People’s Army, visits Beijing and holds discussions with Fu Quanyou, chief of the PLA General Staff.

: A seven-member political work delegation from the General Political Department of the Lao People’s Army visits China.

: Li Peng visits Vietnam.

: A CCP delegation makes a goodwill visit to Laos and Vietnam.

: Wang Zaixi, deputy director of the China State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, visits Indonesia.  Wang previously visited Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore.

: Phung Khac Dang, deputy director of the Vietnam People’s Army’s General Political Department, visits China.

: Eighth APEC Small and Medium Enterprises Ministerial Meeting is held in Shanghai.

: Four-nation ministerial meeting on drugs held in Beijing.

: Vu Dinh Cu, vice chairman of Vietnam’s National Assembly, visits China and is received by Li Peng, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress.

: Thai PM Thaksin visits President Jiang, Premier Zhu, and other high-ranking officials in Beijing.

: Deputy FM Wang Yi visits Myanmar and signs an agreement on economic and technical cooperation with the deputy minister for Rail Transport.

: APEC Finance Ministers’ Meeting is held in Dailan, China.

: Harry Angping, chairman of the Committee for Trade and Industry, Philippine House of Representatives, visits Beijing.

: Siho Bannavong, president of the Lao Committee for Peace and Solidarity, visits China.

: Third Senior Officials Meeting of the 13th APEC Ministerial Conference meets in Dalian, China.

: Four-nation (Myanmar, China, Laos, and Thailand) Senior Officials Meeting on drugs held in Rangoon.

: Khachatphai Burutphat, secretary general of Thailand’s National Security Council, visits China.

: Taipei City Mayor Ma Ying-jeo visits Kuala Lumpur.

: ASEAN Secretary General Rodolfo Severino holds talks in Beijing.

: Mai Thuc Lan, vice chairman of Vietnam’s National Assembly, visits China.

: The second Ministerial Meeting on Mekong-Ganga Cooperation is held in Hanoi. The issue of Chinese membership was reportedly raised.

: Deputy FM Wang Yi states that China backs ASEAN’s efforts to establish a Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone.

: ASEAN Post-Ministerial Conference with 10 dialogue partners, followed by ASEAN-China dialogue meeting, Hanoi.

: President Jiang Zemin sends a congratulatory message to Megawati Sukarnoputri on her election as president of Indonesia.

: ASEAN Regional Forum meeting, Hanoi.

: Jia Chunwang visits Vietnam at the invitation of his counterpart, Police Minister Le Minh Huong.

: ASEAN Plus Three meeting, Hanoi.

: ASEAN Ministerial Meeting, Hanoi.

: Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan visits Hanoi to attend ASEAN-related meetings. He meets with party Secretary General Nong Duc Manh, Premier Phan Van Khai, and Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien.

: Wu Wen-ya, director general of Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs’ Board of Trade, visits Indonesia after stopping in the Philippines, Thailand, and Malaysia.

: Jia Chunwang, China’s minister of public security, visits Thailand for discussions on drug control efforts.  Jia also meets separately with Prime Minister Thaksin.

: In response to Taiwan Premier Chang Chun-hsiung’s call for “peaceful settlement, joint exploration and sharing of resources” in the South China Sea, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson announced that Taiwan will not be allowed to join a South China Sea Code of Conduct.

: Philippine President Macapagal-Arroyo reaffirms that the Philippine government’s policy is to settle its maritime territorial disputes in the South China Sea with China through bilateral and multilateral diplomatic approach including confidence building measures.

: Mai Thuc Lan, vice chairman of Vietnam’s National Assembly, visits China.

: Taiwan’s minister of economics, Lin Hsin-yi, leads a 46-member delegation to Manila to attend the ninth ROC-Philippine Economic and Trade Conference.

: Nguyen Phu Trong, secretary of the Hanoi VCP Committee and member of the VCP Politiburo, visits China and meets with Vice President Hu Jintao.

: Myanmar’s minister of finance and revenue, U Khin Maung Thien, visits China.

: Phan Dien, member of the Vietnam Communist Party (VCP) Politburo, visits China.

: ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting, Hanoi.

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