US - Korea
Chronology from May 2017 to Aug 2017
: The Wall Street Journal reports that “Korea passing” has entered South Korea’s public and leadership lexicon, as Seoul appears bypassed in the standoff with North Korea.
: President Trump tweets “talking is not the answer!,” although Defense Secretary Mattis cautions afterward that “we are never out of diplomatic solutions.”
: DPRK accuses the US of driving the Korean Peninsula to “explosion.” US proposes a UNSC statement condemning the latest DPRK launch and that all states “strictly, fully and expeditiously implement” sanctions. Kim Jong Un says missile test was for Guam.
: DPRK fires Hwasong-12 missile over Japan. Trump warns again that “all options are on the table,” and that the DPRK message is “loud and clear.”
: DPRK fires three short-range missiles from its east coast; one fails.
: Russia sends nuclear-capable bombers near South Korea and Japan. DPRK photos suggest a more powerful ICBM under development.
: President Trump suggests Kim Jong Un is “starting to respect” the US.
: North Korea threatens “absolute force” in response to UFG exercises. US Treasury targets Chinese and Russian entities for helping DPRK weapons development.
: ROK and US Combined Forces Command conduct the annual Ulchi Freedom Guardian military exercise. In addition, UN Command forces from seven countries, including Australia, Canada, Columbia, Denmark, New Zealand, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom, participate.
: President Trump praises Kim Jong Un for a “wise’ decision on Guam.
: President Moon warns the US against unilateral military action.
: DPRK delays Guam firing and US says that dialogue is up to Kim Jong Un. Defense Secretary Mattis says that if DPRK fires at the US, it could “escalate into war.”
: CIA Director Pompeo suggests DPRK likely to continue tests. US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford arrives in Asia and pushes diplomacy.
: Trump tweets that military solutions are “locked and loaded.”
: DPRK suggests it might fire missile into waters off Guam. Trump says his earlier comments might not have been “tough enough” and warns North Korea to get its “act together.”
: Secretary Tillerson states, “I do not believe there is any imminent threat,” from the DPRK, and that “Americans should sleep well at night.”
: DPRK states it is now making missile-ready nuclear weapons. Trump says US will meet DPRK threat with “fire and fury.” DPRK announces consideration of a plan to strike Guam. Former Defense Secretary Perry tweets that “nuclear deterrence is only effective if threats are deemed credible; bluster hurts our national security posture.”
: ROK and US agree to increase pressure on the DPRK. North Korea says it would use nuclear weapons only against the US. DPRK rejects nuclear talks and says US will “pay dearly.” China urges restraint.
: UN bans key DPRK exports over missile tests with 15-0 passage of UNSC resolution 2371. Chinese media stresses limits and condemns US “arrogance.”
: DPRK condemns US travel ban as a “sordid” limit on exchanges.
: National security advisers from the US, South Korea, and Japan hold a video conference to coordinate their response to North Korea’s missile and nuclear threats.
: Vice President Mike Pence says US won’t hold talks with North Korea. US bans travel to North Korea from Sept. 1, and advises all US citizens to leave the DPRK.
: Secretary of State Tillerson says to North Korea, “we are not your enemy,” expresses hope for dialogue “at some point,” and plays down talk of regime change.
: US flies bombers over Korean Peninsula. DPRK claims the entire US is within strike range of the Hwasong 14. Trump says China has done “nothing.”
: DPRK tests a second ICBM, the Hwasong 14, off its east coast. ROK pushes to build up its own missile defenses. Trump tweets disappointment in China.
: US intelligence agencies report that within one year the DPRK could have a missile that can reach US.
: US legislators strike deal on sanctions bill for Russia, Iran, and North Korea.
: US State Department announces a ban on US travel to the DPRK.
: Vice Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Paul Selva suggests DPRK lacks accuracy to hit US. DPRK dismisses ROK call for better ties as “nonsense.” US Navy chief asks PRC counterpart for help on DPRK.
: ROK proposes military talks, family visits, and opening of hotlines with DPRK.
: DPRK vows “corresponding measures” if UN adopts new sanctions.
: ROK prefers slow approach to KORUS FTA revisions. US prepares new sanctions on Chinese firms over DPRK ties.
: ROK contends that DPRK does not have ICBM reentry technology.
: US bombers conduct drill in South Korea. A North Korean ship raises weapons at a Japanese patrol boat.
: US seeks funds connected to DPRK from eight large banks. President Moon delivers historic Berlin address on unification at the Korber Foundation.
: China urges calm, while President Trump considers “severe things” over DPRK threat. Russia objects to UN condemnation and suggests the missile test was not of an ICBM.
: US tells North Korea it is prepared to go to war. UNSC holds emergency session.
: US and South Korea conduct military exercise that is described as a response to the North Korean missile launch on July 4.
: North Korea tests an ICBM using a PRC truck as a launch base and claims the ICBM can carry a large nuclear warhead. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson calls for global action.
: President Trump calls Prime Minister Abe and President Xi over DPRK threat.
: US head of missile defense states, “I would not say we are comfortably ahead of the threat” from the DPRK.
: Presidents Trump and Moon meet. Trump calls for firm response on North Korea and targets ROK on trade. The two presidents assert unity against DPRK provocations.
: Former Defense Secretary Perry and former senior officials urge Trump to begin dialogue with North Korea.
: White House announces Trump will press Moon at summit on trade deficits in steel and automobiles. US announces sanction of Chinese bank and individuals over DPRK financing.
: Defense Secretary Mattis meets former ROK Defense Minister Song Young-moo and says US troop commitment in ROK is “ironclad.”
: Samsung announces investment in a South Carolina factory ahead of presidential summit in Washington.
: ROK tests missile capable of striking all the DPRK. President Moon states that he and Trump share a “common goal.”
: DPRK tests rocket engine for possible ICBM launch. Japan and US fail to shoot down mock missile in-flight.
: President Moon calls Chinese President Xi Jinping to encourage more action on DPRK. Student Otto Warmbier laid to rest in Wyoming, Ohio.
: US B-1 bombers fly over the Korean Peninsula. US asks China to do more to rein in North Korea. China presses US to swap exercises for a DPRK freeze.
: Otto Warmbier dies days after release from the DPRK.
: Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Tom Shannon says DPRK poses a global threat over time. US blames DPRK for hacking spree and warns against more attacks.
: Defense Secretary Mattis describes the DPRK as the “most urgent” threat to security. Detained US student Otto Warmbier returns to the US in an unresponsive state.
: DPRK says it is “not far away” from an ICBM test.
: DPRK fires several ground-to-ship missiles, saying the test launch verifies “combat application efficiency.” Kim Jong Un reportedly supervised the launch.
: ROK suspends THAAD deployment. Head of US missile defense describes DPRK advances in missile development as being of “great concern.”
: DPRK rejects new UN sanctions.
: Defense Secretary James Mattis calls on China to do more on the DPRK situation and reassures Asian allies of US commitment.
: UNSC unanimously adopts resolution 2356 extending the number of DPRK individuals and entities under sanction, to include freezing assets and a travel ban.
: President Moon raises concern with visiting Sen. Richard Durbin over US military budget and missile defense.
: Blue House announces ROK Defense Ministry “intentionally dropped” THAAD units in report.
: Department of Defense tests a new anti-missile system over the Pacific.
: President Moon orders probe after claims that ROK military was hiding information on US THAAD deployment.
: DPRK claims its new missile can land within seven meters of target.
: Kim Jong Un observes anti-aircraft weapon and new guidance tests. DPRK launches a missile that lands in waters between Korea and Japan.
: ROK approves civilian contact with DPRK as a goodwill gesture.
: Rep. John Conyers and 63 other Democrats sign a letter urging a diplomatic approach to the DPRK and arguing against any US preventive attack.
: ROK announces US investments in advance of Washington summit.
: UNSC condemns North Korea’s latest missile test and directs its sanctions committee to redouble its efforts to implement existing sanctions.
: US, ROK, and Japan call for an emergency session of the UN Security Council to discuss the latest missile launch by North Korea.
: DPRK launches a missile from Pukchang. The missile flies 500 km, according to the ROK Joint Chiefs of Staff. DPRK asserts that the test confirmed its warhead guidance system is ready for deployment.
: China and South Korea urge an easing of tensions between US and North Korea.
: US Navy moves second carrier near the DPRK.
: ROK suggests reopening communications with the DPRK after its missile launch.
: Prominent nuclear specialist Siegfried Hecker suggests US send special nuclear envoy to North Korea.
: China signals it may back new sanctions after the DPRK missile test.
: DPRK tests missile in the 4,500 km range. The missile travels 700 km for 30 minutes and lands in waters between Korea and Japan.
: Yonhap reports that the DPRK would dialogue with the US under the right terms.
: President Trump advises President Moon that conditions must be right for dialogue with the DPRK before entering into talks.
: DPRK sends a letter of protest to the US House of Representatives over new US sanctions.
: Department of Defense suggests DPRK Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) have “important shortfalls.”
: Moon Jae-in inaugurated as president and vows to seek peace with the DPRK.
: Moon Jae-in elected president of the Republic of Korea.
: North Korea detains US citizen Kim Hak-song of PUST on suspicion of “hostile acts” against the DPRK.
: US House of Representatives approves tighter North Korea sanctions 419-1.
: DPRK accuses the CIA of an assassination plot against Kim Jong Un. The next day it describes the plot as a “biochemical” attack.
: DPRK announces April 22 detention of US citizen Kim Sang-dok, who taught accounting at Pyongyang University of Science and Technology (PUST), for “attempting to subvert the country.”
: DPRK protests flyover of US bombers.